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One of the first things that dawn on students in their freshman year of university is that getting good marks is a totally different ①kettle of fish to when they were at school. The workload is more intense, the style of classes is different and a lot more self-motivation and self-discipline are required.

Most courses offer a wide and diverse range of units for students to select each term. There will be a few compulsory units, sometimes referred to as core units, but the students will be able to choose several options according to their own interests.

In university, the way courses are arranged depends on the major you choose but generally speaking the most common type of class is the lecture. A lecture involves a large number of students listening to an expert talking on a particular subject. The aim of the lecture is not to give students information that they will regurgitate on an exam paper but to give them advice and a sense of direction for how they should study a particular subject area by themselves. Students will also attend tutorials which consist of smaller groups and are arranged to discuss the topics being studied in more detail. Any problems that students may have in dealing with a particular course can be addressed in the tutorials. In more senior years students will also attend seminars but in most cases lectures and tutorials are the most common forms of classes for freshers.

In effect most study will be carried out by the student independently outside of class time. A typical schedule might consist of 15 hours of classes per week with the rest of the time free for research and study. This may come as a big shock to students who are used to having their high school teachers and parents ②breathing down their necks. Exam time is hell for those who procrastinate. Most students slip into a routine of study, however, as they come to realize that the responsibility for their future lies solely with themselves.

In high school the student is more or less told exactly what to study by the teacher. High school students focus on what is required for the final exams and rarely venture further than their textbooks. In university, the student is required to develop a more comprehensive understanding of a subject by undergoing extensive reading on the topic. Exam questions will not test your ability to memorize but your understanding of a topic or ability to solve a problem. This new approach to learning can take some getting used to. However, one thing that makes the transition easier is that most students will be able to focus on topics that they are interested in and good at and little or no time will be wasted on subjects that the student hates or has no use for. If a student still finds the change from high school to college a bit too disorientating there are many avenues of help open to them, such as tutors and student union help-lines.


Go to any college bar in the West and the most common topic of conversation will undoubtedly be money; or the lack of it, to be more precise. For the first time in their lives students, particularly those who are in a university far from home, will have to plan their finances carefully. Most students live on the combination of bank loans, grants and wages from part-time jobs. Students have to pay for food, rent and a hectic social life. Most of them run into some sort of financial trouble, such as running out of cash too quickly, at some point. But this gives students another type of education: how to live cheaply and be resourceful with money. If you are a stranger in a town and want to know how you can fill your stomach and enjoy a night on the town for as little money as possible, ask a student!

One of the dangers that can arise with money in a student's first year is getting too deep in debt. First year students will be ③confronted with banks and credit card companies seeking their custom and offering them all sorts of 'wonderful' services. The competition between financial institutions to find customers when they are still young is extremely intense and it is easy for the less thrifty students to get ④carried away and borrow themselves into trouble.


Students can live on campus or off campus. Most freshers will choose to live on campus because it will give them more of a chance to make friends with other people on their course. After their first year, when they have settled into their new life, many students will opt for the freedom of living in rented accommodation off-campus. Different universities offer different types of living quarters for students. A common form is called university halls. This might be several two-bed rooms with shared bathrooms and meals provided. Another type is more like apartments, where students have private bedrooms and share cooking and washing facilities between small groups. Accommodation is normally shared by males and females although single-sex dorms may also be available.

Social Life

Twenty years down the line, when married and ⑤settled into a life of work, responsibility and dreariness, the most evocative memories of university life will undoubtedly be the socializing. The first year in college ⑥kicks off with fresher's week. This is the week in which students need to register and get to know each other. It is also the week in which the Student Union will organize numerous activities, the large bulk of which will involve drinking copious amounts of booze. As the year progresses the bar crawls and parties increase. This is how most students enjoy the freedom of being anwith few responsibilities. In fact, most students will spend their year partying for a few weeks followed by cramming for a few weeks.

Universities are places where young people can find other people who share the same interests as themselves and college friendships are usually the most enduring. Aside from the college bar (not to mention the countless drinking establishments located in the vicinity of the campus) there are other places where freshmen can meet like minds. These places come in the form of clubs and societies. Besides the obvious, such as the Drama Society or the Football Club, there are a whole load of whacky off-the-wall clubs organized by students. From the parachuting club to the dungeons and dragons society, there is something for everyone.















workload /`w8kl9ud/ n.作业量

compulsory /k9m`p7ls9ri/ adj.必修的

regurgitate /ri(:)`G8_iteit/ v.(使)反刍

tutorial /t(`t5ri9l/ n.讨论课

procrastinate /pr9u`kr2stineit/ v.耽搁

disorientate /dis`5ri9nteit/ vt.使迷惑

hectic /`hektik/ adj.兴奋的;狂热的

resourceful /ri`s5sful/ adj.资源丰富的

thrifty /`Frifti/ adj.节约的

dreariness /`dri9rinis/ n.枯燥;沉寂

evocative /i`v4k9tiv/ adj.唤起的

copious /`k9upj9s/ adj.广识的;丰富的

cram /kr2m/ v.仓促用功(预备考试)

vicinity /vi`siniti/ n.附近

whacky /`(h)w2ki/ adj.怪诞的;发狂的

off-the-wall adj.古怪的

parachute /`p2r9H6t/ v.跳伞

dungeon /`d7ndE9n/ n.地牢

① kettle of fish 情况(俚语)

② breathe down one's neck 监视;监控

③ confront with面对

④ carry away 使失去自制力

⑤ settle into习惯于……

⑥ kick off 开始