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Fallingwater―Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece House Above the Waterfall 流水别墅――弗兰

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fallingwater, the house designed by American architect frank lloyd wright for Edgar Kaufmann1) in southwestern Pennsylvania, hangs over a waterfall using the architectural device known as the cantilever2). Wright described his architectural style as "organic"―in harmony with nature, and though Fallingwater reveals vocabulary drawn from the International style in certain aspects, this country house exhibits so many features typical of Wright's natural style that the house very much engages with3) its surroundings.

Fallingwater has provided enjoyment to many people over the years: as a stimulating weekend retreat4) for the Kaufmann family and their friends, as a source of pride to the architect and his associates, and now―cared for by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy―as an exceptional experience for visitors from near and far.



When Wright came to the site he appreciated the powerful sound of the falls, the vitality5) of the young forest, the dramatic rock ledges and boulders6); these were elements to be interwoven with the serenely7) soaring spaces of his structure. But Wright's insight penetrated more deeply. He understood that people were creatures of nature, hence an architecture which conformed to8) nature would conform to what was basic in people. For example, although all of Fallingwater is opened by broad bands of windows, people inside are sheltered as in a deep cave, secure in the sense of hill behind them. Their attention is directed toward the outside by low ceilings; no lordly9) hall sets the tone but, instead, the luminous10) textures of the woodland, rhythmically enframed11). The materials of the structure blend with the colorings of rocks and trees, while occasional accents12) are provided by bright furnishings, like wildflowers or birds outside. The paths within the house, stairs and passages, meander13) without formality or urgency, and the house hardly has a main entrance; there are many ways in and out. Sociability and privacy are both available, as are the comforts of home and the adventures of the seasons. So people are cosseted14) into relaxing, into exploring the enjoyment of a life refreshed in nature. Visitors, too, in due measure experience Wright's architecture as an expansion of living.

Fallingwater opened a new chapter in American architecture, and is perhaps rightly considered Wright's greatest work, for he was first and foremost15) an architect of houses. In its careful yet startling integration of stone walls anchored to the bedrock16) and modern reinforced concrete17) terraces hovering in space, an architecture critic states that Fallingwater may be understood as one of the great critiques18) of the modern movement in architecture, and simultaneously19) one of its masterpieces. Yet we cannot help feeling that there is more to this design than even that; this is an architecture that seizes our imagination, letting us see space and habitation in ways that seem new, but which we simultaneously feel to be ancient, somehow fundamental to our human nature.

Fallingwater is famous; from all over the world many thousands of visitors come each year to its remote site. What draws them?―a most unusual house in an exceptionally picturesque20) setting and something more, a reputation.

In 1936, even before it was finished, knowledgeable people talked about this new work of Frank Lloyd Wright. After a time a consensus21) arose that Wright had created a masterwork that appealed not only to professionals but to the public generally. Fallingwater was not much like the earlier architecture that had made Wright famous; it was just as distant from the avant-garde22) styles of the 1930s, and surely like any popular "dream house". Yet now that Fallingwater has been tested by half-a-century of the widest exposure, one can say that it marks a high point in Wright's vast works, in American architecture, in the architecture of this century, and possibly in all architecture.





1. Edgar Kaufmann: 埃德加・考夫曼(1885~1955),德裔美国商人,慈善家

2. cantilever [?k?nt?li?v?(r)] n. 悬臂,是一种只有一端锚固的梁,将荷载传递到支座。

3. engage with: 紧密结合

4. retreat [r??tri?t] n. 隐居处;静养所

5. vitality [va??t?l?ti] n. 活力

6. boulder [?b??ld?(r)] n. 巨石

7. serenely [s??ri?nli] adv. 宁静地;安详地

8. conform to: 顺应;符合

9. lordly [?l??dli] adj. 贵族气派的;高贵的;宏伟的

10. luminous [?lu?m?n?s] adj. 发亮的

11. enframe [en'fre?m] vt. 配以框架;装上框子

12. accent [??ksent] n. 【画】高光(画面上用色彩表现的最亮点)

13. meander [mi??nd?(r)] vi. (河流、道路等)蜿蜒而行,迂回曲折

14. cosset [?k?s?t] vt. 宠爱

15. first and foremost: 首先,首要的是

16. bedrock [?bedr?k] n. 基岩(松软的沙、土层下的岩石)

17. reinforced concrete: 钢筋混凝土

18. critique [kr??ti?k] n. 评论

19. simultaneously

[?s?ml?te?ni?sli] adv. 同时地


流水别墅建成之后即名扬四海。它的主人埃德加・考夫曼认为流水别墅是一所绝妙的栖身之处,但它更是一件艺术品,应该让更多人有机会欣赏,因为它超越了一般含义,住宅和基地在一起构成了一个人类所希望的与自然结合、对等和融合的形象。于是在1963年,赖特去世后的第四年,考夫曼决定将流水别墅捐赠给当地政府,永远供人参观。在捐赠交接仪式上,考夫曼在致辞中这样说道:“It is a work by man for man, not by a man for a man.... It is a public resource, not a private indulgence. (这是一件人类为自身所作的作品,不是一个人为另一个人所作的……它是一笔公众的财富,而不是私人拥有的珍品。)”