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Dream and Work,the Source(源泉)of Inventions

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【精品阅读】 People often said Thomas Edison was the greatest genius of his age. There are only a few men in all of history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be pleased only because someone said he was a genius. “There is no such thing as genius,” Edison said. He thought what people called genius was mostly hard work①.

But Edison was a dreamer as well as a worker②. From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. He tried to understand them, and then he tried to learn what he could usefully do with them.

Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people would do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking could give men enjoyment and pleasure.

Edison could not understand how anyone could not be interested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what idea he had about life. “Work,” he answered,“Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.”He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work③.





【阅读赏析】本文着重描写了Thomas Edison勤于思考、善于探索、生命不止研究不息的科学家风范及其造福人类的发明贡献。

①本句话道出了爱迪生的天才观,即所谓天才,其实是辛勤工作的结果,不经过hard work的过程,就不可能有作为所谓genius的结果。

②本句中as well as相当于too;both and;not only but also,说明爱迪生不仅是个梦想家,同样是个善于把梦想付诸实践的实干家。正如短文最后一段中所说的As he loved to think, he also loved to work.


【理解测试】1. According to Thomas Edison, what’s genius?

A. Hard thinking. B. Hard work.

C. Useful dreams.D. Useful inventions.

2. After exploring the secrets of nature, Edison always tried to _____

A. write down what he had learnt

B. carry out a new experiment

C. make them useful in life

D. share them with others

3. Edison could not understand _________

A. how anybody enjoyed life

B. how anybody loved working

C. why anybody loved thinking

D. why anybody was tired of life

4. The last sentence in the passage means that _________

A. Edison was born to be a great inventor

B. Edison was able to live another 100 years

C. Edison was ready to make his 100th invention

D. life was too short for Edison to work for human beings

【答案解析】1. 从“He thought what people called genius was mostly hard work. ”可知答案为B。2. 从“He tried to understand them, and then he tried to learn what he could usefully do with them. ”可知答案为C。3. 从“Edison could not understand how anyone could not be interested in life.”可知答案为D。4.从“Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” 可知爱迪生乐意为人类做贡献,故答案为D。