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[摘要] 目的 以CBCT对样本牙根吸收的诊断结果为金标准,检验全景片(OPG)及根尖片正畸相关牙根吸收

(RRAOF)定性及分级半定量诊断结果的准确性。方法 纳入完成固定正畸治疗的32例患者的121颗上前牙,正畸治疗前后均拍摄OPG、上前牙根尖片、上前牙CBCT。由3名放射专科医生按照Levander and Malmgren分度法对纳入样本的3种图像的牙根吸收程度分别进行评估,并以CBCT的诊断结果为金标准,检验OPG及根尖片对相同样本牙根吸收定性及分级半定量诊断结果的准确性。结果 OPG、根尖片对相同样本RRAOF的定性及分级半定量诊断结果,与CBCT


25.5%和51.1%,准确度分别为53.7%和67.8%。结论 根尖片与OPG对正畸相关牙根吸收的诊断准确性较差。

[关键词] 正畸相关牙根吸收; 全景片; 根尖片; 锥形束CT

[中图分类号] R 783.5 [文献标志码] A [doi] 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1182.2012.02.014

Diagnostic accuracy of orthopantomogram and periapical film in evaluating root resorption associated with orthodontic force Yu Lixia, He Shushu, Chen Song. (Dept. of Orthodontics, West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China)

[Abstract] Objective To test the diagnostic accuracy of qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluations on root re-sorption associated with orthodontic force(RRAOF) using orthopantomogram(OPG) and periapical film, through compa-

ring with assessments with cone beam computed tomography(CBCT), which is considered as the gold standard. Methods

Before and after treatment, OPG, periapical film, CBCT images of 121 upper anterior teeth in 32 orthodontic patients were obtained. Blind evaluation of RRAOF was performed according to Levander and Malmgren’s method by three trained radiographers through examining three kinds of images of these teeth. The diagnostic accuracy of qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluations on RRAOF using OPG and periapical films were test through comparing with assess-ments with CBCT, which was considered as the gold standard. Results To the same sample, the RRAOF qualitative and semi-quantitative diagnostic classification results of OPG and periapical films compared with CBCT were significant differences(P

[Key words] root resorption associated with orthodontic force; orthopantomogram; periapical film; cone beam computed tomography

正畸相关牙根吸收(root resorption associated with orthodontic force,RRAOF)是伴随正畸牙移动而产生的一种比较常见的、不可预知的并发症[1]。目前在正

