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The effects of physical exercise on the bone density of the middle―aged female i

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Abstract. The subjects in this study include100 middle- aged female intellectuals in Linyi between 45 and 49 years old. The bone density of their calcareous were measured by the method of ultrasonic measurements. At the same time, information on living habits and health status The data were calculated and analysed through the statistic methods such as analysis of variance and covariance etc. The results showed that the decrease rate of bone quantity of middle aged intellectuals in Linyi city was relatively high, meanwhile, a lower percentage rate was observed for the good osseous state. With the increase of age, there is a decrease trend in the bone mineral content of the middle aged intellectual in Linyi. The decreasing speed of bone mineral content in female was faster than that in male in the same age groups; The bone mineral content of women after the menopause was lower than that before the menopause.

Keywords: osteoporosis; bone mineral content; osseous; physical activity

1. Preface

Osteoporosis (OP) is a kind of systemic bone disease whose main feature is bone loss. It has the bone microstructure degradation, accompanied by bone fragility increase and the ease of a fracture. OP is a serious disease that threatens human health and the quality of life currently. It ranks seventh in the world common disease.

Exercise is closely related to the bone growth, bone mass and the bone tenacity. Physical exercise increases body weight, which has a stimulating effect on bone-producing cells. At the same time, physical exercise also has a significant effect on the loss period of bone mass. The history of women's physiological changes is accompanied with the complex hormonal changes. It also has a significant effect on changes in bone mass. Physical activity is beneficial to bone health of postmenopausal women.

2. Research Objects and Methods

2.1. Research objects

1) Part of the school staff and the Linyi municipal government civil servants with the age of 45 to 59 years old.

2) In good physical condition. Those who suffer from diseases that may affect bone metabolism are excluded. The objects of study do not take heparin, corticosteroids, estrogen, calcitonin, bone metabolism drugs in the first six months of the test.

According to the above conditions, select 100 objects in line with the study.

2.2. Research methods

2.2.1. The literature material method

Through looking up a large number of related documents, understand the research status, and determine the topics of basis and purpose.

2.2.2. Questionnaire

According to the purpose of this study, questionnaire is designed based on a large number of relevant information.

2.2.3. Experimental test method

In this study, bone mineral density testing equipment is applied. calcaneal bone mineral content is made an actual test in the study. For those who have special circumstances, test their non-calcaneal bone. Test instrument

The test instrument used in this study is SONODT-2000 ultrasonic bone density tester made in Korea. Bone test indicators

Three indicators: 1) Broadband, ultrasound attenuation (BUA), the unit is dB/MHz. 2) the bone of quality index, (BQI) reflecting the bone mass index. 3) T-Score (T value). Assessment methods

According to the “Human primary osteoporosis diagnostic criteria” that is formulated by the Osteoporosis diagnostic criteria for subject groups of China Gerontological Society of Osteoporosis Committee in January, 1999, compare the BMD and the mean and standard deviation of the same sex (T value) [3] [8]. When the T-Score is between 1.0 to -1.0 standard deviation of the mean value, it is of the normal bone mass. When the T-Score is higher than the average of 1.0 standard deviations (T> 1.0), it is of high bone mass (HBM). When the T-Score is less than the average 1.0 to 2.5 standard deviation (T = -1.0 to -2.5), it is of low bone mass (LBM).When the T-Score is less than 2.5 standard deviation or above (T

2.3. Mathematical statistics methods

SPSS11.0 software is used to process the experimental data. In this study, the data processing adopts the comparison among means, univariate analysis of variance, two-factor analysis of covariance and other statistical methods.

3. The Research Results

3.1. The osteoporosis status of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City

3.2. The bone mineral content status of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City

Table 2 shows that the bone mineral content decreases with the increase of the ages for the female intellectuals in Linyi City.

3.3. The influences of physical exercise on the bone status of middle-aged women in Linyi City

4. Analysis and Discussions

4.1. Characteristics of bone mineral content of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City

In terms of the bone status of middle-aged women in Linyi City, the test results show that the highest rate of the condition that bone mass is normal is period from 45 to 49 years old; the highest rate of bone loss is the period from 56 to 59 years old.

4.2. Situation of bone mineral content of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City

The value of the T-Score in Table 2 show that the bone mass during the period of 45-49 years old have reached the highest ratio and that it is of the highest rate when the bone mass is in the normal state. Female bone mineral content is in the rapid decline during the period of 50-55 years old. The result is unanimously with that inside and outside this country.

4.3. The influence of physical exercise on bone mineral content

Bone health campaign aims to improve bone mineral metabolism, and slow the loss of bone calcium. Ultimately it aims to achieve the balance of the whole body bone mechanical function [14].

Appropriate long-term exercise can cause a benign change in bone structure, such as the increase in physical strength and robustness of the bone, the backbone of thicker, increase in bone mineral content, bone degenerative changes was delayed, and mitigate.

It can be seen from Table 3 the influence of physical exercise on bone mineral content that the A1 group of all ages is higher than in group A2.

4.4. The physiological characteristics that affect the female bone status

The bone is one of the main target organs of estrogen. The changes of the estrogen concentration have a major impact on the osteoblast or osteoclast activity.

4.5. The effect of various common sports event on the prevention of osteoporosis

1) Those who often participate in a small ball (badminton, ping-pong, tennis) movement, their bone mineral content is 98.651 ± 17.8850; those who often participate in the big ball (football, volleyball, basketball) sports, their bone mineral content is 98.414 ± 20.4837; those who often take part in ball games and ball games project can well maintain bone mineral content.

2) Those who often participate in tai chi, tai chi sword,and martial arts sports, their bone mineral content (BUA) is 96.512 ± 19.2084. Those who often participate in tai chi, tai chi sword exercise can help slow down the process of the osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

3) Those who often participate Guangbo Cao, aerobics, aerobics, and skipping, their bone mineral content (BUA) is 92.189 ± 11.5945. Those who often participate in these sports are found to have good bone condition.

4) Those who often participate in long-distance running, walking, mountain climbing, brisk walking and other aerobic sports, their bone mineral content (BUA) is 89.054 ± 17.5785. The results show that these sports maintain and improve the role of bone mineral content.

5) Many studies have shown that swim is non-weight- bearing mechanical load, which has no increase role in bone density. This study also reached the same conclusion.

6) For other kinds of activities (fishing, do housework, photography, and a variety of chess, etc.), the result have shown that bone mineral content (BUA) is 83.593 ± 18.544, showing that the events with too small exercise do not have apparent effects on maintaining higher bone mineral content.

5. Conclusions and Suggestions

5.1. Conclusions

The bone status of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City should attract attention. The test results show that the bone status of middle-aged women intellectuals in Linyi City has a relatively large rate of bone loss status, while the ratio that bone status in good condition is relatively small.

5.2. Suggestions

5.2.1. Primary prevention to strengthen the osteoporosis

Primary prevention occupies an important position in the full range of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis; it should start from children and adolescents.

5.2.2. Vigorously promote healthy cornerstone for a healthy lifestyle

According to the research literature suggested that the bone health exercise prescription, exercise heart rate should be controlled at about 130 beats per minute, the main control in the aerobic exercise range of 60% to 70% of maximal oxygen uptake; is generally recommended to have 3 to 5 times a week exercise frequency, each exercise time each about one hour, to 15:00 pm~18:00 Movement is more appropriate. The elderly to participate in sports should pay attention to choose should not need to suddenly over-breath-hold, the outbreak of the straining force action [14].

5.2.3. Women need to improve their bone situation according to their physiological characteristics

Recommended that postmenopausal women daily calcium supplement 1000 ~ 1500mg, increased physical activity and appropriate physical activity, make the necessary outdoor sports can help reduce and slow down bone loss.

5.2.4. Advocate regular bone mineral density testing

In elderly osteoporosis prevention and treatment of disease should be highly valued. Recommended 25 to 35 years old during the test once every 1-2 years, in order to understand the peak bone mass; every 36 to 44-year-old test once a year to maintain bone mass; 45 after every 6 months to 1 year test once to the understanding of bone mass loss; osteoporosis patients in the course of treatment every 3 to 6 months measurement, in order to understand the effects of treatment.


[1] Liu Zhonghou. Osteoporosis study [M] Beijing: Science Press, 1998.

[2] Lin Wei, Deng Liping. Guangzhou area 503 cases of normal bone mineral density analysis and research [J]. Chinese osteoporosis magazine, 2002,8:116 ~ 117.