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On the Present Situation and Reflection of the Study of Sports modernization

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Abstract. The situation of the study of sports modernization is analyzed othe basis of the academic theses published in China since 1979, the results showed that more attention were paid to the study of school sports、traditional sports and sports modernization. The definition、connotation and index system showed great difference between scholars which reflect the theory of sports modernization is week and the study content is narrow. The current situation of sports development should be the start point of further sports modernization study with the grasp of the principal contradiction of China's sports development and taking the man as the main body of the study.

Key words: sports modernization study; situation; reflection

In June, 1951, the term “modernization” is first used to describe the transitional characteristics from the agricultural society to the industrial society in the edition department of “cultural transmission” in the United States [1]. Since then, modernization research is carried out in the global scope. Modernization research is paid more and more attention to by all subjects in China. [2]

This paper takes the research situation of modernization in the field of sports in our country as the research objects. The analysis materials come from the dissertation paper on sports modernization research that are published in the year 1979.

1.The Research Situation of Modernization in the Field of Sports in our Country

Through the CNKI database research, 191 research papers on sports modernization can be found up till the year 2008. It can be seen from the amount of papers on sports modernization that the publishing papers of research papers on the modernization in the field of sports in our country are on the increase, the details of which can be seen in Table 1.

Make analysis on the paper. It can be divided as community sports modernization, competitive sports modernization, school sports modernization, ethic traditional sports modernization, scientific sports modernization and sports modernization and other research, which can be seen in Table 2.

Table 1 the statistics of amount of the publishing research papers on sports modernization in China

Table 2 the statistics of content of the publishing research papers on sports modernization in China

It is apparently that the community and competitive sports have accounted an important place in the current sports development.

Theoretical research is the major research form in the modernization research in the field of sports. The current sports modernization index and the regional sports modernization research have made explorations on the development levels of sports modernization in our country from the perspective of quantization, which can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3 the statistics of the publishing research papers on sports modernization in China

2. Research Scope of Sports Modernization in our Country

2.1The recognition of concepts and connotations of sports modernization

Xiong Douyan considers that sports modernization “Scientific progress and technological development, which took place during the twentieth century, has considerably influenced the whole industry of sport. The changes have altered nearly all spheres of sport, ranging from the process of managing athletic competition to the sum of money allocated for various sport events. The important thing is that the work of numerous promoters of sports competitions has significantly increased public attention to such sport events, therefore modernization have significantly contributed to the condition of contemporary sport.”

Jiangsu provincial statistic department project (2001) considers that sports modernization has included a great amount of fields. Sporting competitions are conducted on national and international levels, preliminary based on local contests. This fact explains the popularity of many outstanding athletes, as they have the opportunity to establish national and international reputation and recognition. The role differentiation previously was very low among participants. Besides, there was very little distinction between observing and participating. But in present times the role differentiation in the world of sport is very high, professional athletes and coaches have appeared to train participants.

LI Xiang-hua (2002) considers in the paper of Chinese Modern Sports and Sports Modernization that modernization has influenced sport industry significantly, and attracted much more people to it. It also contributed greatly to turn every sport contest into a bright and exciting performance.

Li Li-yu (2003) considers that The national tradition sports are one of the important constituents in our outstanding traditional culture, under the modern Western culture’s turbulent tide’ impaction, their development fell into the difficult position, therefore adapt and transform the traditional sports to be modernization consciously, is a necessary way of the new century Chinese national tradition sports' development. This paper references from the cultural flow pattern to discuss the development ideas of the modernization on national traditional sports.

Han Guojun (2003) and Chen Guoli (2007) consider that sports modernization is an important part in the process of social modernization. People pay more and more attention to its function in social modernization. We can clearly realize the great significance of sports in social modernization and the problems in sports modernization from the various opinions about post-modernism.

ZHANG Hong(2004) and Lv Shudong (2004)write in Study on the Index System of Sports Modernization in Guangdong Province and say that gap with the world on physical sports. Nevertheless, with the national contradictory developing, see to it that China and the west collided on physical sports. Eventually, athletic ground turned into battlefield. It indicated Chinese people were extremely anxious the struggle for the independence and liberation of China.

Jiang Bin (2007) considers that sports modernization is a dynamic process.

Zhou Denghao (2007) says that through the use of scientific knowledge, the human world can become better, more controllable concept is the Enlightenment in the 18th century built up, it marks what we call the West's 'modernization' of the beginning. Modernization is based on the concept on a theory: it is believed that human beings can use reason, science and technology make progress. modernism more convinced that people can use social science to reveal that we need theories, these theories will allow society to become more efficient, fairer and more coordination, and with the theory of the accumulation of human society will become closer to perfect.

Wang ping (2007)thinks that sports is part of human life, it is difficult to imagine life without sports, what will become of the most people in society to participate in sports regarded as a normal thing, like eating and sleeping, as it is in everyday life a link. Sport as to meet the demand for recreation and leisure settings of a class society, in the second process of modernization has been a great development of sport as a social and cultural phenomenon of the rapid development in the Western world, led scientists to sports deep sense of thinking.

The above analysis has treated the sports modernization a kind of dynamic process of the sports development. It mainly takes the future development as the direction.

Table 4 sports modernization index systems of all kinds of sports

2.2 The research on index system of sports modernization

The sports modernization index system takes Suzhou, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Beijing as the research objects. In addition, there are sports modernization testing index system and learning city sports modernization index system of Gansu Province. The index systems of all sports modernization is shown in Table 4.

Through the above comparisons on the index system of sports modernization, it can be seen that Modernization in different areas has different performance. With political, economic, religious, educational, family, sports as a social setting to meet the needs of the community, one of modern sports development has an important impact.

As the researchers and the questionnaires have relatively large differences on the cognition of the connotations on sports modernization, the index system research on sports modernization has large discriminations from the very beginning. They were based on local customs and traditions, and varied from one district to another. In addition, modern rules are much more standardized and formal, pragmatically and rationally elaborated and legitimated by organizational means. Modernization has significantly influenced the scale of sporting competitions. The impact was primarily of local significance; there were very few chances for national reputation. They think that there are three most basic connotations including in the essence measurement. They are: the modernization dynamic characterization; modern quality characterization and modern fairness characterization. These are taken as the basis for the construction of the modern sports index system.

Non-equal weight comprehensive evaluation is one of the current major evaluation methods for sports modernization index system. Comprehensive indexes from 0-1 can be obtained through classification, and weight. Through the comparison on sports modernization index, the realizing degree of sports modernization can be determined. For example, the comprehensive realization degree of sports modernization in Guangdong Province is above 0.85, which is able to realize the sports modernization basically. However, the interpretation on the index should be paid close attention to.

3.Reflections and Suggestions on Sports Modernization Research in our Country

3.1 The theoretical basis of sports modernization research is weak

The absence of sports modern theory has influenced and stopped the research on sports modernization. With the support of the modern theories, the sports modernization research can only rely on the modernization theory and the sports theory. The results obtained can be only called as the research under the guidance of modernization theories.

3.2 The research content of sports modernization needs to expand

The recognition for the sports modernization is of great importance and it is as well quite necessary. However, the sports modernization process needs to be made deeper research by researchers, for it is a process that needs to be taken into practice and realized.

3.3 The sports modernization research shall take the sports development in our country as the starting point

The world modernization has gone for 240 years and now the entire world is going through modernization. This is as well the case in Chinese society. The current situation of sports development in our country is apparent; one of the important characteristics is difference.

3.4 The sports modernization shall grasp the major contradiction of the sports development

The major contradiction of sports development is the contradiction between sports resources and the sports requirements of human beings. In the past the sports resources were in great need. Therefore, people had low requirements on sports. In the contemporary society, the sports resources are on the increase. However, people have the increasing requirements of sports on the width and depth. In this case, the contradiction appears and the requirement for sports modernization comes up with the times.

3.4 The sports modernization research shall care the subject position of people

The subject of sports is human beings. It is the goal to improve and satisfy the sports requirements of human beings. It is a great challenge for the sports modernization research in our country to make abstract of the sports development from the differences. Only in this case can the research on sports modernization equip with both human and sports.


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