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In Cappadocia’s magical landscape of fairy chimneys, in the ancient village of ürgüp, is a unique hotel carved into a mountain cliff, the Yunak Evleri.

土耳其卡帕杜卡亚小镇有着神奇的地貌,高耸入云的烟筒和古朴典雅的村落,映衬出一座处在悬崖边的五星级酒店――Yunak Evleri。

Carving of Time / 远古的时光印记

Yunak Evleri is a combination of six cave houses with a total of 35 private cave rooms dating back to the 5th and 6th centuries and crowned with a 19th century Greek Mansion. The name of the neighbourhood “YUNAK”comes from the old days when women used to do all their washing and of course, socialising by the fountain located at the village square. Being by the fountain and at the Yunak was the center of daily life.

Yunak Evleri酒店建于公元5~6世纪,共有6个洞穴、35个房间,因19世纪上半叶时曾作为希腊人的豪宅而风光无限。远古时,当地人把村庄中心供女人们洗衣的水井叫做“YUNAK”,酒店便得名于此。它不但是妇人们辛勤劳作的场所,又是其交流思想的殿堂。仿佛置于面纱下的精致面孔,神秘若揭又不失生活情趣。

Following the History / 奥斯曼的历史沿袭

These exceptional cave houses are renovated and decorated with care and in their own distinct style with strictly respecting the local character. The decor is elegant and personalized with beautiful hand-crafted furnishings and antiques. With 30 rooms, Yunak Evleri is small enough to be intimate, yet large enough to offer you privacy. A labyrinth of narrow passageways and curved stone stairways lead to unique rooms tastefully decorated in warm Ottoman style. All rooms have private patios overlooking the Turkish Mesa.


Modern Facilities / 古典主义的现代设施

In the stone mansion at the foot cliffs, music room with a good collection of music CDs and hi-fi system, a room with computer and and also wireless Internet connection, a DVD room with home theatre system room and a meeting room is located. Evenings are characterized by sunset gatherings on soft upholstered Turkish pillows warmed by an outdoor fireplace. Candlelight dining is offered on the adjacent rooftop terrace. Yunak Evleri is also an inspiring hotel an ideal base for exploring Cappadocia’s elaborate underground cities, hidden cavernous churches and enchanting rock terrain.


Yunak Evleri has created a peaceful balance between modern comfort and tradition. With its convenient location in the center of ürgüp, Yunak Evleri is a perfect base for daily excursions within Cappadocia.

Yunak Evleri保持了现代舒适和历史沿袭间的平衡。凭借其优越的地理位置和深厚的历史背景,Yunak Evleri无愧于一个完美假日的起点,更会是历史悠绵的处女地。