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百变巨星 第4期

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Most people will change their careers more than once in their lifetime. Some people will even make dramatic changes. Celebrity entertainers are no different. Actors start singing and singers jump on the silver screen. As with us mere mortals, celebrity career transformations are sometimes successful and sometimes not. Becoming an all-round multi-talented entertainer is no easy task. Success in one area can propel a career in another. It can also overshadow it. This time Insight Entertainment takes a look at four examples of celebrities who refused to be confined to one medium:


Elvis Presley "猫王”艾尔维斯・普莱斯利

Elvis is one of the most enduring popular culture icons of the 20th Century. The 'King of Rock 'n' Roll' is so well-known for his music that his acting career is often forgotten. He starred in 34 feature length films between 1956 and 1972. His first movie role was in Love Me Tender at about the same time that he was becoming a music superstar in America. That picture, and King Creole are the only Elvis movies that are given any credit by the critics.

After his return from a two-year stint in the army in 1960, Elvis, under the guidance of manager Parker, changed his image from that of a wild-child to a clean-cut all-round American boy. At this point he decided to focus on a Hollywood career and appeared in two to three movies a year. For the first few years, the films were box office hits and Elvis was the highest paid actor in the U.S., receiving a million dollars per movie. During this period Elvis did not perform live concerts and only wrote music for the film soundtracks. By the mid-sixties his movies were losing popularity and critics suggested that Elvis had sold his artistic talent in exchange for commercial success. In 1970, he turned his back on Hollywood and returned to his music career with the same vigor as before. After his death in 1976, his music has continued to entertain millions whereas his movies are regarded as nothing more than fluff.



Madonna 麦当娜

Louise Veronica Ciccone, Madonna to you and I, is the biggest female star of our time. Over the course of more than twenty years she has effortlessly reinvented her image on numerous occasions. She has had huge commercial and critical success as a musician. The same cannot be said of her acting career. It is generally agreed in all quarters that the queen of pop couldn't act to save her life. The only film in which she appeared that has not been totally slated is her first; Desperately Seeking Susan. And most critics point out that in this movie Madonna didn't actually have to act because the role was based completely on herself. Her first flop was Shanghai Surprise. She blamed that on her then husband, and co-star, Sean Penn for pushing her into doing the film. Nonetheless, her star status ensured that she continued to land roles, appearing in 15 films altogether. She received a Golden Globe award in 1996 for Evita but failed to get even a nomination from the Academy. There are rumors that she will star in her current husband's next movie, much to the chagrin of loyal Ritchie fans.


Jennifer Lopez 詹妮弗・洛佩兹

Is she an actress or a singer? Some people would say neither but J. Lo started acting and singing at the same time. In her breakthrough movie role, in Selena, she played a Latina singer. Her first entry into show business was at 16 when she got a bit role in My Little Girl. Dancing was, and still is, her greatest passion, however. She was a backing dancer for Janet Jackson in the 1980's. In the early '90's she turned her attention to acting and appeared in a few TV series until Selena in 1996 brought her significant attention. From there she started getting better roles and her performance alongside George Clooney in Out of Sight in 1998 was well received by the critics and made her the highest paid Latina actress in history. It was at this point that she started to record music, hoping to fulfill an ambition to be an all-round entertainer. Her recent movies have all been flops and the one she is currently working on, Monster-In-Law, is also expected to be. She continues to be successful as a musician and whatever she decides to do she always seems to come across as a real star.


Minnie Driver 明妮・德瑞弗

Driver is one of the most versatile actresses around. Her debut feature film role in A Circle of Friends in 1995 took her straight into the limelight and her performance as an English medical student in Good Will Hunting earned her an Oscar nomination. Since then she has played a diverse range of roles. In 2004, she released an album of songs and is now often referred to as 'the actress-turned-singer'. Actually, Driver was always a singer and songwriter (hence her debut album having ten of her own songs). She used to sing at jazz clubs in London when she was a student and loves to play the guitar. It is also evident from her album that she actually can sing. The songs however, while not being bad, are also nothing special and her album is best described as mediocre. If an unknown artist released it, it would not have fared as well. Celebrity has advantages. Then again, it's not bad for a first try and Driver has time to develop her songwriting skills. In the meantime, she'd best not give up the day job!

德瑞弗是现在最多才多艺的女演员之一。她于1995年首次在故事片《朋友圈》中出演了一个角色,这使她立刻受 到了关注,而她在《心灵捕手》中对一名英国医科学生的演绎,使她荣获了一项奥斯卡提名。从那时起,她出演了各种不同的角色。2004年,她发行了一张唱片,而现在就常常被归为“演而优则唱”一类。事实上,德瑞弗一直都是一名创作型歌手(因此她的首张唱片中就有10首歌是她自己创作的)。当她还上学的时候,就常常在伦敦的爵士乐酒吧里唱歌,而且她喜爱弹吉他。另外,可以明显地从她的唱片中看出,她确实会唱歌。然而,这些歌虽然唱得不差,但同样还是毫无特色可言,平庸是对这张专辑最恰如其分的形容。若换了一个不知名的歌手发行该片,就不会这般成功了。名人就是有优势。再者说,作为初次尝试这还不赖,而德瑞弗是有时间来完善她的歌曲创作技巧的。与此同时,她最好不要不务正业!