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Innovative[创新的] design makes us look again at everyday objects, so when an everyday

object thinks for itself, we really notice. London-based designer, Assa Ashuach, has designed a lamp with artificial intelligence[人工智能] the AI Light. It can vary the shape of the lampshade[灯罩]

automatically[自动地], producing different intensities[亮度] of light at different times of the day.

The creator of the moving parts, Dr. Sia Mahdavi, explains, “The aim was to create a light capable of

controlling its body-shape according to the environment.

If the light is placed in a noisy room with lots of people moving around, it would behave differently than if it were placed in a library. If people are constantly moving past, it can relax and shut down and only react when something new happens.”

The sensors[传感器] record changes in the lighting

conditions, noise levels, and movement in the

environment. Then the light can move under the control of two rotation[旋转] motors that twist the light and two linear actuators[线性致动器] for the push and pull actions.

The complexity of designing new internal[内部的] structures has led to the creation of unique software to determine the exact[准确的] modifications[更改] needed. Mahdavi says, “We change the internal structure so it is exact to what is needed. Also, we can vary the properties[性质] throughout the structure of the part. So it is possible to have one area that is very flexible while the material can be much stiffer in another area. With the AI Light we used high-tech artificial

intelligence that is normally used in things like aerospace[航天航空] or advanced robotics.”



