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CE: Teens 在2009年7月号的“口语角”中选录了关于“世界末日”这个主题的迷你剧《月殒天劫》,感兴趣的同学可以再次回味哦!

Host: French researchers are predicting doom for Planet Earth.

Hostess: They believe neighboring planets could stray[偏离] out of orbit and collide[相撞] with the Earth billions of years from now. David Shukman explains their theory.

A view of Earth from orbit and a strange question: how long would it last? Scientists have long known about the violent events that formed solar system. But now they’ve studied the movements of our nearest neighbors.Mars, they reckon[测算], could drift uncomfortably close or do this   if we’re really unlucky, it could actually collide with us. Literally, the end of the world.

So what exactly is this research saying? Well, one key thing that the orbits of the planets which look steady aren’t all that regular. Over the years, some start to move pretty wildly. These are the projected tracks. And the odds[可能性] are that will lead to a very big collision in about 3 billion years’ time.

With that long to go, the researcher involved doesn’t look too worried. But amid the old instruments of the observatory in Paris where he works, he has a doom-laden[装满的] message about the future and what a collision would eventually mean.

Expert: It would be totally devastating[毁灭性的] because the relative speed is very high. They go at ten kilometers per second. So it’s ten times the velocity[速度] of a bullet. And the impact is enormous. Everything will be destroyed on Earth.

Until now, the worry has been one of these, an asteroid[小行星]. It’s thought one of them finished off the dinosaurs. Think what a planet would do. But this is just a computer graphic. The calculations may be wrong. The only people who need to react to this research are film producers in Hollywood.






