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He said to me, “I want to swim.”He told me that he wanted to swim.


一、 句式变化

1. 陈述句形式的直接引语变为间接引语时,应该先用连词 that 引导(that 在口语中经常省略)宾语从句,再将主句中的 said to改为 told sb。例如:

1) She said, “I can speak English.”

She said that she could speak English.

2) She said to me, “ I like the film very much.”

She told me that she liked the film very much.

如果间接引语是由 that 引导的两个或两个以上的并列句,第一个 that 可以省略,以后的 that 一般不能省略。例如:

Mr Smith said to the workers, “John has worked very hard and I want him to stay.”Mr Smith told the workers (that) John had worked very hard and that he wanted him to stay.

2. 如果直接引语是疑问句,将其变为间接引语时应注意三点:1) 选连词。直接引语为一般疑问句时,用 whether/if 引导宾语从句;直接引语为特殊疑问句时,仍用原来的疑问词引导宾语从句。 2) 变疑问语序为陈述语序。 3) 换动词。如果主句的谓语动词是 said(to sb),则应将其改为 asked(sb)。没有间接宾语时,可根据句意在 asked 后面加 me, him 或 us 等。例如:

1) She said, “Are you interested in Chinese?”

She asked (me) if I was interested in Chinese.

2) He said to me, “Do you go to school by bike?”

He asked me whether I went to school by bike.

3) “Where do you live?” Tom asked Mary.

Tom asked Mary where she lived.

3. 如果直接引语是祈使句,间接引语应为“tell(ask/order/beg 等) sb(not) to do sth”。例如:

1) “Be careful with your writing,” the teacher said to me.

The teacher told me to be careful with my writing.

2) “Don’t take off your coats,” she said to the children.

She told the children not to take off their coats.

二、 时态变化


1) He said, “ I get up early every morning.”

He said that he got up early every morning. (一般现在时一般过去时)

2) She said, “I am working on a homework project.”

She said she was working on a homework project. (现在进行时过去进行时)

3) She said, “ I met my friend in the street.”

She said that she had met her friend in the street. (一般过去时过去完成时)


1) 直接引语叙述的是科学真理、客观事实、格言等。例如:

“The moon moves round the earth,” the teacher said to the students.

The teacher told the students that the moon moves round the earth.

2) 直接引语中有明确的不受语境限制的过去时间状语。例如:

“John went to Paris by air in 1985,” Jack said.

Jack said that John went to Paris by air in 1985.

3) must(表示“推测”、“禁止”)和 should 等情态助动词无过去式。将其变成间接引语时,通常用原来的形式。例如:

The policeman told the children, “You mustn’t play in the street.”

The policeman told the children that they mustn’t play in the street.

三、 代词变化

将直接引语中的人称代词、物主代词、指示代词转移到间接引语中时,要作相应的调整。直接引语中的第一人称要按照主句中的主语人称来变化;直接引语中的第二人称要按照主句中的宾语的人称来变化; 直接引语中的第三人称一般不需要变化。例如:

1) Jack said to me, “I’ll go with you.”

Jack told me that he would go with me.

2) Jim said, “These books are mine.”

Jim said that those books were his.

3) Mrs Green said, “They work hard.”

Mrs Green said they worked hard.

四、 状语变化

将直接引语中的时间状语和地点状语转移到间接引语中时,应作如下变化: herethere; nowthen; todaythat day; tonightthat night; agobefore; yesterdaythe day before; yesterday eveningthe evening before; tomorrowthe next/following day/the day after; last weekthe week before ; next yearthe year after/the following year。例如:

1) Marcia said to Ben, “Are you going to visit your teacher tomorrow.”

Marcia asked Ben whether he was going to visit his teacher the next day.

2) Lana said, “We are very busy today.”

Lana said that they were very busy that day.

3) Mr Smith said, “I live here.”

Mr Smith said that he lived there.

五、 动词变化

直接引语中的动词 come, bring 到间接引语中应为 go, take。例如:

She said, “I’ll bring my sister here.”

She said that she would take her sister there.

[练习] 将下列句子中的直接引语改成间接引语。

1. “Please show me your new coat, Helen,” he said.

2. “How are you feeling now?” the doctor asked her.

3. Mother said to me, “Don’t put it on this table.”

4. He said, “Do you go to the cinema every Saturday evening?”

5. She said, “I will come here next week.”

6. She said, “My brother can write a letter in English.”

7. He said to me, “I was born in 1993.”

8. She asked, “When will the sports meet begin?”

9. The boy said, “My father was with me five days ago.”

10. John asked me, “Do you understand what the man is saying?”


1. He told Helen to show him her new coat.

2. The doctor asked her how she was feeling then.

3. Mother told me not to put it on that table.

4. He asked me whether (if) I went to the cinema every Saturday evening.

5. She said that she would go there the next week.

6. She said that her brother could write a letter in English.

7. He told me that he was born in 1993.

8. She asked when the sports meet would begin.

9. The boy said his father had been with him five days before.

10. John asked me if I understood what the man was saying.