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William Barrie age 12


ALMOST EVERY DAY I have to make choices and decisions that reflect on my character―etimes only to myself and sometimes to others, including my family, teachers, and friends. I want to be satisfied with myself and my decisions and to feel that I have made good choices. Whether my decisions or actions are impulsive or well thought out, I think they are based on what my conscience tells me is right. I believe my conscience has been influenced and formed mainly by my family. Fortunately, I have two good parents and anbrother and sister who all share their good values with me by their example and by giving advice. There are two major laws of life that influence my decisions to do the right thing.

First of all ,my mother has told me that her dad defined the word “gentleman” as someone who never intentionally hurts someone else’s feelings. I have tried to use this as one of my ethics or rules of life. I really try hard not to laugh when someone else does or says something I think is dumb. Also, I try to make a point of not putting people down or gossiping about them. Sometimes this is really tough, especially when I want to retaliate against someone who has made fun of me or made me angry. When I am especially tempted to be mean to someone, I remind myself that I share my late grandfather’s name and then try to be a “gentleman.” I’m certainly not perfect at following this ethic, but I know I’ll be a better frined and person if I do my best not to hurt anyone’s feelings on purpose.

My second law of life is to not let myself be influenced by what other people think. I have to spend my whole life living with myself, so I want to be comfortable with who I am. I do not want to feel ashamed or guilty. I what to be true to my own self and my own conscience. This idea is not unique. Shakespeare even wrote about it. “This above all: to thine own self be true.” Sometimes it’s really hard to say or do what I know is right when I know I’ll probably get made fun of. In the end, though, I’d rather be called a geek or a wuss than to have to call myself dishonest or cruel. I need to be true to what I know is right. For example, one day this year a kid was making fun of someone else. I told him to shut up and he turned to me and said, “You’re really weird. You stick up for other kids but no one sticks up for you.”

I know he meant to put me down(and it did make me feel bad), but I took his comment as a compliment. I can live with myself if I do what I think is right even if someone else thinks it’s weird or wussy.

In conclusion, I want to say that I do not always have the courage to follow my “laws.” It’s really hard to do! But, I feel really awful when I break them. A few minutes of feeling clever because I made kids laugh at someone else’s expense, or a few minutes of feeling cool because I went along with the crowd aren’t worth the feelings of disappointment in myself. I want my grandfather and my family to be proud of me. I want to be a good friend. But, most of all, I want to be proud of myself.



