这些美轮美奂、字字珠玑的碑记,王翼奇先生是怎么创作出来的?以文辞清畅、韵律流美、广受好评的《中国越剧百年诞辰碑记》为例,王翼奇先生说,去年他为了写这篇碑记,阅读了许多历史资料,对越剧发展历程作了一个梳理,前后做了三四个稿子。“但我这种梳理和考据不同,要看详细史实可以去看《中国越剧发展史》。我的这种梳理是为了在叙事中作一些穿插,理一个脉络。比如越剧最早由男班创始,但碑记中没有提到男班,以一句‘新创女子科班’涵盖了。所以大家看这个碑文时把它当成一种文学样式来看,碑记是一种传统骈文的表达,不是详尽历史记录。”由于越剧是通俗的戏曲,王翼奇先生在碑记中也极力避免用一些生僻的词句,“我得让关心越剧的人看得懂啊,所以用词时很注意雅俗共赏。”值得一提的是,王翼奇先生于年前出版的《绿痕庐诗话・绿痕庐吟稿》,隽永可诵,识见特出,不独有传统根柢,更有民主自由之视角,洵老辣作文者之翘楚也。在我想来, 中华文化之所以能古而不朽,旧而常新,也即董桥所谓“新和旧是可以同时存在的:多少前朝旧宅的深深庭院里,处处是花叶掩映的古树。房子和树是老的;花和叶是新的”,这与王翼奇先生等既能入乎典籍之内、又能出乎其外并能引发他义的知识分子的存在,是大有关系的。王翼奇先生以其高深的文化造诣、丰厚的生活积累所创作的楹联、碑记,表明汉语的博大、厚重,在滔滔者天下皆是的今天,偶尔获读此种游心于古今之际,意会于情意之间,裁剪风物,熔铸文史的文字,对汉语书写的振兴当会有一种信心吧。
The Man Who Adds Literary Beauty to West Lake
By Li Lizhong
The West Lake of Hangzhou has been famous for about 1,000 years in China. The picturesque scenery, together with the city's legendary wealthy past and luxurious life, has made the West Lake a household phrase in the country. Poets and artists have been in love with the tranquil lake and mountain beauty for centuries. If some historical folklore is true, the lake caused an invasion as a northern tribe leader saw a picture of the lake and vowed to have a commanding view of the lake from the hill where the City Temple towered. When the Northern Song Dynasty collapsed and the remaining royal family fled to Hangzhou and set up their new dynasty, Hangzhou became the national center of politics, economy, literature and art. Some disappointed poets blasted the government for its shameful indulgence in the wealth and natural beauty of Hangzhou and for its reluctance to recover the lost territory.
According to Wang Yiqi, director of the Couplets Studies Subgroup under the Zhejiang Languages Association, the West Lake literally displays a great anthology of literary couplets and inscriptions. The West Lake abounds with scenic spots and scenic spots abound with couplets and inscriptions. Wang knows the lake and knows these literary marvels, for he himself has created quite a few couplets and inscriptions for the lake and the city itself. What is more, he has written quite a few rhythmical essays for memorials across Zhejiang, a province steeped in history, literature and arts.
The rebuilding of the West Lake has offered Wang a godsend opportunity to write couplets and rhythmical inscriptions, for restored historical sites need couplets and inscriptions to tell people what the sites are and why they are there.
How does Wang write such couplets and inscriptions? He always researches thoroughly before setting pen to paper. For example, when he was requested in 2006 to write an inscription for a monument to be erected in celebration of the "centennial birthday" of Yueju Opera, he browsed ancient archives and studied the history of the opera; he weighed historical and modern factors and considered the best phrases; he rewrote the inscription four more times after the first version. He wanted the inscription to be literary and interesting; he did everything possible to avoid making it a representation of historical facts, data and names; he shunned away from turning out an essay of jaw-breaking ornate words and phrases; he wanted to pen an elegant inscription in a concise style so that most people could easily understand. He succeeded.
Wang Yiqi has published a collection of couplets and inscriptions he has written for the lake over years. The book also carries some of his contemplations on the Chinese language. His creative couplets and inscriptions reflect his profound understanding of Chinese classics, literary tradition, and his brand-new ideas about the future of the Chinese language.
(Translated by David)