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The next time you run into problems with a writing project, imagine the sort of help a great editor might provide:

“Max Perkins…was famous for his ability to inspire an author to produce the best that was in him or her. More a friend to his authors than a taskmaster[工头], he aided them in every way. He helped them structure their books, if help was needed; thought up titles, invented plots; he served as psychoanalyst[心理分析师], lovelorn[失恋的] adviser, marriage counselor[顾问], career manager, money-lender. Few editors before him had done so much work on manuscripts[手稿], yet he was always faithful to his credo[信条], ‘The book belongs to the author.’” (A. Scott Berg, Max Perkins: Editor of Genius, 1978)

From 1910 until his death in 1947, Scribner’s legendary editor Maxwell Perkins nurtured[培养] and inspired such notable[著名的] authors as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald注1, Marjorie Rawlings注2, Ring Lardner注3, and Thomas Wolfe注4.

Yet somehow, even near the end of his life, Perkins found time to counsel would-be writers as well. In May 1945, he responded to a young serviceman who had sought his advice about a writing career:

“I think, in truth, that the best writing of all is done long after the events it is concerned with, when they have been digested[消化] and reflected upon unconsciously[无意识地], and the writer has completely realized them in himself. It is good journalistic writing that is done quickly while everything is still new, but not the best writing…

As to perhaps a couple years of college, I should think that might be of great advantage, in a general sense, but don’t try to learn about writing there. Learn something else. Learn about writing from reading. That is the right way to do it. But then it can only be done by those who have eyes and ears, by seeing and listening…

The way they teach literature and writing in college is harmful. It results in one getting into the habit of seeing everything through a kind of film of past literature, and not seeing it directly with one’s own senses…

I would say that a couple of years in the newspaper business was much better for one who wanted to be a writer than a couple of years in college. But there are, of course, other advantages that come from college.” (Editor to Author: The Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins, edited by John Hall Wheelock, 1979)

Perkins, of course, was writing in a different era―years before the proliferation[扩散] of creative writing programs and the decline of the newspaper industry. Yet the heart of his message still rings true.

In a letter to another hopeful young author, Perkins said, “What really makes writing is done in the head, where impressions are stored up[积聚], and it is done with the eye and the ear. The agony[痛苦] comes later, when it has to be done with the hand, and that part of it can gain greatly from seeing how others do it, by reading.”











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麦克斯威尔・柏金斯(Maxwell Perkins,1884―1947)是美国出版史上一位传奇人物。柏金斯出生于纽约。1907年从哈佛大学毕业后,第一份工作是在《纽约时报》当记者;1910年,他进入斯克里布纳之子公司担任广告经理一职;1914年转战编辑部,从此展开他一生最重要的编辑事业。

1917年,柏金斯开始和一位有志创作的年轻人通信,为了能顺利出版他的作品,柏金斯历经一番奋战,不顾出版社反对,坚持买下这位年轻人处女作的版权。在1920年,终于出版了《尘世乐园》(This Side of Paradise)。此书出版后深获好评,被认为是反映时代的一部佳作,这个年仅24岁、原本默默无闻的年轻人――F.斯科特・菲茨杰拉德,自此一举成名。柏金斯与菲茨杰拉德,两人联手宣告年轻爵士时代的来临;也从此展开柏金斯与多位重要作家的共事经验。

1925年,菲茨杰拉德在巴黎认识了一位刚出道的穷作家,该作家正在撰写自己的第一部长篇小说,于是菲茨杰拉德将他推荐给柏金斯;他就是日后在文学领域占有举足轻重地位的欧内斯特・海明威。1926年,柏金斯帮助海明威出版其成名作《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rises),正式将这位小说家引入美国文坛。
