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>> 陈三元:破解制造业的“圆珠笔困境” 品牌营销的三元结构 三元钱的往事 对音乐的三元理解 高职师生的三元关系 三元悖论的灰色地带 三元思维的魅力 三元钱的伤痛 我国城乡二元结构破除中的社会管理制度创新 公共服务管理创新三元分析框架 三元统一 创新自我 转型期我国农村社会管理的困境与突破 绿色文化“社会空间”三元辩证重构 试用三元理论 感悟文化创新 “三元式”议论文创新写作探微 论蒙代尔的三元悖论和我国的相机抉择 由三元悖论引发的对我国汇率制度的思考 由“三元悖论”探讨我国的外汇占款 “三元悖论”理论对我国汇率政策的启示 基于“三元悖论”视角的我国经济金融发展探析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

[7]亨廷顿.变化社会中的政治秩序[M]. 北京: 三联书店, 1989.



Three Dilemmas of Social Management Innovation in China

JIANG Yan-guo1, JIANG Wen-yu2

(1. School of Administration, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, Jilin, China;

2.People's court of Chongqing Changshou District, Chongqing, 401220, China)

Abstract:As China has entered a crucial period of economic and social development now, with opportunities and challenges coexisting, strengthening the innovation of social management contributes to the country's long period of stability and full accomplishment of the construction of a well-off society. By term “three dilemmas”, this paper sorts out and discusses the practical problems arising in social management innovation of our country, and proposes three major factors restricting it. That is, “strong” Chinese government, society and social organizations in embarrassing situation, and “vulnerable” people. Lessons of the past should be carefully analyzed and summarized, practical and effective ways be taken to address these three dilemmas in the social management innovation of China today.

Keywords:the innovation of social management; government; society; people