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小华来到教室,向小涛抱怨:“我本想办一个小小的聚会,没想到我姐把该请的、不该请的全请来了!”在这个情景里,如何用英语来表达“该请的、不该请的”呢?看好了——“Every Tom, Dick and Harry”。

这里的“Tom,Dick and Harry”,泛指普通人,但含有蔑视的意思,特指“非常非常一般、毫无半点建树的普通人”,如:Every Tom, Dick and Harry is qualified to do the job. (这活儿谁都能干!)其实,最早人们是用“Francis(弗朗西斯)”这个人名来代指“无足轻重的小人物”。到了19世纪,由于“Harry”成了极其普遍的“大众名”,于是人们开始用 “Harry”,外加“Tom”和“Dick”,来指代“受人轻视的普通人”。

聚会结束时我们常常能听到这样的对话:“改天一起吃饭啊?”“好啊,一定!”但改天后,双方都没了下文。似乎这样的约定只是聚会结束时的一种告别方式,并不真正算数的。我们把这样的约定叫做party promise 。

For example:

-Dude, we should totally grab coffee sometime soon! 哥们儿,我们应该找时间一起喝咖啡!

-Yes, totally!嗯,一定要的!

(one or both thinking: “this coffee date will never happen, but I can stop talking to them now.”其中一人或者两人都在想:“这咖啡是喝不上了,不过至少现在不用跟他们闲扯了。”)

Party promise (“派对诺言”或“聚会上的约定”)指的是在某个社交聚会结束时跟别人做出的“约定”,但约定的一方甚至双方,其实并没有打算真正履行这个约定。


At 9 years old, Tanishq Abraham is working on getting his college degree(学位). He is the youngest student at American River College in Sacramento, California, the US.

Tanishq spends his days among students more than twice his age. He also teaches lessons sometimes. His students like him and respect(尊敬)him. “He is a good student. At the same time, he is a good teacher. The students love him and look up to him because they respect him.” Professor Stephen Sterling says.

“I really want to be a scientist.” he says.


In the picture, Marcel, a 30-month-old wild boar, is playing with Chloe Lutz in the small village(村庄)of France. Chloe raised(抚养)Marcel when he was 3 months old. The mother of the baby wild boar left him after he was born.