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1. Your mom's new job means a major move to another state. Are you nervous about your first day at a new school?

A) Nervous? Try terrified. You have no clue how to dress, act or breathe.

B) Big-time! You're always up for an awesome adventure.

C) A little bit—you're trying to go with the flow1).

2. You were way excited to make basketball cheerleading. First day back at school, though, you find out the cheering team's been axed2) due to budget cuts. How do you deal?

A) You shrug it off3). It's a bummer4) but, hey, you'll have time to take guitar lessons.

B) You refuse to even consider a new activity. You wanted to cheer. End of story.

C) You ask the coach if you and your buds could raise funds for the team.

3. Your parents tell you they're adopting a baby girl. What's your biggest concern?

A) That you won't be able to spend enough time with your new baby sister.

B) That your parents will get so involved with the baby that they'll totally forget you're alive.

C) That you might turn into a built-in5) babysitter, but you'll roll6) with things as they happen.

4. You've been looking forward to going skiing Saturday with your BFF. Friday night, you come down with7) a severe case of flu. Should you suck it up8) and still go skiing?

A) Nope, that's way selfish—you'll make everybody else sick, too!

B) Sure. The cold mountain air will probably bring down your fever.

C) If you still feel uncomfortable in the a.m., you'll pass.

5. You're watching TV with your BFF when she suddenly says, "Let me do a head-to-toe makeover on you!" Are you into it?

A) OK. It's no biggie. If you don't like the look she gives you, you can just go back to the original you.

B) Yes. You are so happy with sporting a new look.

C) No way! What if you turn out all Godzilla's9) granddaughter?

6. You aced10) your audition for The Wizard of Oz11). You're sure your drama teacher will cast you as Dorothy, but it turns out you only made Munchkin. How do you deal?

A) You stomp12) off to find the teacher and huff13), "There's been some mistake here. I am Dorothy!"

B) You shake off the disappointment. Even with a small part, you'll have a total blast.

C) You vow to become better onstage by learning all you can in this show. If you work hard enough, next time you'll snag the lead!

7. Your English grades are so groovy14) and your teacher recommends you switch to a super-tough honors class. Do you make the move?