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1. across/through

Go across the bridge. 走过桥去。

The students walked through the gate with Uncle Wang. 学生们同王大伯一起穿过大门。

[辨析] 两者都有“穿过“的意思,但across指在某一空间内从一端到另一端或成十字交叉穿过,而through着重指从物体中间穿过。


The government has decided to build another bridge______the Changjiang River.

A. above B. over C. across D. through


2. all/whole

It’s good to see all my teachers and friends again. 见到我所有的老师和朋友,真是好极了。

The whole village went out to welcome us. 全村的人都出来欢迎我们。

[辨析] all与复数名词连用时,意为“所有的”,与单数名词连用时,意为“整个的”、“全部的”。 whole的后面大多接单数名词,它一般不能与物质名词连用。不能说the whole money,应该说all the money(全部的钱)。


all her time = her whole time

all the school = the whole school


① The sentence “All the children are late” means “______”.

A. All the children are not early.

B. Not all the children are early.

C. Each child is early.

D. None of the children is early.

② Don’t stay in bed______.

A. whole the day B. all day

C. all of day D. the all day

Key:① D ② B

3. already/yet

I’ve already finished it. 这件事我已经做完了。

Have you found your ruler yet? 你已经找到你的尺子了吗?

[辨析] already主要用在肯定的陈述句中,通常与动词的完成时或进行时连用。 already有时也可以和动词的一般现在时或过去时连用,但谓语动词的动作或状态是延续性的。例如:It is already seven. 时间已经是七点了。

already也可用在疑问句中,暗示说话人的“惊奇”,“意外”。例如:Have you already had breakfast? 难道你已经吃过早饭了?



① ―Have you______heard the story about Jack?


A. already,ever B. ever,yet

C. yet,already D. yet,ever

② The teacher is so busy. She hasn’t had her lunch______.

A. yet B. already C. still D. just

Key:① B ② A

4. among/between

We visited him at his workplace among the young trees. 我们在四周长满小树的工地上拜访了他。

The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long,and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. 绿色长城7,000公里长,400至1,700公里宽。

[辨析] between常用于两者之间。 among一般指在三者或三者以上之间。如果指三个以上的人或物中的每两个之间,仍然要用between。 例如:Switzerland lies between France,Italy,Austria and Germany. 瑞士位于法国、意大利、奥地利和德国之间。


①______the students,he is studying hardest of all.

A. Between B. Among C. During D. In

② Shanghai is______the largest cities in the world.

A. one among B. from among C. before D. among

Key:① B ② D

5. arrive/reach/get

Her mother saw her when she arrived home. 她一到家,母亲就看见了她。

When she reached home she had a short rest and a glass of water. 她到家后,休息了一会儿,又喝了一杯水。

Did you get to school early? 你很早就到校了吗?

[辨析] arrive是不及物动词,后面需接介词at或in,再接表示地点的名词。 arrive at常指“到达”较小的地方,如车站、邮局、学校、机场等;arrive in常指到达较大的地方,如城市、国家、地区等。


get是不及物动词,get to后面可以接表示地点的名词作宾语。



The train will______Beijing in an hour.

A. reach at B. arrive in C. get D. arrives at


6. because/for/because of

It’s best to plant trees in spring because it’s warmer. 春天种树最好,因为天气暖和。

The shop was quite new,for it had opened only the week before. 这家商店相当新,因为一个星期前它才开业。

The girl didn’t come to school yesterday because of the rain. 因为下雨,那女孩昨天没来上学。


because是从属连词,用来引导原因状语从句,表示直接而明确的原因。 because从句一般位于主句之后。需要强调时,也可以将because从句放在主句的前面。


because of是复合介词,后面只接名词或名词性词组作宾语。

注意:回答用why开头的疑问句时,只能用because从句或because of引起的介词短语,不能用for。


① He was absent______sickness.

A. because B. because of C. for D. as

②______my father is ill,I have to stay at home to take care of him.

A. Because B. Because of C. For D. As

Key:① B ② A

7. except/except for/besides

All are present except Xiao Wang. 除小王外,其他人都到了。

Except for George,we can all go. 除乔治外,我们都可以去。

Yesterday two other boys were on duty besides Xiao Li. 昨天除小李外,还有两个男孩值日。



except for为复合介词,表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,即除去细节部分,有时可以和except互换,表示“除……以外”,但位于句首时,不用except,而用except for。



①______English,we study Chinese,politics,maths,physics and chemistry.

A. Beside B. Besides C. Except D. But

② The letter is good______the spelling.

A. except B. except for

C. except that D. except but

③ She has no choice______home.

A. but go B. except to go

C. except to go to D. besides to go

Key:① B ② B ③ B