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572 Hotline is a 24-hour service for victims of sexual assaults and rapes. It was launched by a NGO made up of rape survivors and a telephone service center named “Digital Democracy”. It provides a lifeline for Haitian women and girls, in a country known for its high levels of sexual violence.


Haiti is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Political turmoil and frequent natural disasters further plague the already fragmented life of Haitian people. Among all Haitian people, women are exposed to more threats.

位于加勒比海北部的岛国海地,是全世界公认的最为贫困的国家之一。在这里,政治的动荡不安、自然灾害的频袭无时无刻不影响着人们早已千疮百孔的生活。 相较于普通大众饱受的痛苦,生活在此的广大女性又需额外警惕另一份威胁所带来的严重问题。

In Haiti, tens of thousands of women and girls are abused or raped annually. According to a survey by Lancet, 35,000 women were subject to sexual violence around the capital, between 2003 and 2005; 90% of which were raped. And this situation worsened further after the hurricane attack in 2008 and the big quake in 2010.


Raping Is Rampant in the Ruins of the Quake


The Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development (INURED) released a report in 2010, one year after the quake, saying that Haitian women faced severe threats of sex abuse because they lived in temporary camps for a long time after the earthquake. Meanwhile, due to lack of protection, untold women were raped and even pregnant. According to statistics, only in one year after the quake, the child birth rate of Haiti increased twofold.

The report also pointed out: “Sex-for-food” trade is not uncommon in the relief camps. Some women have lost husband, brothers or sons, male protections; they have to trade sex with some men so as to get shelter or food. Even aid officers said that it was hard to eliminate rapes: “Sexual assaults are daily occurrences in the biggest camps after the quake, due to lack of lighting facility and security facilities. Even a 2-year-old toddler was raped. Moreover, out of fear of revenge by the offenders, almost none of them would speak out their suffering.”



These victims suffer from physical and psychological pains. Sexually transmitted diseases are one of their plagues, and the most worrying one is HIV infection. According to some statistics, Haiti has the highest HIV infection rate in the Western hemisphere, with approximately one in 50 people infected. If these victims are affected with HIV and cannot have in-time medical treatment, they will face grave health threat.


Setting up of an Aid Hotline


To help Haitian women who were frequently exposed to sexual violence, an aid hotline set up in September 2011 by Digital Democracy, a New York-based non-governmental organization, started working around round the clock, allowing women and girls to get help at night and weekends, which is when assaults are more likely to happen. Up till June 2012, the call centre had fielded nearly 2,000 calls. It receives 10 to 60 calls a day.

Just having somebody answer the phone, talk you through what the next steps are, knowing that you won’t have to go through it alone,” said Elmita Residor, one of six trained phone operators working at the call centre in the Haitian capital and also one of the heads of this programme. She said: “It puts people at ease and gives them strength. You can hear that by the time they hang up the phone”. She further added: “Most frequently callers are asking what can I do, where to go, and what to do after incidents of sexual violence and rape”. Reiser says operators emphasize the importance of getting medical care within 72 hours of a rape to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy. Then they will persuade the victim to report it to the police to obtain legal rights before lending psychological counseling to them, etc.

为应对不断遭受性暴力威胁的海地妇女的状况,“数字民主”(Digital Democracy)――一个总部位于纽约的非政府组织,于2010年计划开通海地首个专门针对性暴力和幸存者的热线,热线24小时不间断服务,避免受侵害妇女在夜晚高发时间无法求助的情况,截至2012年6月,该热线已成功接听并解答受侵害妇女电话近2000次,平均一天要接听10到60个电话。

“仅仅是有人接电话,告诉她下一步该怎么去做,就会让她明白她不是一个人去承受这一切。”Elmita Residor是救助热线六名训练有素的话务员之一,同时也是“数字民主”海地计划的负责人。她告诉记者,话务员的帮助会让受害妇女放松,给她们力量。在挂断电话的一刻,可以很明显地感受到受害妇女的心情变化。“大多数时候,拨打热线的人都想问她们怎么办,能去哪里,在害和发生之后能做些什么。通常热线接听人员首先会向受侵害妇女强调在行为发生后的72小时内接受医疗救助的重要性,以使受害者免受HIV/AIDS等性传播疾病侵害,并避免意外怀孕。其次才会尽可能地说服受侵害妇女尽快向警方报案,争取自身合法权利以及对受侵害妇女进行心理疏导等等。”

According to Elmita Residor, all the operators belong to a women’s rights group Kofaviv (Commission of Women Victims for Victims), which was founded in 2004 by rape survivors. Malya, one of the founders of Kofaviv, is also one of the rape survivors in Haiti. She met many women who shared similar frighteningly stories. Her own experiences and the experiences of other victims finally made Malya committed to these victims’ empowerment. KOFAVIV works to coordinate all forces and confront sexual violence and exploitation in Haiti, while providing rape survivors with social and psychological support and vital health services.

It means that callers can find someone at the end of the line who is empathetic and sensitive to their plight, not something that is too common among Haitian society in general, local rights groups say.

据Elmita Residor介绍,同其一起在电话服务中心工作的话务员,全部来自于一个由一群幸存者于2004年建立的名为“Kofaviv”的妇女权利组织。Malya 是该组织的创始人之一,同组织中的其他人员一样,她也是海地众多幸存者中的一员,同时还接触过很多跟她有相同遭遇的女性,而正是这些经历,让她最终确定了要为更多的受迫害女性争取权利的信念。Kofaviv建立的初衷便是希望协同各方面的力量,制止对海地妇女及女童的剥削与性暴力,同时为幸存者提供社会、心理支持和至关重要的卫生服务。


Service Scope Expanded


But the hotline has become more than just about helping survivors of sexual violence. “It has grown with the type of calls, to cases of domestic violence and women asking about child support and child care,” Reiser said, adding that men also call the hotline seeking advice about violence in the home with their partners. She didn’t think it went too far. Because that the hotline aimed to raise awareness among women about their rights in general, any issues regarding rights of local women is their primary concern. “The aim is to increase information and address the information gap about women’s rights. Call centre staffs provide basic education on women’s rights and legal recourse, and they connect survivors to free medical, legal and psychosocial services,” Reiser said.

如今的572热线早已不再局限于帮暴力幸存者,“来电变得多种多样,有咨询家庭暴力个案的,有妇女询问子女抚养费问题和孩子照顾问题的。甚至还有男性拨打热线,寻求建议以解决与父母的暴力问题。” Elmita Residor对此并未感到不妥,在她看来救助热线的服务对象本身就没有固定的限制,热线的最终目的是希望普遍提高海地妇女的权利意识,只要涉及到当地妇女的权利问题,她们都会尽全力解答。“我们的宗旨是拓宽妇女权利的信息渠道,弥补这方面的信息不足。呼叫中心的工作人员提供基本的妇女权利教育和法律资讯,也帮性暴力受害者联系以获得免费医疗、法律以及心理咨询服务。”

The 572 hotline number is advertised on local television channels, on the radio and at police stations. It means women living outside the capital in rural areas can also seek help. Haiti’s police officers often phone up as well to refer victims of sexual violence to Kofaviv for counselling.

Kofaviv says it deals with an average of around 40 rape cases a month. Its work also includes helping women file complaints with police and collecting women from police stations to get medical checks. Almost all of the victims seek counseling and rights protection under the guidance of operators from Kofaviv after first asking 572 hotline for help.

