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1. fit in 相适应,相融合

At first I felt awkward, but soon I learned to fit in.

His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims.

George doesn’t really fit in with the rest of his group. He is too unconventional.

点拨 fit in 是不及物动词短语,意为“适应,融合”,后常接介词with, 构成短语。fit in with sth与某物相适应; fit in with sb与某人关系融洽。

拓展 be fit for 胜任;适合;合格

be fit to do sth 适合做……

fit up 安装;布置

2. recommend (vt.) 推荐;建议

recommendsth/sb = recommend sth/sb to sb向某人推荐/介绍……

recommendas... 推荐某人为……

recommend... for... 推荐……作某种用途/做某工作等

recommend doing 建议做

recommendto do 建议某人做

注意 recommend + that从句用虚拟语气,谓语用“should+动词原形”, should可省略。

Would you recommend me a good dictionary / recommend a good dictionary to me ?

The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.

The teacher recommended that he (should) read and recite more to learn English well.

It’s strongly recommended that the machines (should) be checked every year.

拓展 recommendation (n.) 推荐(信);建议

He should listen to the doctor’s recommendation that he (should) stay in bed. 他应该听医生的建议,呆在床上。

3. substitute (n.) 替代品,代用品;(v.) 代替

substitute A for B 用A 代替B

substitute for... 代替……

as a substitute 作为人(代替品)

make a substitute of 替换;取代

We can use plastics as a substitute for steel.

The coach substituted Smith for Jones.

拓展 表示“替代”的短语 :take one’s place;take the place of ;in place of ;instead of

辨析 substitute和replace的区别:

substitute多指“暂时代替,顶替”, 常与for连用;而replace强调“替换,更换”,即把旧的或坏的东西更换成新的,常与with连用。

substitute A for B 用A代替B

replace A with B 用B替换A

She substituted sugar for honey.

We replaced a flat tyre with a new one.

4. requirement (n.) 需求;需要

The refugees’ main requirements are food and shelter.

raise requirements 提出要求

meet/fufil/satisfy the requirements (of...) 满足(……的)需要


Do you know the requirement that every applicant (should) have a medical examination?

拓展 require (v.) 需要;规定

require doing sth 需要做某事(用主动形式表被动含义。)

require sth of sb/sb to do sth 规定/ 使某人做某事

require+that从句 需要/规定(从句谓语用“should+动词原形”, should可省略。)

It is required that... 需要/规定(从句谓语用“should+动词原形”, should可省略。)

This wall requires repairing.

The man required that he (should) pay the fine.

It is required that every student hand in their homework on time.

5. acknowledge (vt.) 承认;确认;告知已收到;对……打招呼;答谢

acknowledge + n./pron./that从句 承认……

acknowledgeas/to be...=acceptas/to be... 承认某人是……

acknowledge doing sth=admit doing sth 承认做了某事

It is universally acknowledged that... ……是大家公认的

It is she who wants to acknowledge you as her daughter.

They didn’t acknowledge having been cheated.

Her long service with the company was acknowledged with a present.

We must acknowledge his letter.

He is acknowledged as the best player in the world.

6. occupy (vt.) 占用;占领;占据;使忙于/忙着(做某事)

be occupied in doing sth 忙于做某事

occupy oneself with/in doing sth 忙于……;专心于……

be deeply occupied in thinking 陷入深思

be fully occupied 忙得不可开交

Enemy troops occupied that country for several years after World War II.

The bookcases occupy a lot of space in his room.

He is occupying himself with sculpting.

I have been occupied in reading history books.

点拨 下列短语也表示“忙于/全神贯注于/投入于”

be engaged/absorbed in (doing) sth

be busy with/in doing sth

be concentrated on (doing) sth

be devoted to (doing) sth

拓展 occupation (n.) 工作,职业;占领;占用

by occupation 职业上

in occupation of 占用

He wanted very much to build an occupation of his own.

7. live on 继续存在;继续生存

He has barely enough money to live on.

They live on his little salary.

拓展 live with与某人生活在一起

live with sth 接受或容忍某现象

live up to sth 依照……行事,符合……的标准

live on sth 以某物为食;以……为生

live through sth 经历某事物而幸存

You’ll have to learn to live with it, I’m afraid.

He lived through two world wars.

I had to live on bread and water when I was a student.

8. means (n.) 手段;方法 (注:单复数同形)

Radio and television are important means of communication.

拓展 by all means 一定;务必;当然可以

by means of 依靠/通过……方式

by no means(=in no way)决不;一点都不(用于句首时,部分倒装)

by this means(=in this way/with this method) 通过这种办法

注 means作主语且有every, each等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有some, several, many, few等词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。

Every means has been tried. 每种方法都试过了。

All means have been tried. 所有方法都试过了。

9. occur (vi).发生;出现;存在;想到 (n.) occurence发生

sth occurs=sth happens/sth takes place发生某事

A fire occurred last night...

Such plants can’t occur there.

拓展 sth occurs to sb=It occurred toto do sth=It occurred tothat... 某人突然想起要做某事

A good idea occurred to him.

It occurred to me that I should give the report to the headmaster. (=It occurred to me to give the report to the headmaster.)

注 It occurred tothat...意为“某人突然想到……”,而It happened that...表示“碰巧……”。

occur,happen和take place都不能用于被动语态。

This name just didn’t occur to my memory.

1. Production of the goods must the needs of the society.

A. fit with B. fit on with

C. fit up with D. fit in with

2. They don’t like potatoes, so we will , the rice for them.

A. substitute B. replace

C. take D. taken

3. Experience in a related field is the basic for this iob.

A. advice B. requirement

C. agreement D. request

4. You should what your parents expect of you.

A. live up to B. stand up to

C. look up to D. run up to

5. He’s fully in looking after three small children.

A. employed B. hired

C. occupied D.taken

6. Only by this means English well. (learn)


7. The teacher recommended that we . (adopt)


8. It that she should adopt a homeless child. (occur)


9. that Liu Qian is an excellent magician. (acknowledge)


10. When I visited her, she on Chinese history. (occupy)



6. can we learn

7. (should) adopt this plan

8. (suddenly) occurred to her

9. It is universally acknowledged

10. was occupied in writing a speech