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150 Years of Puccini



By the time Italian composer Giacomo Puccini wasborn in 1858, there had already been four generations ofPuccini musicians in his hometown of Lucca, Italy.

Most of the Puccinis were church musicians, butGiacomo had other ideas. As a teenager, he fell in love withopera. That was the kind of music he wanted to write.

(Excerpt[选段] from “Gianni Schicchi.”)Giacomo’s mother decided that her son should studyat the conservatory[音乐学校] in Milan, but, as a widow[寡妇]with seven children, she didn’t have money to send himthere. So she got the Queen of Italy to give him a scholarship.Some of Puccini’s student compositions woundup[以……告终] getting recycled in his operas.

Just as Puccini was graduating, he heard abouta competition to compose a new one-act opera. Hewanted to enter, but he had a hard time getting downto work. Thanks to his mother, who kept prodding[督促]and encouraging him, he finally turned his opera intothe competition on the last possible day.

But Puccini didn’t win. A few weeks later, he wasat a party with some of the competition judges, whodidn’t remember his opera at all. So they asked himto play through it on the piano. They liked it so muchthat they decided to produce it. Le Villi, Puccini’s firstopera, turned out to be a big success. But the opera thatmade him famous was his third one, Manon Lescaut.

(Excerpt from “Manon Lescaut.”)

Manon Lescaut wasa huge hit. Puccini traveledall over the worldto hear performances, andearned enough money tobuy his first house. It wasin Torre del Lago, a lakesidetown near the Alps,where Puccini loved tocomposeand where heloved to be distracted[分心的]from composing.

When he wasn’t spendingtime hunting or boating orplaying cards with friends,Puccini worked on his nextopera, La Bohème, based on aplay about poor artists and studentsin Paris.

(Excerpt from “La Bohème.”)

Most of the critics[评论家], who heard La Bohème,didn’t like it at first. But audiences have alwaysloved it, and it’s still Puccini’s most popular opera.

After that he composed Tosca, which is alsobased on a French play.

(Excerpt from “Tosca.”)

Puccini had such exact ideas of what hewanted that he drove the people who wrote hislibrettos[(歌剧等的)歌词或剧本] crazy, making them revise[修改] their work over and over. (Libretto is what youcall the words of an opera. It means “little book”in Italian.)

And then, there were the times that Puccini had to revise what he had written.

(Excerpt from “Madame Butterfly.”)

The first performance of Madame Butterflywas a total failure, but Puccini kept revising theopera until he got it right. Even though MadameButterfly sings in Italian, the opera takes place inJapan.

Puccini’s next opera, The Girl of the GoldenWest, takes place during the American gold rush,with a saloon[(美国西部城镇典型的)酒馆] keeper, a bandit[强盗],a sheriff[县治安官] and even a horse. (The horse doesn’tsing.)

For his last opera, Turandot, Puccini went backto the Far East, and a story about a Chinese princessand the prince who loves her.

(Excerpt from “Turandot.”)

Puccini died before he could finish Turandot, andpeople still argue about how he meant it to end,and about how the name of the opera should end whether it’s pronounced “TuranDOT” or “TuranDOH.”

When Puccini died, he owned houses all over Italy.But he was buried in the one in Torre del Lago, thathe bought right after his first big success.








《曼侬・ 莱斯科》轰动一时。普契尼到世界各地观看这部歌剧的演出,还赚到了足够的钱买了第一所房子。房子位于阿尔卑斯山旁的一个湖边小镇托雷-德拉古(音译)。普契尼喜欢在这里作曲,也喜欢在这里度过让他无心作曲的娱乐时光。



















普契尼的全名是(准备好了吗?):Giacomo Antonio DomenicoMichele Secondo Maria Puccini。


普契尼的叔叔福尔图纳多・马吉(Fortunato Magi)是他的第一位音乐教师。1880至1883年间,普契尼在米兰音乐学院学习。他深受威尔第(尤其是其作品《阿依达》)的影响。



Le Villi《群妖围舞》(1884)


Manon Lescaut《曼侬・莱斯科》 (1893)

La Bohème《波希米亚人》(又译《艺术家的生涯》)(1896)


Madame Butterfly《蝴蝶夫人》 (1904)

La fanciulla del West《西部女郎》(1910)

La rondine《燕子》(1917)

Il trittico [Il tabarro, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi]


Turandot《图兰朵》(1926) 未完成,后由佛朗哥・阿尔法诺(Franco Alfano)完成。