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How Does China Introduce Returned Overseas Students and Scholars to Start Their

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Stating from the “Recruitment Program of Global Experts” announced by the central personnel work coordination group in December 2008, the talents introduction program of China has been carried out step by step across the country. This paper analyzes the challenges that China faces in the world talents competition by reviewing and summarizing the experiences and development history of returned students in starting their own businesses in China and also gives related suggestions at last.

Keywords: Returned students; Establish a business in China; China; Experience; Challenges; Suggestions


Les personnels du Groupe de coordination du central a publié en symbole de la (?Plannification de mille personnes???)?qui?est?la???Plannification?d’exécution?du?retour? des?personnels?de?haut?niveau?ayant?étudiés?à?l’étranger??? en Décembre 2008, cette action a été menée à travers tout le pays. A la conclusion du présent texte, nous avons revu le parcours des expériences et le développement de travail de création de carière menés par les étudiants ayantétudiés?à?l’étranger,?il?a?analysé?les?challenges?que?les?chinois doivent faire face devant la concurrence des talents internationaux, et a également formuler des suggestios pertinentes.

Mots clés: Etudiants?à?l’étranger;?Retourner?dans?le? pays?à?la?création?d’activité?professionnelle;?La?Chine;? L’expérience;?Défi;?Des?suggestions CAI Xuejun, FAN Wei (2012). how does china introduce returned overseas students and scholars to start Their Own Business? Experiences, Challenges and Suggestions. Cross-Cultural Communication, 8(1), 1-6. Available from: URL: www.cscanada. net/index.php/ccc/article/view/j.ccc.1923670020120801.669 DOI: /10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020120801.669.

Introducing returned students to serve their own country by various means is a real and effective method for countries all over the world, especially developing countries, to participate in the international talents competition. It is also a valuable experience for China when carrying out open talents policies to develop and make use of international resources of human talents. The “Compendium of Long-Term National Plan for Developing Talents (2010-2020)” promulgated in 2010 emphasizes that China will carry out more open policies for talents and introduce high-level overseas talents to start businesses in China.


By reviewing and summarizing the development history of returned students establish their own businesses in China and combined with achievements of investigation and researches, we think that China has accumulated various valuable experiences during introducing and supporting students studying abroad going back to China. These experiences can be mainly summarized as follows:

1.1 The Government Plays Dominant Part and Pays High Attention

Since the reform and open-up, especially recent years, governments of all levels always emphasize that overseas talents mainly made up by students studying abroad are important and indispensable resources in Chinese modernization construction. We need to stick to the principles of studying abroad that “supporting talents study overseas, encouraging them returning home and they are also have their freedom in making decision on whether come back

or not” to treat the process of introducing and supporting talents studying abroad to serve China as the essential part of Chinese talents training work. In addition, it is also essential for us to draw up macroscopic development strategies, perfect policy system, complete the working coordinating mechanism, establish service system, carry out entrepreneur supporting plans and try our best to build good environment for returned students to start their own businesses in China.

1.2 Setting up Overall Plans and Stressing the Key Point

Combined with the development of Chinese economic society, especially the need of the economic structural adjustment, we need to make whole plans on using and developing internal and external talents resources. It is always essential for us to introduce high level international talents as the key point in the process of bringing in returned students to start their own businesses when we have been boosting the training of domestic talents. Through introducing high level returned students, we still have to strengthen the ability in self-dependent innovation, speed up the development of high and new tech enterprises and modern service industry, promote industries upgrading and transition of the economic development mode.

1.3 Respecting Personality and Strengthening Services

Returned students who start businesses in China have the advantage in grasping foreign advanced technologies and management experiences. They are familiar with international market regulations and have wide connections between overseas persons as well as great ability in comprehending cross-culture communications. In addition, they can get well understanding about domestic laws and regulations and market environment. They have the ability in resolving tough problems in social and cultural lives, children attending schools, settling family members, housing, leaving and coming back to the country and other difficulties?etc..?Therefore,?governments?in?all?levels?always? treat complete and perfect entrepreneurship services construction as a very important task. They have to draw up special supporting policies according to the characteristics and real requirements of returned students, build high-tech business incubators for them, perfect entrepreneurship service functions and networks, solve properly real problems in?returned?students’?work?and?lives?and?so?that?to?give? powerful support for returned students to start businesses in China.

By summing up the research results and various suggestions, we suggest that in the current and future periods we need to start from building an innovative country and carrying out strategies that talents strengthen the country. After this, we have to open our minds further, improve the knowledge of the whole society about the importance and urgency of introducing students from abroad to establish businesses in China. We should follow the need of the development of economic society, pay great attention to

high-level innovative talents, strengthening the support from government, complete service system, and realize the transformation that entrepreneurs increasing in quality instead of quantity so that to give talents support for creating innovative country, promoting transforming of economic development mode and improving ability in competing with other countries in the international competition for talents. Therefore, we give the following 5 suggestions:

3.1 Open Our Minds Further and Improve Public’s Knowledge about the Importance and Urgency of Introducing Students from Abroad to Establish Businesses in China

(1) Investigate and draw up development plans for returned students to start businesses in China. Clarify the target mission, objects, scope, key points of the industry of introducing talents from overseas to start businesses in China, uniform minds, make clear of the task, gather power, accelerate development and improve the position and function of introducing talents from overseas to establish businesses in China in implementing the strategy of strengthening our country by talents. We need to recognize that introducing talents from overseas to start businesses in China as an important measure in competing in the international competition for talents, strengthening construction of high-level innovative entrepreneurs team and improving transformation of economic development mode.

(2) Build up database for leading entrepreneurs studied abroad. Carefully sum up the successful cases of entrepreneurship of returned students, promote their experiences, and make the modeling and leading effect work among all companies. Strengthen publicity and recognition of excellent returned entrepreneurs.

(3) Strengthen popularization of the research of entrepreneurship discipline and knowledge. Entrepreneurship is a high-risk activity. Generally speaking, the highest survival rate of entrepreneurship is around 20%. Therefore, we need to take fully consideration about the“risk”, “complexity”, “dynamics”, and “uncontinuity”of entrepreneurship when doing entrepreneurship design and creating entrepreneurship environment so that we can make a better social environment for encouraging entrepreneurship and accepting failure.

(2) Take advantage of the basic function from market allocation of resources and resolve the difficulty of financing.?Firstly,?set?up?entrepreneurship?funds?for?talents? studying abroad by the government and offers more support for companies in the pioneer stage. Secondly, build up guarantee mechanism for entrepreneurship. Secondly, establish entrepreneurship guarantee mechanism. The government should invest the directing funds for companies started by returned students and provide credit guaranty for them to attract risk investment funds and bank loan. Thirdly, learn from the experiences of the Silicon Valley and establish technological banks in cities that gather returned entrepreneurs. Forth, perfect technology risks investment mechanism, release the standard of going public for small and medium-sized technology companies, and improves GEM market. Last, Speed up the property

right trading market construction and encourage mergers and takeovers of small and medium-sized hi-tech enterprises which involves risk investments.

(3)?Learn?from?other?countries’?measures?or?standards? to carry out reform or innovations in entering and leaving the border, taxes, social security and so on. Encourage and support areas where conditions permit to take transitional and compensatory methods. For example, Establish individual income tax compensation mechanism for returned entrepreneurs on the basis of completing preferential policies on enterprise income taxes, tariffs, business tax, value added tax and others. Besides support returned entrepreneurs buy social insurance according to law and regulations in China, we can also offer related foreign commercial insurances by giving them subsidy or deducting money from their salaries.

(4) Mobilize and organize all kinds of power to resolve the?difficulty?of?children?getting?education?in?school.?First,? the government can sponsor certain schools around the area that returned students live together to start bilingual teaching for their children. Second, encourage and support well-known schools to establish international department. Last, encourage and support foreign or private companies to found international schools.

(5) Insist on combining guidance of the government and market-oriented operation to solve the problems of housing. First, carry out sponsoring plans for high-level talents. Provide a onetime subsidy for returned students who start businesses in China to buy house by government benefit and support of employers. Second, implement allocation plans for renting or buying departments for high-level talents. Build up talents departments for returned students in pioneer parks, Industry gathering area, high-tech Park, campus and other areas to provide departments for them to rent or buy.

(6) Establish and improve returned students entrepreneurial dynamic monitoring mechanism and mechanism of tracking and evaluating the program of introducing high-level technological innovative entrepreneurial talents.

3.5 Improving Service System

(1) Expand the field of management and service. By readjusting the functional localization of various kinds and levels of pioneer parks for returned students and service organizations, expanding the scope of businesses, and increasing input of human resources and costs and other measures, new management and service system can be built to help various kinds and levels of pioneer parks transform from purely providing shared facilities, housing and other basic services for companies to help them do market cultivation, technology research and development, human resources development, risk investment and financing, intangible assets cultivation and other high intellectual value-added services.

(2) Overall planning of pioneer parks for returned students. Compared with regional economic society development plans and degree of industry agglomeration to cultivate professional pioneer parks for returned students so that their various and individual requirements can be met. As research from foreign country suggests,“business incubators” in Europe mostly focus on one or limited industries or departments. 59% of them provide new economic industry services (such as E-commerce and BZB services), 52% of them relate to researches and developments, 44% of them are finance-related, 12% of them relate to selling, marketing and logistics, and 10% relate to agriculture. We think that proving professional services for companies is the development direction and trend of Chinese pioneer parks.

(3) Complete and perfect service system. First, improve efficiency of both basic and professional services. It includes housing, work and living licenses, social security, and education of children and so on. Second, strengthen education and training which contains building up platform for entrepreneurship quality assessment, platform for upgrading entrepreneurship quality program, and platform for training and studying entrepreneurship cases. Third, speed up the construction of resource, information and common technologies support platform. It includes building up information platform of talents studying abroad and program, innovative experiment platform, public technology service platform, technological achievements display platform and technological property right transaction platform.

(4) Make use of “Expert database of directing entrepreneurship for returned students” and professional service organizations.?Encourage?and?support?law?firms,?accounting firms, tax agencies, patent agencies and high-level talents resource service industry by purchasing services or giving subsidies so that to provide management advisory services, public relations, legal affairs, tax services, human resources management, labor relations and other professional consulting and directions for entrepreneurs studying abroad.


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