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Study on the Exiting Problem and Countermeasure of China’s Adult Academic Creden

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[a] Teacher Education College of Sichuan Normal University, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China

Corresponding author.

Received 2 February 2013; accepted 20 March 2013


The current situation ofacademic credentials education in China has sprang up a lot of disadvantages like the graduate has low professional quality, poor comprehensive quality, and low employment rate, which need reformation urgently. This paper analyzed the current situation and the existing problems of China `sacademic credentials education, as well as put forward some specific solutions.

Key words: Adult academic credentials education; Current situation; Problem; Solution

HUANG Yilin (2013). study on the exiting problem and countermeasure of china’s adult academic credentials Education. Higher Education of Social Science, 4(2),-0. Available from: http:///index.php/hess/article/view/j.hess.1927024020130402.3500

DOI: http:///10.3968/ j.hess. 1927024020130402.3500


The modernization of education in our country not only refers to build a first-classed regular higher education, but also includes build up a first-classededucation. As an important part ofeducation, the academic credentials education has made huge contribution to the modernization of the education in our country. However, due to many realistic and historical reasons, theacademic credentials education also exist many problems which made the qualities of the trained graduates are not very high, so as to lead serious credibility crisis in the employment ofacademic credentials education. In recent years, the phenomenon of employing units clearly stated “noeducation college (or university)” appeared frequently. Facing with the fact that the credibility difference between the ordinary academic education and theacademic credentials education is widening with each passing day, some people raised the question that “whether it has any value or not for the existence ofacademic credentials education”...... In view of this, the author thinks: it has a profound and important practical significance for a serious and practical analysis of the situation and existing problem in China `sacademic credentials education, as well as put forward some reform measures.


1.1 The Entrance Examination and Courses of Adult Academic Credentials Education Spring up a Lot of Disadvantages

The current exam system of China `sacademic credentials education is basically in accordance with the model of the regular higher academic education, namely combining the national unified entrance examination for admission and the relatively independent course examinations ofinstitutions , which ignored the characteristics ofstudents and the features ofeducation courses, and seriously restricted the performance of the function of examinations and the courses teaching reform ofacademic credentials education. The specific representations are: 1. the entrance examination for admission ofacademic credentials education exist many problems. Firstly, the phenomenon of cheating in registration link is serious, such as the candidate hold a fake diploma to apply for a second degree or hold a university degree start from college degree, as well as the fake certificate from his/her working unit for bonus point and so on; Secondly, the content of the paper does not reflect the characteristics ofstudent, and still prefers to exam the theoretical knowledge like the regular higher education entrance examination for admission; Finally, comparing with the regular higher education entrance examination, it exist the suspicion that has lower standards in links like monitor examination, marking and so on. 2. The course examination forstudents at school also exist problem inacademic credentials education. Firstly, lacking of a unified and authoritative standard in links like organize the management of course examination and paper composition, each university goes at their own well, and the unification of teaching , testing and marking, all the facts above lead to the result that the examination results has no credibility; Secondly, the scope of the course examination` s content is too narrow, it usually test what the student has learned, which lack of knowledge migration and creative application; Further more, the way of examination is simple, mainly the close-book examination, and the composition form of the paper is always the “old five samples” ――choice question, fill-in question, short answer question, and essay question which lack of questions that can test the quality and creative capability of the student.

1.2. The Aging of the Textbooks Content and Old-fashioned Teaching Methods

Theacademic credentials education `s main purpose is cultivating practical talents urgently needed in real life, however, the content of the textbook always stay the same with the rapid developing society, as well as the ever-changing times. Take some presentacademic credentials education of normal major as example, in recent years, the primary school and secondary school education in China had reformed again and again, and the education concept also updated, however, the content of the textbook and teaching method in primary and secondary schools set up by manynormal universities in China are still very old-fashioned. According to author `s investigation, someschools even used the version of late 1980s to early 1990s, imagining that how could the graduate been trained like this can adapt themselves to today `s primary and secondary education……? Is there any school dare to employ them......? Textbook as one of the main carrier of the teaching content, it is the basic channel for the student to acquire curriculum knowledge, and the embodiment of curriculum. The content and quality of the textbook will directly influence the quality of education, and its aging has become a serious problem inacademic credentials education. Even textbooks published in recent years are also copied from the regular education in content selection, so it paid too much attention to the purely theoretical knowledge and did not consider the psychological characteristics and learning needs ofstudents, therefore, the pertinence is not so strong, and it is not so practical as well as flexible. Besides, outdated teaching methods and the indifference for education reform is also a serious problem which can not be ignored in today `sacademic credentials education. With the development of science and technology, modern teaching methods are no longer the things that it used to be. Projectors, large screen, audio, computer and other advanced teaching equipment have replaced the traditional blackboard and chalk, but such changes in form did not changed the teaching completely: The relationship between teacher and student is still speaking and listening, and the teaching model of echo what the books say still exists which result in increasingly dull in the teaching work ofacademic credentials education.

1.3. Poor Quality of Faculty Members

The quality of administrators and teachers determined the level of the management and education, and recently the quality of administrators and teachers in manyschools are uneven, a large number of those are totally not suitable to theeducation. Comparing with the students of regular higher education, the student ofacademic credentials education has particular physiology, psychology, and knowledge structure, which determined the particularities in their learning contents, learning styles, and learning process, as well as the particularities in the management and teaching ofacademic credentials education. This requires the administrator and the teacher must have appropriate expertise ineducation. However, at present, no matter the faculty is from independentschool or he/she is from the college of regular university, most of them are teachers in regular education before they turn into aneducation teacher. So before they entered the new profession, they had not had a systematic professional training related with the management and teaching ofacademic credentials education. After they entered the new profession, they still could not receive complementary training of the profession knowledge due to various kinds of reasons and the shortage in researching those problems. Therefore, they still use the same method of managing and teaching with the regular higher education. The deficiency in professional knowledge structure and professional skills ofacademic credentials education faculty determined the management and teaching ofeducation lack of scientificity and pertinency, and then caused result that it can not realize the goal of training practical talent of all-round development.

1.4. Training Direction is Indistinct and the Major Features are not Prominent

In recent years, China `s higher education has already changed from elite education to mass education, so there is no shortage for highly educated people in market at present, but lack of practical talent with both theoretical knowledge and strong operation skills. In this regard, the administrator and teacher ofeducation should have a clear understanding, namely focusing on the goal of training new practical talent when concerning about the training direction. However, the fact is not in the case. Manyeducation institutions still consists the system decades ago and rather limited in teaching the theoretical knowledge in class like regular university. In the link of practical teaching, it also merely limited in the experiments in the laboratory, and will not arrange practical internship. Even if it arranged internship, it just requires the student to complete the task in his/her original working unit. However, the actual situation is that the student did not go to internship at all, but give a fake internship certificate. Some schools even largely reduced the experimental courses or cancelled those experiments due to financial problems; on the other hand, due to the characteristics like the age ofstudent, the situation that most of them have part-time jobs and so on, the face-to-face teaching of theoretical class ofstudent is less than regular student, therefore, it is caused the graduate ofacademic credentials education lack of both the theoretical knowledge and practical operation ability. The indistinct in training direction caused the quality ofacademic credentials education graduate can not be guaranteed.

1.5. Lack of Strict Oversight Mechanism

Whyacademic credentials education appears above drawbacks, in the final analysis, it is that we have no completeacademic credentials education law in our country, so that there `s no laws to in accordance with while investigating, evaluating, and identifying the qualifications of setting up the school. In addition, China has not yet established a scientific and authoritative quality evaluation mechanism foracademic credentials education which caused the quality of the education can not be guaranteed. The situation that lack of powerful supervisions in society, administration, and law for theacademic credentials education caused chaos in setting up school and offer diploma phenomenon has occurred frequently; the quality conditions ofacademic credentials education can not get an accurate assessment; the establishment of administrative bodies and working methods of managerial department still limited in traditional education which can not adapt to the requirement ofeducation; the education and teaching can not form a mechanism of selection through competition; no social pressure to the school units of guarantee the quality of setting up a school even caused loopholes and advantages for the action of ignoring the quality of education and teaching...... All those phenomena contributed opportunistic, shoddy behaviors etc. inacademic credentials education, and they seriously dampened the enthusiasm of the school units to pay attention to the quality of teaching.


2.1. Reform and Improving the Examination System

First of all, we should establish a related system to regulate every link of the entrance examination ofacademic credentials education. We should take serious measures in the work from candidates` registration instigation, monitor examination, marking to the admission, and take severely punishment to illegal operator. For the content of the paper, it requires the reflection of thestudent `s feature. In addition, we should invite some experts and scholars to establishacademic credentials education entrance examination test database, and made the content of the paper more scientific and pertinent. Of course, with the deepening of theenrollment system reform, open admission would become one of the main forms. It should have authorized legal regulation for identifying the condition of open admission, procedure, and the candidate `s knowledge level, as well as those identified institutions, therefore, preventing the endless degradation of the quality ofacademic credentials education student.

Secondly, we should strengthen the management and reform of the course examination in the process ofacademic credentials education. The administrative departments ofeducation should joint hands with all the provincialeducation academies, and research seriously of the existing problems in the present testing method ofeducation that “unified the teaching, testing, and marking”, as well as making managerial regulation of macro-evaluation of exam monitoring system and micro-evaluation of the internal of eachschool. For instance, links like exam proposition, examination etc. of each major `s main courses should carry out strict divided system of “teaching, testing, and marking” by the examination committee composed of experts that organized by provincial education administrative departments. In specific course examination, the author thinks that it is also necessary to stick on the following principles: 1. the content of course examination should combine the theory with practice, highlighting the test for ability. 2. Attendance, practice, and examination should combine together. 3. The principle of examination diversity of adopting hierarchical assessing and comprehensive scoring system to all the listed courses in teaching plan. The so-called hierarchical assessment system is sort into four grades of provincial exam class, school exam class, systemic class and the exam composed by the teacher according to the need of course management. The so-called comprehensive scoring system refers to the teacher resolve the subject examination into several single items according to the practical situation in one specific subject investigation, the total scores of each single item is the score of the subject, but not the method of adopting the score of exam only. 4. Strengthen education and adopt the virtue examination. Regarding to how the effect of theeducation examination system and method are performing, besides the rectification of external elements, we should strengthen the moral education of the majority of students, and help the student develop into upright and honest character, and finally reach the purpose of educating people.

2.2 Strengthens the Construction of Textbooks and Promotes the Updating of Teaching Method

The content oftextbook should present temporal spirit and integrate theory with practice, as well as conform to the learning characteristics ofstudent. In view of the fact that the presenttextbook is seriously out of the actual reality, the education administrative department should organize experts and scholars to writeacademic credentials textbook which suit the characters ofand updating the content as soon as possible. In addition, leaders of eachschool should regularly organize training for teachers to make them receive advanced education concept, master advanced education skill, and learn lively and efficient teaching art; organize opening class from time to time, and make the teacher learn from each other, so to make common progress, and to promote the constant updating of teaching methods; At the same time, all theschools should increase the founding of scientific research of education, encourage teachers work on both teaching and scientific research, and thus provide advanced theoretical guidance for the teaching reform ofacademic credentials education, besides, take the teaching reform into normal education management and treat it as a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional titles and teaching assessment.

2.3. Strengthen the Building of Faculty

Due to the age character, learning character, and ideological quality ofstudent is uneven, the management and teaching ofacademic credential education are more complicated and arduous than regular education, so the employment of the administrative staff and teacher ofacademic credentials education should be more careful. Firstly, before formal hiring the faculty we should exam them of his/her related knowledge ofeducation management and teaching; Secondly, for the working faculty, though it has noted in earlier of the paper that it is necessary to carry out training regularly to improve the quality of all aspects, as the administrator and teacher it is an endless work to explore their self-management level and teaching reform, besides, the school should also encourage the faculty to carry out self-learning constantly, jus as the old saying “to forge iron, one must be strong”. As a teacher, he/she should always pay attention to the latest scientific and technological achievements, and have a clear understanding and accurate cognition of the latest information, then bring in it into the class to promote the knowledge updating of him/herself and the student; As managers, they should seize the ideological trend according to the characteristics of the student in new era, and constantly explore the new mode of management, as well as apply the high-tech into management to try to makeacademic credentials education management information systematized. At the same time, the school should consciously nurturing the faculty with the spirit of life-long education, encourage faculty constantly carry out self-improvement, and make regular assessment of their self-learning situation.

2.4. Correct the Direction of Training and Prominent the Professional Feature

Facing with the problems of deviation in cultivating trend in presentacademic credentials education, insufficient theoretical knowledge, poor practical operation ability and so on, all thecolleges and universities should correct in time, strengthen the link of practicing the teaching, and provide the student more practical operation opportunities to practice the knowledge they had learned, avoiding the phenomena of “divorce oneself from practice and reality”,bring the student out of the classroom, and step into the real life to carry out practice as planned. Regarding to the setting of curriculum, the amount and ratio of elective, basic, and specialized courses have undergone adjustment according to the actual situation, which tried to highlight the features of the major, and made the graduates have excellent professional knowledge and skills of the major. At the same time, due to the regular colleges and universities remained increasing in the enrollment this year, manyacademic credentials education lost part of the living space, however, what the society urgently needed is all kinds of practical talents, soacademic credentials education could do some changes in the training direction, such as vocational and technical education, etc.

2.5. Strengthen the Regulation Construction of Adult Academic Credentials Education

First of all, we should speed up the pace of the legislative work to enable theacademic credentials education has laws to abide by. Meanwhile, we should accelerate the construction of rules and regulations to regulate theacademic credentials education. The educational administrative departments at all levels should establish permanent assessment institutions to make the evaluation work ofacademic credentials education routinization, institutionalization, and standardization, thus to give a fully play of the macro-control and supervision role of the educational administrative department. The assessment should increase transparency and authority, and give exposure and warning to the action that against the relevant laws and regulations, simplify the process of teaching, as well as poor school quality, in addition, they should also attach an equal importance to problems that involved in the interests of school like input of funds, enrollment plan allocation and so on. For schools that have strict management, high quality, and good social reputation, they should give special support in order to better implement the optimized allocation and rational utilization of educational resources. Theacademic credentials education under the conditions of market economy should follow the special laws ofeducation, at the same time follow the universal rules of the market competition, and carry out active, healthy competition. In the competition of survival of the fittest, we should guarantee the teaching quality of the education, realize the object that theacademic credentials education should educate practical talents urgently needed in the society, and thus make more contribution to the modernization of education in our country.


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