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Part 3 Dorm Sweet Home

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(Two students sit at a picnic table outside the dorms.)

Sandy: Timmy?

Tim: Sup, babe?

Sandy: Whatcha think of the new rules?

Tim: I think it’s all BS, but I don’t gotta say in it or nothing.

Sandy: I kinda think it’s gonna be good for everyone in the long run.

Tim: How d’ya think?

Sandy: ①It’s nice that we’re all able to air out our differences once a week like that, in an open 1)forum. There used to be all this 2)tension in the air, like everyone hated everyone else. ②At least now it’s all out in the open.

Tim: You don’t care that you can’t stay in my room past 10:00?

Sandy: Of course I care. I just didn’t realize that all those people had a problem with the way we’re behaving.

Tim: Who cares what they think, babe? I ain’t changin’ for them.

Sandy: Maybe we both need to change, and adapt. I wanna start being better about respecting people, you know? It’s the right thing to do. ③And if you wanna be with me, you gotta get your act together.

Tim: Who are you? My mom??

Sandy: Fine! ④If you wanna stay an 3)insensitive ass, be my guest! But I’m moving on, growing up. You’ve already gotten me in enough trouble as it is. You eat everyone’s food, you use their soap, shampoo and even their toothpaste. You are an 4)obnoxious pig, and we are so freaking over!! Got it, BABE?!

Tim: Baby, please! I’m sorry...I can be better. I don’t wanna lose you...

Sandy: Do you mean it?

Tim: I do. Like 110%.

Sandy: Then prove it!

Tim: How?

Sandy: ⑤I think it would be a load off our backs if we went and apologized to all the people who spoke up in the meeting. ⑥I think it’ll go a long way toward easing some of the bad blood around here.

Tim: I’ll do whatever it takes. I trust you more than anyone else here.

Sandy: Really? Oh Timmy! ⑦It’s so hard to stay mad at you, you big sweet-talker. Tim: That’s the first time I’m ever been accused of being sweet.

Sandy: Well I always knew that underneath that tough 5)exterior lies a big heart.

Tim: I don’t know about all that. But I know I’ve pretty much 6)alienated myself from everyone here but you. Normally I’d be all cool with it, but now that I know how my actions affected you all this time, I guess I’d better make a change as soon as possible.

Sandy: Oh Timmy Bear! I love you...

Tim: ...I... You make me wanna be a better roommate, and a better man. I wonder if this is what true love feels like...

Smart Sentences

① It’s nice that we’re all able to air out our differences once a week like that, in an open forum. 像这样我们能够每周一次开诚布公地说出自己不同的看法,这很好。

air out: discuss an issue or problem freely(坦率地谈论某件事,开诚布公)。例如:

Okay, it’s time to air out your thoughts on the new rule.


② At least now it’s all out in the open.至少现在大家都敞开心扉了。

out in the open: sth. is known to people and no longer a secret(公开的)。例如:

Before we make a final decision, we don’t want the downsizing plan out in the open.


③ And if you wanna be with me, you gotta get your act together. 如果你想和我在一起,你就必须有所行动。

get sb.’s act together: get organized and deal with sth. effectively(行动起来,有效应对某事)。例如:

If we want to win the game, we need to get our act together and train more vigorously.


④ If you wanna stay an insensitive ass, be my guest! 如果你继续不以为然的话,随便你!

be my guest: used to give sb. permission to do sth.(请便)。例如:

If anyone wants to try the new equipment in the gym next week, be my guest.


⑤ I think it would be a load off our backs if we went and apologized to all the people who spoke up in the meeting.我想如果我们去向在会上指出我们问题的人道歉,一定会如释重负。

a load off sb.’s back: a great relief for sb.(如释重负)。例如:

The good news about Dad’s surgery is a load off Mom’s back.


⑥ I think it’ll go a long way toward easing some of the bad blood around here. 我想要缓解别人对我们的不满要很长一段时间。

bad blood (between people): unpleasant feelings or animosity between people(人之间不愉快的感觉或敌意)。例如:

There is no bad blood between us. I don’t know why we should quarrel.


⑦ It’s so hard to stay mad at you, you big sweet-talker. 很难生你的气,你的嘴真甜。

a sweet-talker: sb. says nice things so others will do what he/she wants or not to be angry(喜欢说好话的人,嘴很甜的人)。例如:

Josh becomes an instant sweet-talker whenever he wants something from you.
