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[摘 要]本文介绍了“9・11事件”前后美国国家应急医疗救援体系建设历程,总结了美国应急医疗救援的国家反应框架以及协

>> 谈紧急医疗救援体系的建设 新加坡应急救援建设的特点及启示 建设国家应急广播体系的实践与思考 国家应急广播体系建设的实践与思考 浅谈应急救援社会支持体系建设中的行业与协会组织 国家应急广播体系规划与建设 建设更加高效的应急救援体系 建设高效的现代应急救援体系 加强油田应急救援体系建设的思考 企业应急救援体系的建立与实施 电梯事故应急救援体系的构建与完善 国外应急救援模式的启示 国家应急广播体系建设与中央电台的核心责任 国家应急体系建设与城市公共安全应急平台建设研究 关于加快生产安全应急救援体系建设若干问题的探讨(上) 浅谈人防机动指挥通信在应急救援中的体系建设 加强鞍山地区地震应急救援体系建设的对策思考 我国矿山应急救援体系的建设现状及对策 浅论信息化时代社会应急救援体系的建设 浅谈对消防应急救援通信体系建设的几点思考 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

[10]National Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters System. .

[11]Federal Coordinating Centers. .

[12]Aeromedical Evacuation. http://www.ccatt.info/index.php/mainmenuae/aewhoweare.

[13]The Air Force Critical Care Air Transport Team. http:///learnabout/humanitarianefforts/#/CCAT.

[14]Ralph Nix. The Air Force Critical Care Air Transport Team: Using the Estimating Supplies Program to Validate Clinical Requirements. http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a434505.pdf.

The American Experience in Building National Emergency Medical Systems

Zheng Jingchen

[Abstract]This article introduces the history of National Emergency Medical Systems in US both before and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and summarizes the national response framework of medical emergency and responsibilities of primary agency and main support agencies. After research on the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), the article finds that NDMS consists of Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, NDMS Participating Hospitals, Federal Coordinating Centers and Aeromedical Evaluation Squadrons, and the three core responsibilities of NDMS are medical response in disaster areas, patient movements and definitive medical care at participating hospitals. Finally, the article ends with three suggestions coming out of the American experience, which are building strong legal systems, coordinating management systems and human resources systems.

[Key words]emergency medicine, medical rescue, NDMS, USA

[Author]Zheng Jingchen is President and Professor at The Armed Police General Hospital. Beijing 100039

作者:郑静晨,武警总医院院长、主任医师、教授 北京 100039