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A U.S. research suggested that it’s not a good idea to use a bit of TV viewing to help your young child get to sleep, according to media reports Tuesday.

Dimitri Christakis, a pediatrician(儿科医生) at the University of Washington, and his colleague Darcy Thompson 1 the research data from more than 2,000 interviews of parents whose children 2 4 months to 35 months.

The 3 showed that 27 percent of the youngsters had irregular 4 schedules,and almost 34 percent had irregular nap schedules.

“We know that many, many parents 5 TV and video as part of their child’s 6 routine(例行公事),” said Christakis,“But, in fact, watching television before bed makes it more 7 for children to fall asleep.”

Thompson explained that a 8 sleep schedule is important, because it influences the quality and 9 of sleep that children get. And, healthy sleep habits can 10 problems such as bedtime resistance or nighttime awakenings.

Other studies have looked at the 11 of TV viewing on older children and teens, and also found a link between TV, poor 12 and later bedtimes.

But 13 cause-and-effect relationship could be definitively 14 in these studies.

Dr. Nancy Maynard, a pediatrician at the Great Falls Clinic in Great Falls, Mont., said she understood 15 the parents of 16 children might be tempted to 17 their kids in front of the TV right before bedtime.

“It gets them to 18 in one place. But watching TV is not making changes that the brain needs to get to 19. And it may make it 20 . The visual stimulation(视觉刺激) may excite them up,” Maynard said.

1. A. found B. wroteC. collectedD. received

2. A. aged B. engaged C. waged D. managed

3. A. dataB. results C. experienceD. contents

4. A. lunchB. sportsC. TV-watching D. bedtime

5. A. rely on B. insist onC. work onD. go on

6. A. workB. studyC. sleepD. play

7. A. simple B. complexC. natural D. difficult

8. A. commonB. careful C. regular D. clear

9. A. quantityB. number C. unitD. weight

10. A. stopB. prevent C. develop D. make

11. A. importance B. effects C. motives D. reasons

12. A. sleep B. conditionC. causeD. appearance

13. A. some B. oneC. no D. more

14. A. established B. founded C. madeD. caused

15. A. what B. whenC. which D. why

16. A. older B. younger C. smaller D. bigger

17. A. hand B. takeC. parkD. get

18. A. stayB. standC. liveD. hold

19. A. sleep B. silence C. healthD. cleverness

20. A. longerB. betterC. lessD. worse


1. C。句意为“收集资料数据”,故用动词 collected。

2. A。aged 用作形容词,意为“有……岁的”“年龄为……的”,如:He has a daughter aged 10. 他有个10岁的女儿。My daughter is aged 10 years. 我女儿10岁。

3. B。上文提到对2000多位受访父母的幼儿进行数据分析,得出27%的小孩睡眠时间没有规律的结论,故选 results。

4. D。与后文中的 irregular nap schedules (没有规律的白天小睡)相对应的应是“没有规律的夜间就寝”,故选 bedtime。

5. A。很多家长都“依靠”(rely on)电视以及视频作为他们小孩每天睡觉前的例行公事。

6. C。根据上面第5题中提到的每天睡前的例行公事可知,此处指的就是 sleep routine。

7. D。从句中的 but 和 in fact 可知,说话者 Christakis 并不支持让小孩睡前看电视这一做法,故此处填 difficult。

8. C。根据上文中提到的 irregular bedtime schedules 可知,regular sleep schedule 是很重要的。

9. A。之所以说 regular sleep schedule 是很重要的,是因为它关系到小孩睡眠的质(quality)和量(quantity)。

10. B。根据常识可知,健康的睡眠习惯可以“预防(prevent)”诸如 bedtime resistance 和 nighttime awakenings 之类的问题。

11. B。此处指除上面提到的研究外,还有一些其他的研究在关注睡前看电视对小孩的影响(effects)。另外,从后面的介词 on 这一介词搭配也可推知,因为 effect 后通常搭配的介词是 on。注意 effects of TV viewing on older children and teens 中的 of TV viewing 为修饰名词 effects 的定语,而其后的介词 on 与 effects 搭配表示“对……的影响”。

12. A。根据上文可知,文章讨论的是睡前看电视、睡眠质量差以及睡觉时间晚之间的相关联系和影响,故此处填 sleep。

13. C。此处的语境是,尽管人们进行多方面的研究,但还没有得出相关因果联系。要特别注意句中的转折连词 but。

14. A。establish a relationship 为惯用搭配,其意为“建立联系”。

15. D。根据最后一段引号内的话可知,此处要填 why,因为引号内的文字正是解释这个原因的。

16. B。根据前文提到的小孩是4个月到35个月大,故选 younger。

17. C。睡前让小孩看电视,即把小孩放在电视机前,故答案为 park。park 用作动词的意思是“停放(车辆)”“把……放在某处”。

18. A。由于是比较小的孩子(4个月到35个月大),所以当把他们放在电视机前看电视时,他们呆在一个地方不动(stay in one place)。

19. A。get to sleep 意为“入睡”。

20. D。根据下文的 The visual stimulation(视觉刺激) may excite them up 可知,睡前看电视使情况变得更糟(worse)。