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On 10th October, Swedish Academy announced that the famous Canadian female writer Alice Munro was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature and called her “Master of contemporary short stories”. Alice Munro, now 82 years old, defeated two leading candidates: Haruki Murakami, a Japanese writer, and Adonis, a Syrian poet, to become the 13th female writer and also the first Canadian writer to get the honor in Nobel history.


Writing genes of family inheritance


Alice Munro, whose original name was Alice Laidlaw, was born on 10th July 1931 in Wingham, Ontario, Canada, where many of her stories took place. New York Times said that “Munro’s life experience in Wingham” is a distinctive regional characteristic in her novels. Munro’s forefathers migrated from Scotland to Canada in 19th century. In every generation, there is always someone who is good at writing and home letter is their best works. Munro’s father Robert Laidlaw is a local farmer, mainly raising foxes and minks while her mother is a school teacher. Robert, as the descendant of James Hogg, the author of The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, is keen on reading. After a day’s labor he would always spare time to read and even published a novel about pioneers. Munro thinks highly of her father’s novel. Munro is very humble. After receiving awards in literature, she attributed her success in writing to that “she has no other talents” and said that her remarkable writing ability is of family inheritance.

Munro’s hometown is relatively blocked, so people’s ideas are conservative. Very few of them go to college and the ones who become writers are extremely rare. Most girls become housewives after marriage. Thus, teenager Munro, though inherited the family’s writing genes, kept this hobby to herself. By virtue of the talent of literature writing, Munro began to publish articles in magazines in succession. Munro recalled that her initial literature writing was that she adapted Andersen’s The Little Mermaid into a story with her beloved happy ending. Her early writing was mostly finished on the long way from her home to school, where she created her writing in her mind.



“Who do you think you are?” This is the sentence Munro most scared to hear in her adolescence. Worldly eyes cannot understand the dream in Munro’s heart and Munro herself is also reluctant to be spotted of her dream by others. This sentence is also the title of Munro’s fourth book depicting a success story of a girl’s perseverance in excellence. Probably, the heroine in this book is the reflection of Munro herself. Munro got her second Governor-General's Literary Award for this book. It can be said that Munro is lucky. She got a scholarship in the University of Western Ontario, majoring in journalism. However, she had to do some part-time work to make up for the living expenses because of the poverty of her family. Unfortunately, the scholarship is only valid for two years. Munro was forced to drop out of school at the end of the sophomore year.


Source of inspiration:

personal life


After dropping out of school, Munro married to her first husband James Munro and became a housewife. After that, her focus shifted to family. In the years after marriage, Munro gave birth to three daughters. Sadly, her second daughter died within 15 hours after birth. In 1936, the family moved to Victoria, Vancouver and opened a bookstore “The Munro”. This bookstore is still very popular with readers now. Munro once said in an interview that the ten years of running the bookstore was the happiest time in her first marriage life for she could help her husband run the business and at the same time she could learn from books and work on writing skills. Her famous work Dance of the Happy Shades was published in this period. Munro’s first marriage was ended in 1972 and she then moved back to the University of Western Ontario. Afterwards, Munro got married to her second husband Gerald Freling and lived there for decades until this April when Freling passed away and Munro moved to another place.

In addition to housework, her spare time was mostly spent on writing. It was said that Munro hurried to write down the words during the scattered trivial time of her daily work for fear of the slipping away of the inspiration. Usually in the periods like after the children fall asleep, waiting for the oven to finish baking, husband going out and after finishing cleaning the bowls. The women characters in Munro’s later works often have rich life experience, strong willed and tough, and realize their self-value in ordinary life.



Going through Munro’s works, it is not hard to find out her life track. A father character in one of her novels was a farmer raising minks and another female protagonist moved from the southwest of Ontario to Vancouver after marriage. There is also a character who is a writer and whose mother is a school teacher. Death of mother at a young age, a poor family, non-graduate of university, early marriage, giving birth to children, divorce, remarriage and becoming grandmother, all these plots in her own life have correspondence in her novels. Some readers consider the comprehensive work Runaway Munro completed in 2004 as a semi-autobiography to some extent.


Works concerned with women’s fate


Munro got married at an early age so that marriage life and the attitudes and choices of women in marriage and family have become a common and important theme in Munro’s writing. The stories of ordinary people in small places, especially women, are the main content in Munro’s writing and most of the protagonists in her work are women. She depicts women’s whole life from teenage, middle age to old age with trivial life events and emotions. The protagonists in these novels share a common characteristic that is ordinariness even though they are of different ages, different life experience and different work. Munro is good at seeing through the inner mind movement of protagonists with a unique point from their seemingly quiet and mediocre life.


Most of the early works of Munro feature young girls who just enter into society or marriage life. The main story line is around love, sex and children. While her later works are focused on the desires, struggles and regrets of middle and old aged women. In 1986, persistent Munro finally overcame the depression of being a young mother and published her first collection of short stories Dance of the Happy Shades which Munro spent nearly 20 years to complete. This collection focuses on describing the manners of small towns and the feelings of young boys and girls. It aroused great attention once published. Munro got Governor's Literary Award, the highest literary award in Canada and formally got listed into the circle of “famous writers”. This event also injected a new trend into European and American literary world which usually pays little attention to short stories. That year Munro was 37 years old and that year was also the time when Canadian feminist movement reached its height. This could be a coincidence but it could also predict the close relation between her works and women.

Some readers said that even though those distinctive and rich female characters were not Munro herself, they were shining with her characteristics. For some sensitive description about divorce, murder and runaway in her books, Munro rarely makes her own position clear, leaving all the words for readers to figure out and savor in their own way.



Pleasant surprise after stopping writing


Munro has focused on writing short stories since her writing career started. Her distinctive style of plainness and elegance and her continuous refinement of her work earned the appraise in the field. In her nearly 50 years of writing life, she has embraced nearly all major literature awards. The well-known writer Cynthia Ozick described her as “contemporary Chekhov”. From this, we can see that Munro deserves all the prizes.

Due to time difference, when the committee of Nobel Prize for literature announced that Munro got the prize, Canada was at midnight. The committee could only leave a phone message that she had got the prize. It was Munro’s daughter who found out the message and excitedly told it to her mother, while Munro just calmly said that it was midnight and she had already forgot the Nobel thing.



82 year-old Munro suffered from heart disease and was subjected to cancer treatment. In 2012, after publishing her lasted novel Dear Life, she announced that she decided to stop writing. However, when interviewed after receiving the Nobel Prize, Munro also said that “This prize might change my decision.”

Munro did not publish her first novel until she reached her middle age. In her works, there is no flowery language, no twisting plots but the simple and plain words can accurately deliver the characters’ psychological activities and penetrate their souls. Munro, with her persistent pursuit, made short novels have a great victory in Nobel Prize in literature. Although Munro is a late bloomer, her love for literature has never faded, which is the most perfect realization of dreams and the purest tribute to literature.




works of Alice Munro


1.《欢乐荫影之舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades,1968)

2.《女孩和女人的生活》(Lives of Girls and Women,1971)

3.《有一件事我一直想告诉你》(Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You,1974)

4.《你以为你是谁?》(Who Do You Think You Are?1978)

5.《木星的卫星》(The Moons of Jupiter,1982)

6.《爱的进程》(The Progress of Love,1986)

7.《我年轻时的朋友》(Friend of My Youth,1990)

8.《公开的秘密》(Open Secrets,1994)

9.《善良女子的爱》(The Love of a Good Woman,1998)

10.《憎恨、友谊、求爱、爱恋、婚姻》(Hateship, Friendship, Courtship,Loveship,Marriage,2001)


12.《石城远望》(The View from Castle Rock,2006)

13.《太多的幸福》(Too Much Happiness,2009)

14.《亲爱的生活》(Dear Life,2012)