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1. 你在找什么?

误:What are you finding?

正:What are you looking for?

析:look for的意思是“寻找”,强调的是“找”的动作、过程;find的意思是“找到”,强调的是“找”的结果。

2. 三天后他将来看你。

误:He will come to see you after three days.

正:He will come to see you in three days.


I’ll be free after ten o’clock.


3. 明天下午将有一场足球赛。

误:There will have a football match tomorrow afternoon.

正:There will be a football match tomorrow afternoon.

析:“There be”句型的一般将来时结构为“There will be...”,也可用“There is going to be...”,但不可用have来替代be。

4. 今年这儿的树比去年少。

误:There are less trees here this year than last year.

正:There are fewer trees here this year than last year.


5. 今天她穿着一条红色的裙子。

误:She is dressing a red skirt today.

正:She is wearing a red skirt today.


6. 我也有一本这样的书。

误:I also have a such book.

正:I also have such a book.


7. 我们学校有九百名学生。

误:There are nine hundreds students in our school.

正:There are nine hundred students in our school.

析:hundred与基数词连用,则不用复数形式,后面也不可用of。hundreds of的意思是“好几百、数百”,此时不同基数词连用。

8. 你买这本词典花了多少钱?

误:How much did you pay the dictionary?

正:How much did you pay for the dictionary?

析:pay for的意思是“为……付款、付钱”,一般要用人来作主语,pay后面接钱数,介词for后面接物。

9. 你应该给他一张球赛的票。

误:You should give him a ticket of the ball game.

正:You should give him a ticket to the ball game.

析:名词ticket, key, way等后面一般要接介词to来表示“……的”意思,不用of。

10. 我妈妈要我在家做作业。

误:My mum wanted me do my homework at home.

正:My mum wanted me to do my homework at home.

析:动词want, tell, ask等后面要接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。

11. 我把词典忘在家里了。

误:I forgot my dictionary at home

正:I left my dictionary at home.


12. 你的自行车和他的一样。

误:Your bike is the same with his.

正:Your bike is the same as his.

析:the same as的意思是“与……同样的”,是一个固定短语。

13. 你可以从图书馆里借一本书。

误:You can borrow a book in the library.

正:You can borrow a book from the library.

析:borrow作“借”讲时,表示的是“借入”,常用于“borrow sth. from ...”结构,意思是“向/从……借某物”。

14. 昨天你叔叔出什么事了?

误:What did your uncle happen yesterday?

正:What happened to your uncle yesterday?

析:happen作“发生”讲时,是不及物动词,一般用事情来作主语;若表示“某人发生了什么事”,一般用“sth. happen to sb.”来表示。

15. 警察正在到处寻找那个小偷。

误:The police is looking for the thief everywhere.

正:The police are looking for the thief everywhere.


16. 看!树上有一只猫。

误:Look! There is a cat on the tree.

正:Look! There is a cat in the tree.


17. 他进来时,我正在看电视。

误:While he came in, I was watching TV.

正:When he came in, I was watching TV.

析:when与while都有“当……时候”的意思,都可引导时间状语从句,但when引导的时间状语从句,既可表示时间点,也可表示一段时间,因此所引导的从句既可用延续性动词(如work, stay, live等),也可用终止性动词(如come, go, arrive, leave等)。while引导的时间状语从句,只能表示一段时间,只可与延续性动词连用,不可与终止性动词连用。

18. 你认为数学和英语一样难吗?

误:Do you think math is as difficult than English?

正:Do you think math is as difficult as English?

析:“as +形容词或副词原级 + as”所表示的意思是“……和……一样……”。