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进入二月,空气中爱情的气息渐浓。很巧的是,今年的2月14日与农历新年的第一天刚好是同一天,可谓是难得的好日子!小编趁机在这里为大家奉上经典的爱情小说――美国著名小说家Nicholas Sparks的 Message in a Bottle(《瓶中信》),与大家一起过节!^0^


Nicholas Sparks(尼古拉斯・斯帕克思,1965― )是当今享誉世界的畅销小说家。他的作品曾七次登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜第一名,全世界总销量超过5000万册,并已被译成40多种语言。另外,他的作品中已有四部被搬上了电影荧幕,分别是《瓶中信》、《罗丹岛之恋》、《初恋的回忆》和《恋恋笔记本》,纷纷轰动一时。

Dear Theresa,

Can you forgive me?

In a world that I seldom understand, there are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they 1)gust with the fury of a hurricane; sometimes they barely 2)fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore. You, my darling, are the wind that I did not anticipate, the wind that has gusted more strongly than I ever imagined possible. You are my destiny.

I was wrong, so wrong, to ignore what was obvious, and I beg your forgiveness. Like a cautious traveler, I tried to protect myself from the wind and lost my soul instead. I was a fool to ignore my destiny, but even fools have feelings, and I’ve come to realize that you are the most important thing that I have in this world.

For the first few days after you left, I wanted to believe that I could go on as I always had. But I couldn’t. Every time I watched the sun go down, I thought of you. Every time I walked by the phone, I yearned to call. Even when I went sailing, I could only think of you and the wonderful times we had. I knew in my heart that my life would never be the same again. I wanted you back, more than I imagined possible, yet whenever I 3)conjured you up, I kept hearing your words in our last conversation. No matter how much I loved you, I knew it wasn’t going to be possible unless we―both of us―were sure I would devote myself fully to the path that lay ahead. I continued to be troubled by these thoughts until late last night when the answer finally came to me. Hopefully, after I tell you about it, it will mean as much to you as it did to me:

In my dream, I saw myself on the beach with Catherine; in the same spot I took you after our lunch at Hank’s. It was bright in the sun, the rays reflecting brilliantly off the sand. As we walked alongside each other, she listened intently as I told her about you, about us, about the wonderful times we shared. Finally, after some hesitation, I admitted that I loved you, but that I felt guilty about it. She said nothing right away but simply kept walking until she finally turned to me and asked, “Why?” “Because of you.”

Upon hearing my answer, she smiled at me with 4)patient amusement, the way she used to before she died. “Oh, Garrett,” she finally said as she gently touched my face, “who do you think it was that brought the bottle to her?”

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Theresa stopped reading. The 5)faint hum of the refrigerator seemed to echo the letter’s words: Who do you think it was that brought the bottle to her? Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

“Garrett,” she murmured, “Garrett…” Outside her window, she could hear the sounds of cars passing by. Slowly she began reading again.

When I woke, I felt empty and alone. The dream did not comfort me. Rather, it made me ache inside because of what I had done to us, and I began to cry. When I finally 6)pulled myself together, I knew what I had to do. With shaking hand, I wrote two letters: the one you’re holding in your hand right now, and one to Catherine, in which I finally said my good-bye. Today, I’m taking 7)Happenstance out to send it to her, as I have with all the others. It will be my last letter―Catherine, in her own way, has told me to go on, and I have chosen to listen. Not only to her words, but also to the 8)leanings of my heart that led me back to you.

Oh, Theresa, I am sorry, so very sorry, that I ever hurt you. I am coming to Boston next week with the hope that you find a way to forgive me. Maybe I’m too late now. I don’t know.

Theresa, I love you and always will. I am tired of being alone. I see children crying and laughing as they play in the sand, and I realize I want to have children with you. I want to watch Kevin as he grows into a man. I want to hold your hand and see you cry when he finally takes a bride, I want to kiss you when his dreams come true. I will move to Boston if you ask because I cannot go on this way. I am sick and sad without you. As I sit here in the kitchen, I am praying that you will let me come back to you, this time forever.


My Darling,

Of course I forgive you. I forgive you now, and I forgave you the moment I read your letter.

I loved and lost. I now understand more fully the difficulties you were going through, and I realize how painful it must have been for you to move on. Sometimes my grief is overwhelming, and even though I understand that we will never see each other again, there is a part of me that wants to hold on to you forever. It would be easy for me to do that because loving someone else might diminish my memories of you. Yet, this is the 9)paradox: Even though I miss you greatly, it’s because of you that I don’t dread the future. Because you were able to fall in love with me, you have given me hope, my darling. You taught me that it’s possible to move forward in life, no matter how terrible your grief. And in your own way, you’ve made me believe that true love cannot be denied…

I don’t know if spirits do indeed roam the world, but even if they do, I will sense your presence everywhere. When I listen to the ocean, it will be your whispers; when I see a dazzling sunset, it will be your image in the sky. You are not gone forever, no matter who comes into my life. You are alongside my soul, helping to guide me toward a future that I cannot predict.

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This is not a good-bye, my darling, this is a thank-you. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. But most of all, thank you for showing me that there will come a time when I can eventually let you go.

I love you,


After reading the letter for the last time, Theresa rolled it up and 10)sealed it in the bottle. She turned it over a few times, knowing that her journey had come full circle. Finally, when she knew she could wait no longer, she threw it out as far as she could.

When the bottle vanished from sight a few minutes later, she started back to the car. Walking in silence in the rain, Theresa smiled softly. She didn’t know when or where or if it would ever turn up, but it didn’t really matter. Somehow she knew that Garrett would get the message.






在你离开后的最初几天里,我曾想相信自己能够像以往那样继续生活。但是,我做不到。每次看到夕阳西下,我就想起你。每次经过电话机旁,我都禁不住想打电话给你。甚至出海航行的时候,我脑海里也都只想着你,以及我们曾经一起度过的美好时光。我打心底里明白到我的生活不可能再像以前那样了。我想要你回到我身边,这种渴望程度已经超乎了我的想象。然而,每次想起你的时候,我耳边总是会响起最后一次谈话时你所说的那些话。无论我有多爱你,我知道,除非我们――我们双 方――都确信我能够全心全意地投身于面前的这条路,否则一切都不可能实现。一直以来我都被这些想法困扰着,直到昨天晚上,终于有了答案。希望当我告诉你之后,你会跟我一样欣喜。




“盖瑞特,” 她喃喃低语,“盖瑞特……”窗外,她能听到往来车辆的声音。慢慢地,她又开始接着往下读了。















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