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—I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next week.

—Don’t worry. You___________have it by Friday.

A. could B. shall C. must D. may



Shall we have dinner? 我们吃饭好吗?

Shall I send you the book? 我把书给你寄去,好不好?

Shall he come tomorrow? 他明天会来吗?

Let’s go to play football, shall we? 我们去踢足球,去吗?

We shall celebrate his birthday every year. 我们会每年庆祝他的生日。

—What’s the name?

—Khulaifi.___________I spell that for you? (2006北京卷)

A. Shall B. Would C.Can D. Might


“Whatever you want you shall have,” said the king. “你想要什么就会得到什么。”国王说。

My dear, you shall have all the ships. 亲爱的,你会得到所有的船只。

You shall have the book the moment I finish it. 我一完成这书你就可得到它。


—You’ll succeed. 你会成功的。

—I shall one day. 有一天会的。

“I shan’t go back to school, Daddy!” said the naughty boy. “我决不回学校,爸爸!”淘气的男孩子说。

The prisoners shall do what the police tell them to do. 犯人得做警察告诉他们要做之事。


He shall be punished. 他将受到惩罚。

You shall marry him. 你得嫁给他。

My wife always says “You shall ...” and I always say “I will ...” 我妻子常常说“你得……”而我常说“我愿意……”

You shall hand in your composition today, whether you want to or not. 不管你想不想,你得今天交上作文。

He shall be sorry for what he has done one day. 有一天他会为他的所作所为感到后悔。

—Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

—You___________have my computer if you don’t take care of it (2004湖南卷)

A. shan’t B. might not

C. needn’tD. shouldn’t


In China children shall not be employed in any company. 在中国任何公司不得雇佣童工。

Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。

Each guest shall return to the hotel before midnight. 午夜前客人必须返回宾馆。

—What does the sign over there read?那边的标语说的什么?

—No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.本区域禁止任何人吸烟或携带点燃的香烟、雪茄或烟斗。

Examinees shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 所有试卷收完后考生方可离座。

It has been announced that candidates___________remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.(2002上海卷)

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

“The interest___________be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge. (2004重庆卷)

A. may B. should C. must D. shall