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Reflection and reconstruction: The evaluation system of the construction of the

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Abstract. In this paper, the author reflects the evaluation and appraisal systems for the construction of the characteristic specialty. Guided by the selection of the contents and the path of the construction of the characteristic specialty, from the dimension of reviewing the problems existing in the construction, with the defects of the deliberative evaluation index as the power of the correction, on the foundation of distinguishing the necessity of the construction of the evaluation, the author treats the construction and the innovation as the connotation of the evaluating indexes, refers to the data for the professional evaluation as the reference model, and reconstructs the evaluation systems of the construction of the characteristic specialty.

Keywords: reflection and reconstruction; local colleges; characteristic specialty construction; evaluation system

The characteristic specialty construction is a complicated system engineering of the quality, and is also the basis for the sustainable development of the university disciplines. How should we build the characteristic specialty? How can we guarantee the quality in the construction of the specialty? We believe that the evaluation and acceptance of the quality of the characteristic specialty construction is the path selection and means of guaranteeing the quality of the construction. The reconstruction of the scientific and perfect appraisal index system of the characteristic specialty construction is the key, and is the working platform to guarantee the quality of the characteristic specialty construction.

1. Defects of the evaluation indexes of the characteristic specialized construction

1-1. The evaluation indexes of the characteristic specialized construction lack the classification.

In 2007, the evaluation index of the national characteristics specialized construction was synchronous with the professional assessment and the evaluation of the undergraduate teaching, which was undoubtedly stamped as "unified", appearing the "rating assessment without the classification". After three to six years of the construction, it faces the new challenges of the "undergraduate teaching projects", making the defects of the original evaluation index occur frequently, and the expired and distorted index and the problem that the circumstances change with the passage of time are disposed from time to time. The connotation of the evaluating indexes will face the situation of the increase and decrease, which gives birth to the new challenges of the professional certification of the third parties. Chen Shaobin also thinks that if we do not distinguish the classification of the review of the characteristic specialty construction, it will not be conducive to the review. [1] Especially some of the local universities in China are facing the new opportunities of the transformation and the reform and the development of the vocational and technical education with the Chinese characteristics, the classification, assessment and the special evaluation will also become the route one must take for the third party institutions to carry on the professional certification.

1-2. The design of the index system is not perfect, with the lack of the complete scientificalness.

Among many problems in the evaluation indexes, the author will list the three cases confined to the length of this article. First, the major and the curriculum construction indexes lack the chief responsibility system of the construction of the profession or the courses. Second, the indexes of the teaching staff cannot reflect the requirements of the diversification of the abilities of the teachers, and also do not reflect the coordinated operation of the two groups of the teaching staff of the localization and the non-localization, which not only do not conform to the standard of the internationalization of the education, but also do not accord with the requirements of the professional construction and the innovation of the mode of the talents training. Third, the indexes of the practical teaching, lack the contents of the training of the innovation and entrepreneurship of the college students, and the range of the quality guarantee is narrow, and the weight value is low. Fourth, when the education is in the period of the internationalized development, the evaluation index has no requirements of the index connotation with the international orientation.

1-3. The reference values of the quantifiable indicators have the lowering trend.

In the quantifiable indicators, the demand of the teaching staff that those with the master's degree (containing) or above ≥ 80% is too low. The academic degree of the teachers in a majority of the local undergraduate colleges has reached the master degree, and the ratio of the teachers with the PhD has been increasing year by year. Second, the professors and the associate professors under 55 years old will instruct at least one professional basic course or the specialized course every year for the undergraduate students, which is similar to the general professional standards, and even the assessment of a few of the newly-established undergraduate professions can reach the standard, which is believed to be the source of quality of the desalination of the specialty construction. On the other hand, after the implementation of the classification management of the teachers, the title types and classes also made new demands for the standards of the teachers.

2. The necessity and the value application of the evaluation of the characteristic specialty construction

2-1. The interpretation of the necessity of the evaluation from the dimension of the cognition of the characteristic connotation

Since 2007, there have been 3453 national characteristic specialties that the universities throughout the country set up the projects to construct, and the implementation of the plans and measures for the construction and reform has entered the "deep water area" successively. The transformation of the concepts of the talents cultivation, the re-consideration and the expansion of the extension of the connotation of the character concepts, and the expression of the unique characteristics are no longer the past contingency and progressive representation language that "I have what others haven't", "Ours are excellent while others just have", "Ours are special while others are excellent", and are not the description of the characteristics about "the early educational goals, the teaching staff, the curriculum systems, the teaching conditions, and the training qualities" and other aspects. In more than six years of the construction, the constant enrichment of the connotation of the construction and the expansion of the extension led to more stock of the construction factors, and also broaden the paths of forming the professional characteristics, activate the professional construction factors as the potential or dominant characteristic factors, and form more highlights of the specialized construction and the reform demonstrations, and the bright bands of the characteristic radiation. Through the evaluation and analysis, it will fully reflect the deeper values of the characteristics of the specialty that the construction of the characteristic specialty generates, and have more significant social values.

2-2. The interpretation of the importance of the evaluation from the dimension of the environment of the professional construction

From the perspective of the cognition of the environment of the construction of the characteristic specialty, the 3453 national characteristic specialties come from 817 universities, and they have their own unique educational environment. From the point of view of the attribute of the management, there are the subordinate colleges and the provincial universities. The local universities are divided into the key universities of the provinces, municipalities and districts, the ordinary colleges, the newly-built colleges and other types. The school history of the specialty of these local colleges ranges, and there are bound to exist the differences in the school strength. The qualities and effects of the professional construction also is not the same for all of course, and the verification of the different qualities and effects that the different conditions and environments of running the schools of the construction of the characteristic specialty generate requires the high perspicacity of the strength of running the colleges.

2-3. Judge the assessment value of the dimension of the security of the construction of the characteristic specialty

The assessment and acceptance are the means of guarantee of the construction of the characteristic specialty based on the monitor. We think that the value of the assessment lies in the sum of the multi values of the analysis of the results, or in the effective release of the connotation and potential of the multiple indexes and the analysis of the value judgment. No matter what type of the evaluation is, we will have the diagnostic value which is not equivalent to the evaluating objects, which also reflect the reliability and validity of the assessment itself. Qu Yi defines the point of view that the "professional assessment has the guiding, promoting and normative roles in the system of the quality assurance". [2] Undersecretary of the Minister of Education Du Yubo pointed out in the speech of the "Report-back meeting of the pilot work Audit assessment" that "the evaluation is responsible for the country, to serve the schools, and becoming full-grown and growing into the useful timber of the students. And the assessment concerns the overall situation of the quality of the higher education, and we must unswervingly carry on it". The narration of this speech on the functional values of the evaluation will be more conducive to the implementation of the strategy to "promote the construction", "promote the management", and "promote the reform" with the evaluation.

3. Sincere behavior: the reconstruction of the evaluation systems for the construction of the characteristic specialty of the local colleges and universities

The construction and evaluation of the characteristic specialty is a dynamic process of continuous improvement. To reconstruct the evaluation system of the characteristic specialty, we plan to set and introduce 9 Class One indicators. [3] The indexes of the Class Two, and the connotation mainly takes the "range of the assessment and the audit of the undergraduate teaching", and the "index system for the professional evaluation of the awarding of the Bachelor's degree" as the reference template. At the same time, through the network, the author conducted the survey of the construction targets, the construction schemes, the expected results, the school support and guarantee and other main connotation data of the notification and the assignment books of the characteristic specialty in more than 10 universities including the clinical medicine specialty in Shihezi University. In the 9 indexes of Level One, there are eight comprehensive evaluation indexes, and one evaluation index of the characteristic project and in the 26 indexes of Level Two and their several observation points, there are the corresponding standards for the scores.

3-1. The eight comprehensive evaluation indexes (percentage, the overall appraisal, accounting for 70%)

3-1-1. School running ideas and the construction goals (8 points)

(1) The concepts of the professional education (the value M=2): ① Taking the growing into the useful timber of the students as the orientation, and the teaching as the center, pay equal attention to the service of the students and the education of the students, and pay equal attention to the teaching of the basic theories and the teaching of the professional practice. ② Perfect the evaluation mechanism for the teachers with the teaching and research as the orientation, the evaluation mechanism of the students with the process evaluation as the core, and the social control mechanism with the quality standards as the goal.

(2) The professional orientation (the value M=3): ① Have the clear target of the training of the professions, the professional education of the bachelor's degree in line with the national standards, with the international perspectives, in line with the national and the industrial standards, to serve the local economy, the regional economy, and the development needs of the industries, to promote the combination of the "production, teaching and research" and the transformation of the scientific research achievements.

(3) The construction planning (the value M=3): ① The planning and implementation of the construction of the characteristic specialty. ② The construction of the specialty and the teaching reform.

3-1-2. The teaching staff (18 points)

(1) The quality status (the value M=5): ① The teachers have the qualifications of the posts; ② the state of the quantity and the structure of the local teaching staff; ③ the state of the structure of the non-native teachers; ④ the professors, and the associate professors ≥ 75%, the masters (including) and the higher education degree ≥ 95%.

(2) The training of the teachers (the value M=4): ① The systems of the training of the teachers and the classified management; ② the situation of the plans of the training of the teachers and the annual implementation; ③ use the diversified social resources to improve the features and levels of the teachers' specialty and the practical abilities.

(3) The use of the teachers (the value M=4): ① The professional and major courses should be taught by the professors and the associate professors; ② the professors and the associate professors under 55 years old laying equal stress on the teaching and the research or dominated by the teaching should teach at least two or three basic professional courses or the professional major courses each year for the undergraduates respectively.

(4) The teaching, research, the scientific research and the awards (the value M=5): ① The projects of the teaching, researches and the achievements and the projects of the scientific research and the achievements; ② the achievements that have won the national award of the teaching achievements ≥1, or the prize of the ministerial and provincial teaching achievements ≥2 or the first prize of the departmental teaching achievement award ≥3.

3-1-3. The teaching resources and the use (10 points)

(1) The teaching conditions and facilities (the value M=4): ① The infrastructure of the teaching (including the laboratories, the practice bases, the library books and reference materials, and the campus network construction and so on) should meet the needs of personnel training; ② the situation of the application of the informationization teaching resources; ③ the network video platform of the famous teachers and classes; ④ the professional books and periodical resources and the application; ⑤ Other shared resources.

(2) The investment and the use of the funds (4 points): ① The policy measures to protect the investment of the funds to construct the specialties, courses and teaching materials, the introduction of the talents, and the construction of the professional teaching staff; ② the annual changes of the funds for the construction of the specialties; ③ the special situation of the special funds for the characteristic specialty.

(3) The environment for the talents (2 points): ① The purposes and motives of the study; ② the teaching ethos and the style of the study; ③ the construction of the campus cultures and the curriculum cultures.

3-1-4. The training programs (6 points)

(1) The formulation and the implementation of the training plans (the value M=6): ① The formulation of the training plans should be scientific and reasonable, and have the international vision, and conform to the requirements of the nation, the industries and the standards of the universities; ② the status of the implementation of the training schemes; ③ the adjustment of the training schemes and the analysis of the reasons.

3-1-5. The curriculums and the teaching materials (12 points)

(1) The construction of the curriculums (the value M=6): ① The situation of the construction and implementation of the curriculum; ② the national excellent courses that have been built in the past five years ≥1, the provincial excellent courses ≥2, and the excellent courses of the university level ≥3.

(2) The construction of the teaching materials (the value M=6): ① The system of the construction and selection of the textbooks; ② the ratio of using the teaching materials published in the recent three years ≥95%; ③ supervise the publication of the national or provincial or the departmental planned teaching materials, and when the winning materials on the provincial and ministerial level (containing), no less than 2 in the recent five years.

3-1-6. The practical teaching (16 points)

(1) The system of the practical teaching (the value M=3): ① The whole process of the practical teaching system should be scientific and reasonable, in line with the requirements of the training objectives.

(2) The teaching objectives and the teaching contents (the value M=4): ① The implementation of the teaching objectives should reflect the training of the abilities, enhance the students' perceptual knowledge of the curriculum contents, grasp the methods, steps and means of the experimental technologies; ② the practical teaching contents should be stable and pay attention to the update of the contents and methods.

(3) The practice bases (the value M=4): ① have the stable off-campus base for the internships, and meet the teaching requirements of the graduation practice, and the management of the practice processes should be standardized.

(4) The construction of the laboratories (the value M=5): ① The experimental teaching facilities and equipment should be advanced, with high utilization rates; ② according to the requirements of the practice of the teaching syllabus, the rate of the compulsory course experiments should be 100%. And the comprehensive and the designed experimental teaching should occupy ≥80% of the total number of the experimental teaching; ③ have the innovation and entrepreneurial training bases, and use the bases to carry out the extracurricular training activities of the science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship, with the wide open range, the wide coverage, and the good effects.

3-1-7. Quality assurance (14 points)

(1) Quality assurance systems (the value M=5): ① Have the system of the sound organizations of the quality assurance and the system of the person of the first responsibility; ② the professional quality goals and meet the needs of the professional development; ③the construction of the teaching and management staff.

(2) The operation of the quality control (the value M=5): ① The whole-process monitoring and the effects of the teaching quality in the schools; ② the monitoring and effects of the process of the formation of the teaching quality; ③ the monitoring and effects of the provincial quality outside the schools.

(3) The application of the quality information and the improvement of the quality problems (the value M=4): ① The statistical analysis and feedback of information and data on the basic situation of the professional construction, and the annual reporting system of the professional information; ② the goals, plans and implementation of the reform of the specialty, and the quality and effect of the rectification.

3-1-8. The training qualities and the social reputation (16 points)

(1) The quality of the cultivation of the talents (the value M=8): ① the students' comprehensive qualities; ② the projects of the academic researches, the scientific researches and the results; ③ the employment rate of the graduates and the postgraduate entrance examination; ④ the various results and the awards of the competitive activities; ⑤ the state of the sports and the fitness.

(2) The social reputation (8 points): ① The satisfaction of the students to the profession; ② the satisfaction of the employers of the graduates; ③ the attention of the social media on the profession, and the reports of the excellent personnel in the recent five years of the graduates.

3-2. One evaluation index of the characteristic projects (percentage, the overall appraisal, accounting for 30%)

3-2-9. Characteristic projects and the functions and roles (100 points)

(1) The characteristics of the specialty and the development of the specialty (the value M=40): ① the characteristic projects of the self choosing and reporting professions, and describe the basic characteristics and the performance of the unique styles according to the classification of the characteristics of the specialty; ② the paths and mechanisms of the formation of the specialty; ③ the analysis of the advantages and opportunities for the development of the characteristic professions.

(2) The demonstration and guidance (the value M=30): the leading role played by the existing characteristic projects in the local universities, the professions or the professional groups.

(3) Irradiation and acceleration (the value M=30): the functions of the promotion and the radiation of the existing characteristic projects in the local economy, the regional economy, and the development of the industry.

4. The calculation and results of the results of the evaluation, and the management of the states

4-1. The total scores of the assessment and the calculation of the results

4-1-1. The calculation methods of the total score of the evaluation indexes: The evaluation indexes can be divided into two parts of the comprehensive index and the character index (200 points in total), and score respectively with the percentile. The total score of the evaluation indexes should be the sum of the scores of 70% of the scores of the evaluation of the comprehensive index and 30% of the scores of evaluation of the character index.

4-1-2. The calculation method of the values of the evaluation indexes: of the first to the eighth comprehensive evaluation indexes, establish the corresponding assessment criteria, divided into four grades. Use the percentile in the scoring, and the calculation formula of the scores of the comprehensive evaluation indexes is M= ∑KiMi, where Ki is the coefficient of the rating of the scores, and the coefficient of the A, B, C, D is respectively 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, and 0.4.

The evaluation of the index calculation of the ninth characteristic project: directly use the percentile for the scoring, the total score of the three items of the characteristics and advantages, the demonstration and leading roles, and the radiation and promoting effects is 100, which should be calculated respectively, and the final actual score should be the sum of the scores of the three items, expressing that the special evaluation emphasizes the professional characteristics.

4-2. The judgment and report of the evaluation results

The evaluation results of the construction of the characteristic specialty are divided into the four grades of the excellent, the good, the general, and the unqualified. Those whose score ≥90 are the outstanding, ≥80 are the best, ≥60 are the qualified, and

4-3. The management of the states of the assessment results and the conclusions

The data management of the status of the evaluation results can take the incentive or restraint means of the quality management of the construction of the characteristic specialty, and truly reflect the construction of the characteristic specialty and the development of the basic values as well as the value of the noumenon of the assessment. Therefore, the information of the state of the assessment results or the conclusions should use the dynamic management mode, namely, for the construction points of the characteristic specialties whose assessments are qualified and the above levels should be awarded the "excellent" or the "good" or the "qualified" certificate of the "national characteristic specialty" respectively by the evaluation subjects, and correspondingly mark the validity period of "five years" or "four years" or "three years". For the "unqualified" professions after the assessment and acceptance under the construction, we can apply for the review after extending another year of the construction, and those which are still not qualified after the review will cancel the construction point of the characteristic specialty.

5. Acknowledgements

The research findings of the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education (Project Number of the planning fund: 10YJA880136).


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