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Comparative Analysis about the Sellers′ Income of Online Auction and Fixed Price

XIE Wen—rong, CHEN Hong—min

(Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200052)

Abstract: This paper first compares the difference of sellers′ income of online auction and fixed price in single product sales. Through considering the effect of deal probability, it explains why the conclusion of theoretical and empirical analysis always conflict with each other. Then it analyzes how the seller′s risk attitude affects the choice of online auction and fixed price. It is found that when there are only a few consumers, risk—averse seller prefers auction and risk—preference seller prefers fixed price; if there are lots of consumers, online auction will bring the seller more profit, no matter what is the seller′s risk attitude. Finally, it extends the analysis to multiple homogeneous products and supposes that in different periods some consumers will leave and enter the market randomly. It proves that the number of consumers in the first stage has more influence on the income of fixed—price sellers, and impact of new entrants is on the contrary. Only when there are quite many consumers exist in the market in the first stage, the profit of fixed—price sellers can exceed auction sellers. The more products sellers want to sell, the larger income auction sellers will obtain.

Key words: online auction; fixed price; risk preference; risk averse; sellers′ income


网络拍卖的运用始于1995年,伴随着eBay的诞生、成熟乃至于发展成为世界上最大的综合性购物网站,网络拍卖这种在网络交易中率先使用的交易方式逐渐普及,已被广泛运用于各交易网站中[1]。目前世界范围内的交易网站主要分为两类:综合性和专业性购物网站。顾名思义,前者可以买卖各类商品,而后者只集中于一类或几类商品的买卖。 eBay、eBid、OnlineAuction、Ha、uBid等都是较为著名的以拍卖交易为主的综合性购物网站,而专业性拍卖网站包括以珠宝饰品拍卖为主的bizs、jewelryroom;拍卖邮票的bidstart;拍卖旅游和运动用品的LuxuryLink和玩具拍卖网站Etsy、Bonanzle等等。在中国,网络拍卖的使用并不如固定价格普遍,除了孔夫子旧书网涉及书籍藏品拍卖外,专业性网站基本都是采用固定价格交易的,综合性网站中淘宝占有统治地位[2],初期淘宝网上只有固定价格交易,后来逐渐出现拍卖,2011年5月,淘宝设立了拍卖专区,许多商品拍卖交易的活跃程度大大提高。
