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盘锦营口高速铁路是我国以 “四纵四横”为主骨架的快速铁路网之 “一纵”——北京至沈阳至哈尔滨 (大连)高速铁路的重要组成部分,西起既有京哈铁路盘锦北站,经新建的盘锦站,东至哈尔滨至大连高速铁路的下夹河线路所,与哈大高铁连通,线路营业里程90公里,设计时速350公里,初期运营时速300公里。



Panjin to Yingkou high-speed railway is an important part of our country’s“four vertical and four horizontal” main skeleton rapid railway network’s “one vertical” - Beijing to Shenyang to Harbin (Dalian) highspeed railway, from west starting from the existing Beijing-Harbin Railway Panjin North Station, the new Panjin station, east to Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway Xiaiiahe, connected with Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway, operating mileage is 90 km, the design speed is 350 km, the initial operating speed is 300 km.

Yingkou-Panjinhigh-speed raiwayl started construction in May 31, 2009,completed laying the board in March 29, 2013 , and have conducted static acceptance, combined adjusting and operation test, etc., now already have the opening and operation conditions. After the operation of Yingkou-Panjin high-speed railway, the fastest operation time between Beijing and Dalian will be redused from 7 hours 39 minutes to 6 hours 04 minutes , can be shortened for 1.5 hours.

After the operation of Yingkou-Panjin high-speed railway, will further narrow the distance between Liaodong Peninsula and Liaoxi corridor, will have in-depth implementation of a comprehensive revitalization for northeast China and other old industrial bases, and promoting economic and social development.