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Lesson 44 Christmas with Jenny导学案

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【学习目标】 1.扎实记忆单词短语;理解文章,把握主旨;培养听说读写的语言综合运用能力;2.自主学习,合作探究;学会知识点用法;3.学生乐于谈论有关圣诞节的话题。会用英语简单介绍圣诞节;4.激情投入,积极参与,体验学习中的成就感与幸福感。

【使用说明和学法指导】1.自背单词短语,组内互查纠错; 2.组长带领互相帮助,大胆质疑,并检查当堂知识的过关情况;3.当堂达标过关。



front n.前面

at the front of… 在 …的前面

tree n.树

colorful adj.绚丽多彩的

box n.盒子

important adj.重要的

western adj.西部的,西方的

bring v.拿来,带来

pick v.挑选;拾取;摘

pick up 捡起;获得

up adv.向上

Santa Claus n.圣诞老人

part n.部分

give v.给

merry adj.快乐的

mean v.意思是…


1. Autumn comes and the farmers begin to p______ apples.

2. M_____christmas

3. Christmas is one of the W_____ festivals.

4.The b_____ is empty(空的).It’s very light.

5. She stands in f_____ of the class. .


1. 谈论

2. 在……前面

3. 在周末

4. 捡起

5. 一个重要的西方节日

6. forget to do something

7. bring to

8. give gifts

9. Merry Christmas

10. What a wonderful festival!


【目标A】1. She stands in front of the class. 她站在同学们前面。

【用法】 in front of,在…前面,不在后面所跟地点的范围内。

in the front of ,在…前面,在后面所跟地点的范围内。

In front 在前面

【举例】There are some trees in front of the classroom. (树在教室以外)。

The teacher stands in the front of the classroom.(老师在教室以内)。

【做一做】1.The driver sits ______the bus.

2. Tom sits _____ me.

【目标B】Then she picks up the bright red card. 接着她捡起那张红彤彤的卡片。

【用法】pick up捡起,拾起。它是一个动词和副词构成的动词词组。若接代词,要放在中间,如:pick it up, pick them up

【拓展】pick up 有许多意思,例如:pick up passengers 搭乘客,pick up a room 收拾房间

【举例】He found a wallet lying on the ground and he picked it up. 他看见地上有个钱包,就把它捡了起来。



【目标C】辨析bring 和 take

【用法】bring 意为“拿来,带来”,指把某物带到说话人处,常用 bring sth. to sb. 或

bring sb. sth. 结构。其过去式和过去分词均为 brought.

take 是其反义词,意为“拿走,带走”,指把某物带离说话人处。

【拓展】get 意为“(去)拿来”,指从说话人处去别处把某物拿来;carry 意为“带”,强调随身携带,尤指重物,无方向性。

【做一做】用bring ,take ,get 或carry 的适当形式填空。

1. Please _____ one of your photos to school tomorrow.

2. Could you go and ____ a chair in the next room for me?

3. The table is heavy. Let me help you ____ it.

4. Please _____ all your things away when you leave.



1. Look at the clouds._____.

A. It’s going to rain B. It’ll be raining

C. It will be rained D. It is raining

2. There _____ an exam tomorrow morning.

A. is going to B. is going to be

C. is going to have D. is going

3. When______ he ______?

---Half a year ago.

A. does, begin to work B. did, begin the work C. will, began working D. do, began to work

4. ______ weather it is!

A. What a fine B. How fine C. What fine D. How fine the

5. My parents ______ Wuhan two years ago.

A. visit B. visited C. to visit D. visits

II. 根据汉语意思完成句子


He saw a pen lying on the ground and ____ ____ ____.


Listen! What are they ___ _____?


Don’t forget ___ ____ the door when you leave.


He stands ___ ____ ___the class.


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