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Two Scholars Visit Ningxia

By Niu Erhui

Last year, Yu Qiuyu and Yi Zhongtian visited Ningxia, a Hui autonomous region in northwestern China. The celebrated scholars caused a sensation. Their books in the local bookstores were sold out during their stays and the spellbound local residents could not stop talking about the interesting things that came up in their printed essays and nationwide televised lectures on Chinese culture and history.

Yu came to Ningxia in October, 2006. His lecture at the Great Hall of the People in Yinchuan, the capital of the autonomous region, was introduced by Zhang Xianliang, a writer who was famed in the last two decades of the 20th century for exploring complicated relations between man and woman. Zhang began his introduction with these remarks, "There are three kinds of people in our country: those who need to introduce themselves by dishing out business cards to everyone they meet, those whose official or honorary titles are ingratiatingly mentioned by others, and those who are known everywhere without needing any introduction or business cards. Yu Qiuyu belongs to the last group."

In his lecture, Yu Qiuyu offered insights into Chinese culture. After the lecture, Zhang and Yu exchanged their views on the topic of cultural influences. After taking the scholar around the television and film production base which Zhang runs, Zhang introduced me to Yu Qiuyu, saying that I was a rare cultural phenomenon. I have an ability to write the characters of a Chinese name into a classic poem. In such a poem, each character of the name appears at the beginning of a line and becomes a natural part of that line, and all the characters of the name are arranged in the right sequence.

Over the past five years, I have written more than 80,000 such name poems for tourists and visitors, including cultural celebrities and diplomats. The most amazing writing episode occurred when I wrote 28 poems at one sitting in 67 minutes for 28 Chinese diplomats who had just been appointed ambassadors. This time, I wrote a poem including the name of Yu Qiuyu and presented to him the poem and a fan with an inscription penned in the written language of the Western Xia Dynasty (1038-1227) which once ruled today's Ningxia. In return, Yu wrote a poetic inscription for me.

Shortly after Yu's visit to Yinchuan, Yi Zhongtian came to visit. Yi, a high-profiled scholar whose televised lectures on the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) have caused a national sensation, spoke at the International Film City, a facility of the Ningxia Film House. After the lecture, Yi and Zhang Xianliang had a dialogue on history. Zhang praised Yi's efforts to present history in a lucid and understandable way to ordinary people. According to Zhang, Yi has inspired more Chinese people to learn more about the motherland's culture and tradition. Zhang commented that Yi's contribution to the Chinese culture could never be overestimated. Yi observed that history was the collective memory of our nation, an important part of a nation's cultural spirit. He emphasized the importance of history because he believed the loss of history could lead to the loss of our national spirit.

Naturally, Zhang Xianliang took Yi to my studio. I wrote a poem that contained the three characters of Yi's name and also inscribed on a fan. Yi wrote me an inscription in return. He promised to write another inscription afterwards. Three months later, he sent me the promised inscription.

(Translated by David)