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Sustainable Development and Operating Risk Management of Gucun Park in Shanghai

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Abstract. Nowadays with the rapid development of society, remarkable changes have been taken place in city life. The greening construction of the city can not meet the needs of the residents for the good environment. Recently, many large and medium-sized cities across the country have stepped up investment in country park, Its construction provides a good place to alleviate the pressure of life, Short-distance leisure for the city's residents. So it is worth exploring for Gucun Park that how to attract tourists in the fierce competition. The purpose of this paper is to stand in the height of the risk management system, putting forward the corresponding standardized risk response measures, which has great significance to the sustainable operation and development in the future.

Keywords: Gucun Park, sustainable development, operating risk, risk management

1. Overview of risk management about the country park

1.1 The definition and role of risk management in the park

Risk management is the method that identifies risk and control risk, its core is not expected to affect the future matters to a minimum [1]. For the park management risk is mainly refers to the operation and management due to losses caused by uncertain factors in the process of earnings caused by the loss. The purpose of risk management about the park is to analyze all the risk and control inside and outside the park.

1.2 The function of risk management in the park

Since our country is currently in the process of market transition and economic reform, the risk management system of park is not yet perfect. According to the thinking of risk management to design their own enterprise risk management system. Strengthen our country enterprise risk management to further with market practice, enhancing the risk resistance ability of the park.

2. Elements of the risk management system of the park

Park's risk management mainly uses profit angle and comprehensive perspective of the risks that may arise,Various embodiments in the park are the control and regulation of the organization, plan, method and program,its purpose is to prevent the target deviation or reduce the cost of risk management

Firstly, confirm the risk. The park facing the expectation, uncertainty, risk identification and assessment of professional system, is the first step in risk management.

Secondly, assessment of risk. Based on effective identification of possible risks to the park, predict and measure the overall impact on the risk and consequences.

Lastly, risk avoidance. Park managers should be based on the selected risk management countermeasures to formulate specific implementation scheme, And on the implementation in practice of timely feedback and adjust risk management measures [2].

3. Shanghai gucun park development situation

Gucun Park has a total about 430 hectares of land, which is a set of ecological protection, landscape and ornamental, leisure, entertainment, tourism and other functions in one of the large city country Forest Park. The first part of park is about 180 hectares of land, which has many gardens, zoos and forests, which the Park planning country forest park, exotic garden, forest barbecue garden, forest walk, children Carnival, recreational sports park, botanical garden, shanghai Baoshan International Folk Art Museum, theme park [3].

And the second part of park planning forest water park planning, forest meadow area, flower display area, fruit plantation, forest health theme park, which reflecting the harmony between man and nature of Ecological Philosophy. Gucun Park would bring tourists different kinds of feeling. In orchard area, which still can let visitors experience various agricultural activities, including digging bamboo shoots, pick the fruit and vegetables, etc.

4. The main risk faced by Gucun Park

operating management

Gucun Park is faced with risks and challenges in many ways, there are many factors affecting the development of the park, Coupled with the complexity in the process of implementing the concept of sustainable development, Therefore, the risk assessment and management for ecological tourism resource project becomes more and more important.

4.1 Potential business risk management in Shanghai City Park

A number of Shanghai City Park near 150, of which nearly 10 country Forest Park .Many parks are mostly located in the urban area and downtown location, whose scale is large and distinctive. This has the unique advantages of urban leisure development [4]. Some parks construction in shanghai is shown in Table.1.

Table 1. Some parks construction in shanghai

4.1.1 Risk factors from Shanghai Centry Park

City Park in Shanghai has developed relatively mature, in which the outstanding parks are century park and the Expo Garden. Shanghai Century Park is the largest park in Shanghai inner ring, which is full of a modern and wild nature. It is not only enriches the Shanghai city landscape, and providing people with a leisure, fitness, entertainment of green space, in addition effectively improve the urban ecological environment in particular the PuDong New Area. According to different age groups of tourists park demand, park holding annually in a different style of the theme of the exhibition to rich park cultural activities [5]. Another characteristic city park in Shanghai is the Expo Garden.

4.1.2 Risk factors from Shanghai Expo Garden

Shanghai had hosted the 2010 World Expo, which attracts millions of tourists from the country and all over the world. The park remains the main venue for visitors to visit, including the expo axis, the china pavilion, the theme pavilion, the expo center, and the expo performance center.

4.2 The surrounding ecological zones in Shanghai bring Potential business risk management to Gucun Park

Shanghai Chongming Island is the third largest island has abundant natural resources and ecological resources, The island is currently developing ecological attractions Dongping National Forest Park, Dongtan migratory birds protected areas, Xisha Wetland Park, Forests and wetlands coverage is very high, letting visitors more close to nature. At the same time, the island's farmhouse is also an important aspect of attracting tourists [6]. To "live in farm houses, eating rice farmers dry farmers live, enjoy farmhouse" as the unifying theme. This activity has attracted a large number of tourists come to experience the original life in Chongming Island every year [7].

4.3 The theme park in Shanghai bring Potential business risk management to Gucun Park

In 2009 Disney Park was officially approved in Shanghai, which will be China's second, Third Asian Disney Park. Increasing the theme park market demand is the market foundation of Disney in Shanghai, Disneyland theme park visitors are also the primary attraction group. In the development process of Disney formed its own unique model of industrial chain [8]. At present Disney in China only have derivative of consumer goods this business aspect. However, As the Disney Park in Shanghai, the whole industry chain will soon spread to china.

4.4 Risk factors from the surrounding industry plant

Shanghai Baosteel in the east of Baoshan District, and not far away from Gucun Park. As we all know, Baosteel is a collection of metallurgy, chemical, electric power for the integration of large-scale iron and steel enterprises. Whether the pollution level of pollutants in Baosteel emissions on atmospheric environment quality will affect the ecological quality Gucun Park is the tourists concern.

4.5 Operating risks and challenges from Yangtze River Delta region

With the arrival of the new century, China's tourism is facing new development. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang in the Yangtze River Delta, which are beautiful, rich and vigorous lands. Zhejiang and Jiangsu are among the provinces rich in tourism resources, tourism facilities and quality of service are better, The vigorous development of the surrounding area of Shanghai tourism brings to the Gucun Park is not only risk, but also challenges and opportunities [9].

Now tourism has increasing become a pillar industry in Shanghai area, In the sharp market competition, How to through the scientific, reasonable and healthy project management as well as lively and interesting travel arrangements, Making tourism resources during the tourists can still get good protection.

5. Strategies on risk prevention of Gucun Park

Operational risk refers to the response of the project risk identification and assessment, for a variety of different types of risks and their potential impact, the affordability of the project and project risk management objectives, to find the corresponding risk management strategies [10].The following paper is to summarize the above the avoidance method of Gucun Park.

5.1 Strategies for managing the risks of city park in Shanghai

Gucun Park as Shanghai's biggest country park, Century Park and the expo city parks differences mainly concentrated in three aspects, such as regional characteristics, landscape characteristics and functional characteristics. The advantage of that country park ecological park is more primitive, with a certain scale area. Based on the survey of country parks function shows that there are more than 70% visitors attractive to natural forest park [11].Attracted country park's types is shown in Fig.1.

Figure 1. Attracted country park's types

The main reason why many city park management are poor is that lack of personality, those parks are hardly attracted by visitors. Gucun Park is providing Four Seasons Flower tour. Four seasons flower tour. It is essential to enrich the connotation of Gucun ecological tourism zone. In 2013, Shanghai Gucun Park Cherry Blossom Festival lasted nearly 1 months, The cherry trees in the base 500 acres last year, added 300 acres this year, the cherry forest covers an area of 800 acres, the number reached more than 10000 lines, scattered throughout the park area. Gucun Park construction land area and the number of cherry blossoms are shown in the Tab.2.

Table 2. Gucun Park construction land area and the number of cherry blossoms

5.2 Measures for managing risk of Disneyland and ecological area in Shanghai

Disneyland will be opened in the year of 2015. As we all know, Disney Park not only focus more on produce joy to tourists, but also pay attention to their own management brand. Many productions for the Cherry Blossom Festival and Gucun Park design, whose souvenirs are not only both artistic and practical, but also a part of brand construction of Gucun Park.

For the domestic country park construction, focus on improving the quality of the park landscape, Therefore, Gucun Park can use good ecological conditions of the development of the industry, producing green fruit and vegetable demonstration park.

5.3 Strategies for managing the risks of Baosteel in Shanghai

Baosteel Group as the biggest steel iron in Shanghai, which plays important role of the economic development in Shanghai. Nowadays the government pays attention to strengthen economic and industrial restructuring and vigorously develops tourism.

Firstly, Baosteel Group is far away from the Gucun Park, which has little impact on the ecological environment of park.

Secondly, in recent years, Baosteel pays attention to environmental protection to promote green production and to build green baosteel. The standard of factory air quality has reached national scenic area, which is China's first national industrial tourism scenic spot.

5.4 Strategies for managing the risks of The Yangtze River Delta region

Baoshan district of Shanghai adjacent to Suzhou in Jiangsu province, their similar geographical background and convenient transportation, which make it easy to set up image and form the combination products. Shanghai develop tourism along with Jiangsu province, not only because they has the history, geography, social basis, and the objective material conditions but also it's a common need in two places.

6. Conclusion

Through the reasonable analysis of risk factors in management, the park can strengthen their sensitivity to risk, it is benefit to the management of Gucun Park. To realize the sustainable development of Gucun Park, we must avoid risk reasonably and effectively, enrich and strengthen the attraction and competitiveness of regional tourism, develop personal amusement projects, enhance the interactivity of scenic spots and tourists.


First of all, we are very grateful to the 3rd International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization provides academic exchange platform for us. In addition, we thank you for the congress organizing committee who work hard for the meeting. Once again, we would like to thank our sponsors of Shanghai college students' innovative training project (Code:CS1203007) help. Finally, I wish the conference a complete success.


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