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[摘要] 多年来,英语阅读教学是大学英语教学的重点和难点。作者按照我国教育部高等教育司的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,阐述如何通过开展合理的英语阅读课堂教学,培养学生良好的阅读习惯,从而达到提高学生英语阅读技能的目的。

[关键词]英语 阅读技能 培养

Abstract: For many years, English reading teaching has been the key and difficult points of college English teaching. Here, the writer expounds how to cultivate the students’ good reading habits to improve their English reading skills by conducting the reasonable English reading-class teaching, according to The Fundamental Requirements of the English Course Teaching in Vocational College Education.

Key words: English reading skillcultivation

一、 引言





下面以2007年江苏省高等学校精品教材《灵通高职高专英语读写译教程》(1)中Unit 4 Text A 为例:

From“Association”to “Soccer”

Although it is hard to decide where exactly soccer playing started, some type of soccer playing has been around for 3,000 years. Soccer was played during the Han Dynasty during the 2nd and 3rd century B.C. by military troops. Even earlier evidence has been discovered in Kyoto, Japan. An ancient field was found that had two small nets .Greeks and Romans also played a game that is similar to today’s game of soccer , each team had 27 players!

Soccer, or football, as they call it in England and Scotland, was found as we know it today by the British .In the 8th century, the game was very popular. In 1331, the King of England did not share in people’s excitement about soccer because soccer was a war game. People could hit, punch or bite other players during a game. Games would usually last all day ,with many of the townspeople taking part in them. King James of Scotland made a law in 1424 that said, “No man shall play football!” But he could not stop the popularity of the game.

In 1863 ,a group of people met together to write official rules for the game of soccer. This started the Football Association as we know it today. The word “soccer” was first used by an Oxford University student when he was asked if he liked to play rugby. He took the word “association” and shortened it to “soc” and added an “er”. During this time, football players had their own sort of slang. They would shorten words and add“er”to them, hence the beginning of the word“soccer”as we use it today. Soccer is played today all over the world. More people watch soccer than any other sport, including the Olympics.

1. 根据上下文推断生词的意义

我们要引导学生推断生词的意义。 词汇量不足是学生阅读的障碍,有如建房子的砖块。 因此,要提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,教师要有意识地教授学生一些关于构词法的知识,如词根、词缀的意义、复合词的构成以及一词多义,一词多译等方面来扩大学生英语词汇量,多对学生进行猜词技能的训练,使他们学会根据上下文和词根、词缀等猜测词义的种种方法,为阅读理解扫除障碍。


① associate (v. 协同,联合)association(n. 协同/联合机构;协会,联合会)

(as)soc(iation) soc + er, 其中c双写cc, 足球

From association to soccer 从协会到足球

② similar (相同的)可从same推断出其意思,另外也可从上文 “An ancient field had two small nets.”(一个古代的运动场地每边各有一张网)中推断出。


③ townspeople(镇民,市民)= towns + people

④ or(即;或者说:soccer, or football(英式足球,即足球)

其中or用来引导同义词语。又如:twelve, or a dozen(12个,即一打)。


⑤ Football Association(足球协会,足协)类似的又如:

Basket Association篮球协会Music Association音乐协会

Language Association语言协会 Literature Association文学协会

⑥ shorten(v. 缩短)是从short(adj.短的)+en变化而来,类似的又如:

Long(长的) lengthen(加长)dark(黑的) darken(加黑)

Light(光的) lighten(加亮) broad(宽的) broaden(加宽)

2. 根据上下出判断和推理



② BC( =Before Christ 公元前)可从 “during the Han Dynasty during the 2nd and 3rd century ”判断和推理出它的意思。


②“did not share in people’s excitement about soccer”从上下文中可判断

和推理出是 “did not have the same excitement about soccer as other people”(并没有像人民那样热衷于足球)或 “did not have people’s strong feeling for soccer”(并没有人民对足球那种热情)的意思。

③ 在 “Games would last all day, with many of the townspeople taking part

in them.”(比赛通常持续一整天,许多市民都参与其中。)中的 “with+名词+ 现在分词短语”结构表示一种伴随状况。可引导学生推断此种用法:

She felt a bit nervous, with so many people watching her.


④ “…the popularity of the game.”可判断为 “the widespread of the football game”(足球运动的普及)或 “the people’s love of the football game”(人民对足球运动的热爱)。


⑤ “…he was asked if he liked to play rugby.”中的 “ask if …”(问…是否…)句型,可引导学生理解和推断其意义,试比较:

主动语态:They asked him if he liked to play rugby.


被动与态:He was asked (by them) if he liked to play rugby.


3. 理解文章中的具体信息(information)



① Soccer has been around for 3,000 years.

② Soccer was played in ancient China during the 2nd and 3rd century BC in

the Han Dynasty.

③ The earliest evidence of soccer was found in Kyoto, Japan..

④ Greeks and Romans played the game, each team had 27 players.


① The British found the modern soccer.

② Soccer is called football in England and Scotland.

③ In 1331, the King of England did not enjoy soccer game because it was a

war game.

④ In 1424, King James of Scotland made a law “No man shall play football!”


① The Football Association was started in 1863.

② An Oxford University student first used the word “soccer”.

③ The Oxford student shortened the word “association” to “soc” and added an “er”.

④ The soccer game attracts the largest audience.

4. 理解文章的主旨(main idea)



The origin of soccer game.。


The history of British football.


How the word “soccer” came into being.

5. 理解作者的见解和态度


Soccer is played today all over the world. More people watch soccer than any

other sport, including the Olympics.


① People: It was exciting.

② The King of England: It was a war game.

③ King James of Scotland: No man shall play football.


① During Han Dynasty:

Soccer was played by military troops.

② In Kyoto, Japan:

An ancient field was found with two small nets.

③ In Greece and Rome:

Each team had 27 players.

6. 就文章的内容写出内容大意或结论

最后, 我们要引导学生写出或说出文章的内容大意(general ideas)。阅读时要把握文章的主要脉络以及段与段之间的逻辑关系,因为这是理解整篇文章内容大意的关键,又是阅读理解测试的重点。通过分析文章的标题,寻找文章中的主题段、主题句,把握文章的中心思想。例如:

Soccer has been around for 3,000 years. Modern soccer was founded by the British. In the 8th century, the soccer game was very popular in England and Scotland. Later, the King of England did not enjoy the soccer game, and King James of Scotland made a law to stop people from playing soccer, but he failed.

The Football Association was started in 1863. There was one Oxford University student who first took the word “association” and shortened it to “soc” and added an “er”, hence the word “soccer” as we use it today. Soccer is played all over the world, and the soccer sports game has attracted the largest audience, including the Olympics.


Soccer has been around for 3,000 years. In the 8th century, the soccer game was very popular in England and Scotland. Later, the King of England and Scotland tried to stop the popularity of the game, but they failed. Since the Football Association was started in 1863, the soccer has been played today all over the world.



上面所述的六个《基本要求》中,第一项根据上下文推断生词的意义,主要是引导学生学会构词法,如词的派生(词根+后缀或前缀+词根+后缀),合成词(一个词+另一个词),以扩大词汇量。第二项根据上下文作出判断和推理,主要是引导学生判断和推理词语的表意以及句型的含义。其中句型的含义必须向学生提示或简述有关语法知识,如表示伴随状况的“with 短语”结构,以便学生理解。第三项理解文章中的具体信息,主要是引导学生获取主要具体信息为目的。第四项理解文章的主旨,主要是引导学生掌握要点后根据信息来表达文章的内容。第五项理解作者的见解和态度,主要引导学生对文章表达时也加上自己的见解、看法和态度。第六项就文章的内容写出结论,主要是引导学生就文章的内容用自己的话语写出结论,也就是“读文报告”。这六个方面是相互联系、相辅相成、渐进的一种关系:从理解认识到获取信息,再到复述内容和表达结论的一种过程。其最终目的是提高阅读能力。第二语言学习需要通过大量的阅读来复习巩固学过的词汇、语法以及阅读技能,这也是高职高专英语精品教材中附有主课文(Reading A)和副课文(Reading B)的原因。学生在大量的阅读中接触并学到一些新的词汇、语法以及有关的文化知识,可以用于听、说、写、译,从而提高听、说、写、译的能力,从而最终提高了





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