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(Magda and Sarah, entering)

Magda: So, did you see the flat?

Sarah: Yeah, it’s great...really 1)spacious, really light, good location near a 2)tube station—and not too expensive!

Magda: Sounds perfect. There’s got to be a


Sarah: Well, Fadi’s cousin is the owner. Magda: That’s not a problem, is it?

Sarah: No...no, I don’t think so. He seems OK.

Magda: You don’t sound sure.

Sarah: No, really, he’s OK. And I really need a new place!

Magda: So you think you’ll move in?

Sarah: Yeah, certainly. Already decided...I move in on Saturday!

Magda: Great!(enter Johnny) Johnny: Hi!

Magda and Sarah: Hi there Johnny! Come and have a seat! How’s it going?

Johnny: Great thanks. I’m just waiting for Harry.

Sarah: You two are hanging out together all the time at the moment.

Johnny: We’re good mates, we get on really well.

Magda: Isn’t Harry working for you as well now?

Johnny: No! He’s working with me, not for me. There’s a very big difference!

Magda: What’s that?

Johnny: Well, if he was working for me, that means I’d be his boss. But he’s working with me, which means that we work for the same company, that’s all.

Magda: I’m not sure I’d want to be in the same office as you and Harry! What do you do, talk about football all the time?

Johnny: No! We don’t even work in the same office!

Magda: Sorry, only joking...I didn’t mean to be rude, but I think it’s a good idea to keep friends and work separate.

Sarah: Mmm, I agree.

Johnny: You could be right—but we don’t actually work together closely. It’s a b i g company you know and Harry works on the IT side. I’m at the front of the operation—searching out opportunities, winning contracts, 4)clinching deals...

Magda: Alright for you then!

Johnny: I’ll be rich in three years.

Magda: That’s what you always say! There are more important things in life than money, you know!

Sarah: Magda, don’t worry...not all Chinese people are like that. We don’t only care about money!

Johnny: Maybe, but all I mean is, well, I know where I’m going.

Magda: Lucky you...I wish I did...I’m about to finish my degree and haven’t got anything lined up for the future yet.

Sarah: Oh dear, nothing at all?

Magda: Well, I’ve got an interview with a small architect’s practice next week.

Sarah: That’s great news! Well done!

Magda: Yeah...but...I’m really worried about it! I’ve never done a job interview before. Can you give me some advice?

Sarah: Er...I guess I could help...I’ve done one or two interviews.

Johnny: I’ll tell you all you need to know! Don’t worry. Just listen to me, take my advice and you’ll definitely get the job!

Magda: Oh, er…well, great.

Johnny: But I can’t tell you now...got to go.

Sarah: Where are you off to in such a hurry?

Johnny: Got an appointment with the boys, haven’t I? Fadi and Harry—we’re all playing football this evening. Bye!

Magda: (sighs)

Sarah: (laughing) Bye!



金丝雀码头(C a n a r y Wharf)是英国首都伦敦一个重要的金融区和购物区,坐落于伦敦道格斯岛(Isle of Dogs,又译“狗岛”)的陶尔哈姆莱茨区(Tower Hamlets),位于古老的西印度码头(West India Docks)和多克兰区(Docklands)。

金丝雀码头与传统的伦敦金融中心——一平方英里(The Square Mile),即伦敦金融城(City of London)相匹敌。英国最高的三栋建筑均坐落于此——235.1米高的第一加拿大广场(One Canada Square),亦称金丝雀码头塔(Canary Wharf Tower)、第八加拿大广场(8 Canada Square),亦称汇丰银行塔(HSBC Tower)和花旗集团中心(Citigroup Centre),它们均高199.5米。