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It always takes some sentimental color in separation in the world. How can it be an exception especially when we are ending the unforgettable military life, and leaving those respectable drillmasters?

I couldn’t help crying!

I like the green military camp, the every inch of the land, and the rigorous lifestyle here. At this moment of leaving, there is no such boredom or rage inside me as that caused by tiredness when we arrived here but sentimentality and unhappiness of reluctance to part.

Every drop of tear comes from the heart, and every sentence of words comes from the soul. Let’s raise the bowls, drink beverage instead of wine, and say gently to our drillmasters: “Thank you very much for your heart-and-soul devotion!” Neither delicate expressions nor magnificent vocabularies are needed. Only this simple but sincere sentence can fully send out our real heartfelt wishes!

How can I forget, the green camp! How can I forget, the drillmasters!

I can’t forget the feeling that we were startled by its immensity and neatness when we first reached the military camp; I can’t forget the anger that we had all been drenched by the rainwater but had to do training with our wet uniforms on; I can’t forget the exhaustion that we stood straight like a statue for 20 minutes under the scorching burning sun; but what I can’t forget most is the sweet smiles on the drillmasters’ faces when they were talking with us kindly or teaching us songs; the anxious expressions when they relieved the faint ones; the warm words when they treated us with the fruits which cost them too much.

Yes, we were no longer little “princes” or “princesses” in the military camp, but we could always feel the warmth of home with the help of the drillmasters. It is the military life that makes such a group of children as us who were pampered and spoiled grow up rapidly. The military camp is not a honey pot in which we could indulge ourselves. It is a place where there are no comfortable mattresses, sufficient beverage, or “chattering” of parents and grandparents. But we have learned spirit of patriotism, courage of not fearing any difficulty and hardship, and a lifestyle of simplicity and seriousness. We are infected by the serious and tense atmosphere in the camp, and are encouraged by the special quality of the soldiers. We dare not have a little abstraction or relaxation.

But now it is time for us to leave the camp――the holy green land. Although we are unhappy, we needn’t be too excessively sad. Just as Su Shi from Bei Song Dynasty said: “People have separations and reunions, and the moon has roundess and incomplete -ness, which is unchangeable from ancient times to today.” The camp makes me aware of the responsibility on my shoulders. Though insignificant am I , I have my own dreams, and I am ready to take a fly. Without fragility or hubris, I believe that my life will be the unyielding pursuit, and the indomitable singing!

I still remember what Aositeluofusiji once said: "People's life should be spent like this: When he recalls the past, he won't be repent because he has not idled his lifetime, and he won't be ashamed because he has not led a vain and humdrum life; when he is on the deathbed, he could say: ‘My everything has dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world--struggling for the liberation of the human beings!'" So,believe me, my dear camp,and definitely this is the voice from my deepest heart! I will keep struggling with the practical actions, to create the eternal brilliance!

Goodbye, green military camp!

Goodbye, my beloved military camp!










