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I don’t know why this bothers me so much, being called“ma’am注.” I am, after all, 30, pregnant[怀孕] and happen to have some laugh lines that could be construed[理解] as wrinkles[皱纹].

It happened recently on the subway coming home from work. The subways were packed[拥挤的] because train service was down courtesy of[承蒙某人的好意] Hurricane Sandy . There I stood, holding onto the pole, balancing my growing tummy, my bag and my awesome game of Tetris[俄罗斯方块] on my iPhone.

A man, no more than 40, sat reading his newspaper, occasionally glancing up at me clearly having that internal monologue[独白] wherein[在那里] he debated with himself whether I was, in fact, pregnant and therefore he should give up his seat, or just fat. A few stops went by, and a woman sitting in front of me offered me her seat. I politely declined[拒绝], thinking how good it felt to stand up after sitting all day.

And then it happened. A shrill[刺耳的], 20-something voice broke the silence as the train clacked[喀哒声响] over the bridge. “Ma’am?” she said. I didn’t respond, thinking she couldn’t possibly be talking to me. “Ma’am?” the young woman likely born in the 1990s said again.“Would you like to sit down?”

I was too stunned[感到惊讶] to respond. This kind young woman, who looked to be quietly doing her homework, was calling me ma’am. Has it really come to this? After realizing the silence, I quickly said, “No, I’m fine, but thank you.”

I spent the rest of the train ride feeling―what?―uncertain, definitely unhappy and maybe even a little bit sad.

While I’m under no false pretenses[欺诈] that I’m a spring chicken[(俚语)年轻人], I still consider myself to be in my post-graduate years. In fact, I planned to remain in my postgraduate years for quite a long time. Have those times come and gone? Am I now relegated[沦落] to the role of being someone’s mother, even though I won’t literally be for a few more months? I still bristle[愤怒] ever-soslightly when someone calls me a woman rather than a girl (whole other loaded issue, I know).

Am I overreacting? Did a stranger on the subway see me―a pregnant woman―and automatically[自动地] call me ma’am just out of courtesy? Possibly.

In reflecting on the moment a few weeks later, I think what jarred[动摇] me most about my ma’aming wasn’t just that a younger woman acknowledged my post-graduate status in public. Maybe what really got me was that she recognized that I’ve moved on to the next phase of my life―before I could admit it to myself.




然后事情发生了。一个刺耳的、二十多岁的年轻嗓音在列车噼啪作响地过桥时打破了沉默。“大妈?”她说。我没有回应,认为她叫的不可能是我。“大妈?”那个很可能是9 0后的年轻女子再次说道。“您要不要坐下来?”




