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I’m up early in my favorite village on the Italian Riviera, as the morning sun touches the tip of Vernazza’s bell tower and greets a peaceful world. The air is damp, cool and refreshing as I wander downhill, passing underneath the train tracks. I enjoy the fact that the town is traffic-free, and realize that my favorite Italian towns are all this way.

FIAT-free Italy…just the way I like it.

The Cinque Terre―as this stretch of five towns along the Italian Riviera is called―is located in northern Italy between Pisa and Genoa, and it’s the under-appreciated alternative to the French Riviera. There’s not a museum in sight, just sun, sea, sand(well, pebbles), wine, swimming, hiking, and pure, unadulterated Italy. Each town fills a ravine with a lazy hive of human activity―locals and visitors. While the Cinque Terre is now well discovered, I’ve never seen happier, more relaxed travelers.

Until the advent of tourism in this generation, the towns were poor and remote. Today, tourism stokes their economies and each is well connected by hourly trains. But traditions are resilient, there’s not a chain store anywhere, and each of the five villages comes with a distinct dialect and its own proud heritage.

To preserve the Cinque Terre’s natural and cultural wonders, Italy has declared the region a park. Visitors buy a cheap day pass to hike the scenic trail that laces together the unique communities.

Riomaggiore―the most substantial non-resort of the five towns-is a fascinating tangle of pastel homes that lean on each other like drunken sailors. A cliff-hanging trail leads from the beach to a hilltop botanical garden.

The next town, tiny Manarola, is a tumble of buildings down its ravine to the harbor. You can hike up to Punta Bonfiglio―for a bar on a bluff between the cemetery and the sea-or enjoy tasty treats born right here: pesto on your focaccia, washed down by crisp local wine sprinkled with Mediterranean twinkles. Talk about going local.

Corniglia is a quiet town―the only one of the five not on the water. From the train station, a footpath zigzags up nearly 400 stairs to the hilltop town. According to legend, a Roman farmer originally settled Corniglia, naming it for his mother, Cornelia. Residents claim Cornelia’s son produced a wine so famous. Still, today, wine remains the town’s lifeblood. Following the pungent smell of ripe grapes into an alley cellar, I find a local who lets me dip a straw into his keg.

Monterosso, the Cinque Terre’s only resort town, comes with cars, hotels, rentable beach umbrellas, crowds, and a thriving late-night scene.

With the closest thing to a natural harbor―overseen by a ruined castle and an old church―Vernazza is the jewel of the Cinque Terre. Its action is at the harbor, where you’ll find restaurants, a bar hanging off the edge of the castle, a breakwater with a promenade, and a street market every Tuesday morning. While the old men putter with their tough little boats, the day’s last bit of sunshine seems to sweep the old women and children into a warm corner in front of the church.

Leisure time is devoted to the evening stroll, as locals wander lazily together up and down the main street. After three days in town―sitting on a bench, gelato in hand, enjoying the endless“ciaos”and parade of neighbors―I feel a part of the scene.

I caps my Cinque Terre days on the breakwater with a glass of dessert wine. At midnight, the Mediterranean is darker than the sky―except for bobbing lanterns on the horizon. By night, old-school fishermen are seducing anchovies into their nets. By day, the same guys are seducing me with a way of life that refuses to give in to the modern world.






里奥马焦雷,是五个村镇中最不像旅游胜地的地方。色彩迷人的房子如喝醉酒的水手般乱糟糟地相互倚靠在一起。一条蜿蜒在悬崖峭壁间的小路从海滩一直延伸到山顶的植物园。 接下来的小镇,是小小的马纳罗拉,那是一片从峡谷向下延伸到港口的杂乱建筑。你可以徒步爬到蓬塔・邦菲利奥,去一个建在公墓和大海之间的断崖上的酒吧里坐坐,或者尽享当地原产的美味:在佛卡恰面包上抹上香蒜酱,痛饮地中海的闪烁星光飘洒在上面的清爽的当地美酒,谈论当地的风俗民情。




