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Host: New York City is up there with the most expensive cities in the world, and now there is a caféthat charges people for tap water. Molecule recently opened and is charging one U.S. dollar for a cup主持人:纽约市是全世界消费水平最高的城市之一。现在,有一家咖啡馆要向客人征收自水费。这家新开张名叫“分子”的咖啡馆会为每一杯自来水收取一美元。咖啡馆老

of water that comes from a tap. Co-owner Adam Ruhf claims that their water is healthier than regular tap water, and is clean from chemicals and mineral compounds. This is achieved by an 2)elaborate purifying system that sits behind the café bar—to 3)strip the city’s tap water down to its molecule level.

Ruhf: The human body is composed of 60 to 70% water; it’s extremely important for people to drink water every day, and we feel that drinking the most pure water gives you the greatest benefits to your health. It’s a seven-stage 4)filtration process, going through 5)KDF, magnetic and 6)catalytic, an active carbon, a five 7)micron, reverse 8)osmosis, 9)UV and 10)ozone treatments. Host: But, if you really want to be extra healthy, you can add supplements from a wide selection including vitamins, minerals, and 11)electrolytes. While the café does still sell bottles and jars, they do encourage customers to bring their own water containers. The bottled water industry is a multibillion dollar industry that is expected to grow $125 billion by 2015. Molecule may just be the beginning of a new wave of expensive but healthy tap water—but it will cost you.


