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Growing up, I always knew I was adopted[收养]. When I was 4 years old, my birth mother went into rehab[恢复,此处指戒毒康复中心] and never came back home. So my brothers, Josh, 9, and Jacob, 8, and I lived with my birth dad in Mesquite, Texas. Then one day the police busted[打坏] down the front door of our house and arrested my dad. (I was told later he was sent to prison.) There was no one to take care of us, so we were put in foster[(一段时间内)收养] care. At first, Jacob and I went to live with a family on a farm in Mesquite. Since they didn’t want to take Josh (who was older and often got into trouble), he was sent to a group home about 10 miles away.

I was so scared and confused[使困惑]. Who are these people? I wondered. Every Wednesday a therapist[精神分析专家] would take me and Jacob to visit Josh at a park or a restaurant. A year later, that all stopped after I was adopted by a different couple and moved with them to St. Petersburg, Florida. I cried and cried when they took me away. “Where’s Josh? Where’s Jacob?” I kept asking as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Futile[无用的] Search

Over the next few years, I adjusted[调整] to my new mom and dad. But I always felt like a part of me was missing and I wondered what had happened to my brothers. Whenever I asked about them, my adoptive parents said they didn’t know where my brothers were. Three years ago, when I was 14, I started thinking about Josh and Jacob more and more and decided to look for them on MySpace. (I assumed[假定] that, like a lot of kids our age, they would have pages.) Our last name had been Earl, so I spent hours looking for a Jacob Earl in Texas. I finally found a guy with that name who was my brother’s age. I sent him an e-mail but never heard back. Then I called the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to see if Josh and Jacob had been adopted. But they said they couldn’t tell me anything until I turned 18. I was upset but figured[认为] there was nothing I could do.

Mystery Message

On August 13th, 2006, I logged on to my MySpace page, like I did every day, to check my messages. I had one from a guy named Jake. I didn’t know anyone by that name but I opened it anyway. He asked me if my adoptive parents were named Maryann and Don. My profile[简介] said I was adopted, but how does this guy know my parents’ names? I thought. It was weird[古怪的], but I replied[答复] yes. Then he wanted to know if I had any brothers or sisters. It suddenly dawned on[开始明白] me that he could be my brother. My stomach was turning somersaults[翻筋斗] but I tried to stay calm. I typed,” Are you my brother? I have a brother named Jacob, and he should be 19.” He replied,” Your birthday is October 5, 1986. Are you my sister?” By then I was shaking. I was so excited I could hardly press the keys on my computer. “What’s your previous last name?” I asked. Within seconds the reply came: “Earl.” I started jumping up and down and screaming, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” I wrote back that I thought I was his sister. “Call my cell phone. We need to talk. This is so crazy!” Jake replied.

Family Reunion

My hands were trembling[颤抖] as I dialed the number. The moment I heard his voice, I started crying uncontrollably. “Wow! This is crazy,” Jake cried. I couldn’t believe I’d finally found my brother after 12 long years apart! Jake told me that he had attempted[尝试] to find me too but had no luck, so then he decided to try Myspace. “I tried to picture what you would look like,” Jake said. I asked what had happened to Josh. “He lives right here in Sarasota in an apartment 10 minutes away from me,” he said. I was shocked! Jake told me that he and Josh had been adopted by the same couple, and they’d moved to Florida several years ago they were less than an hour way. “What are you doing for dinner?” Jake asked.

Josh and Jake immediately drove to St. Petersburg. I could hardly sit still and kept peering[窥视] out the living room window. Then I saw two cars pull up[停下] and I opened the front door. They both ran to me, arms outstretched[伸出], and we hugged tightly and cried. Then we went to dinner and talked for hours about our lives. I was taking classes to become a nurse, Jake was heading to college to study architecture, and Josh wanted to be a P.E. teacher. All evening, we couldn’t stop talking and smiling.

I admit it’s been hard getting used to being a little sister. At times we may have our disagreements, but I finally have my family back and nothing will ever separate us again.









