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The Sinicization of Marist Views of Women

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Abstract: Sinicized Marx's view of women contains two meanings: The first, " Sinicized" refers to the correct use of Marx's view of women 's basic principles, standpoint and method to analysis to solve practical problems of Chinese women;Second, " Sinicized " also refers to the scientific use of Marx's view of women solve Chinese women's successful experience and theory rising.

Key words:Marxism;Women Outlook;Emancipation of women;equality between men and women

Definition: The sinicization of marist views of women

Marx's view of women,which accords to dialectical materialism and historical materialism world outlook, methodology, makes scientific analysis and summary of some basic issues, such as the evolution of women's social status, the role of women in society, women's social rights and women's Liberation way. Sinicized Marx's view of women contains two meanings: The first, " Sinicized" refers to the correct use of Marx's view of women 's basic principles, standpoint and method to analysis to solve practical problems of Chinese women;Second, " Sinicized " also refers to the scientific use of Marx's view of women solve Chinese women's successful experience and theory rising. So Sinicized Marx's view of women is a systematic project, both practical and included on the basis of practice experience and theory of sublimation.

Process: The Sinicization of Marist Views of Women

It is the early spread of Marxist views of women from socialism and marxism widely propagated by China's advanced intellectuals after the October revolution of Russia to the "about women's movement resolution" passed in the "Second congress of the Chinese Communist Party " . Marxist views on women propagated by anarchist is fragmented, its effect is quite small. After the October revolution of Russia, the horizons of Chinese advanced intellectuals broaden by the introduction to China of Marxism, together with the baptism of the new culture movement, some intellectuals gradually become the marxist faith, the propagation of marxist had become more extensive, and bigger impact. Since then, Chinese advanced intellectuals began to analyize the china women's problems with Marx's view on women, and explored the essence of Chinese women's liberation. Chinese advanced intellectuals continued the Marx classical writer's point of view on the women's oppression roots, the target and way of women's liberation, the knowledge of the main force. Especially deeply influenced by the victory of October revolution of Russia, they makes the world's first socialist countries women's status as the Chinese women's liberation ready-made model. Unfortunately, at this time Marx's view on women only stopped at the presentation stage, and has not formed the powerful forces of the change of the society and the social status of women. It is because the Marx doctrine of Chinese Party, namely the Chinese Communist Party, had not really assumed the leadership of the women's movement function, the force of women's liberation is not truly awaken. However, the early spread of Marx's view of women laid a solid foundation of China.

"About Women's Movement Resolution" passed in the "Second Congress of the Chinese Communist Party" is the first women's movement resolution on behalf of a political party. Resolution criticized the nature of the exploitation and oppression of women by the private ownership of capitalism, clearly put forward with the liberation of women only in the proletariat regime, issued the cry of "women's liberation is fully realized in a socialist society". This is the following of the thought of Marx's view of women, and is the analysis of China Women's issues with Marx's view of women, which marked the establishment of Marx's view of women. Once Marx's view of women was mastered by the masses, and it would become the powerful material force, which opened a new page in Chinese women's movement. The CCPmakes Marxist views on women sinicization combined with China's specific national conditions in the process of guidance of Chinese women's movement with Marx's view on women. In the years of from the party's early to the defeat of the revolution, the Sinicization of Marx's view of women in China reflected as follows: first, the main body strength of women's movement was founded, namely the broad working women. Since the CCP is mainly engaged in the workers 'movement in the big cities in the early days, so the women's movement is usually used as part of the workers' movement, naturally, the meaning of working women by the CCP more refers to women workers. Women was oppressed deeply, so they shows a strong revolutionary, who show more powerful class forces in Chinese women movement, and took the women's movement vanguard role. Second, the most realistic way of women's movement was found, namely the mobilization of women for the national revolution. In the 1920s, Chinese people never tasted the taste of human rights, not to mention of women under the foreign imperialism and domestic warlords of the double oppression. From the human perspective, the national revolution was to find the nation, women as part of the nation attempted to find themselves in the national revolution; from the realistic level, women's real pain indeed got alleviating certainly through the national revolution. Therefore, the national revolution is the only living way of women, which is the way of women's liberation fit with Chinese national condition.

During the agrarian revolution, Chinese women's Liberation was more Chinese characteristics in the revolution back ground. The CPC more developed Chinese women's Liberation, promoting it localization and Sinicization , on the basis of Marx's view of women. During this period, the CPC, under the leadership of Chinese women's movement, mainly solved three problems: who was liberated? What was relied on? What role was responsible for? In the "who was liberated ", the new main force of women's movement, oppressed deeply, was found-- the woman. The peasant woman appeared the historical ground, and created the new situation of the women's movement with chinese characteristic. Rural women was deeply oppressed by four respects-- political, clan, theocracy, manus, which is the root of the rural women in pain, and is the original power of joining the revolution. Revolution is the most effective manner of smashing four ropes, and rural women became the staunch supporter of the revolution. In the Soviet areas, the emancipation of women was emancipated by promulgation of laws, in practice, the constantly improvement of the status of women established the women to go out of the home, to the revolution, to the liberation. So far, it is very inappropriate to talk about "women back home ", " as an understanding wife and loving mother ". This involves the third issues, namely "what role was taken". Rural women's movement shows women have become a revolutionary force of deciding victory or defeat. Therefore, it is the right path for women to go out of the home, and move toward revolution. The history gave the women the gifts of bearing revolution supporters, the participants, role of pursuit of self liberation. The argument on whether the women “go back home” in 1930s, appeared argument on women's roles, reflected the differences between the Marx's view of women and non-Marx's view of women, also reflected it arduous and long-term to sinicize Marx's view of women.

The outbreak of war prompted the Sino-Japanese national conflict became the main contradiction. National liberation has become the primary task. National liberation has become a top priority. No national liberation and freedom, there would be no people's liberation and freedom, women's liberation and freedom is not mentioned. Under this background, Chinese women's liberation is different from the pure sex, class liberation, embarked on the road of combining with national liberation, and become an organic part of national liberation. "Only the social liberation and national liberation succeeded, women can be liberated "once was the consensus of the bipartisan. Under the guidance of this thought, there was the unified national organization for women, and the women's movement formed resultant force, in the background of cooperation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party once again. The liberation of women came into the liberation of tracks of national liberation, not the exclusion of women's personal interests. On the contrary, by improving the lives of women, women of lifting the reality of pain can promote women for national liberation struggle. The anti-Japanese base areas under the leadership of the CPC became the women's lib experimental field. Here, women went out of the family, and actively participated in social production, contributed their strength for national liberation. Mao ze-dong looked on the awakening of women as the Chinese revolution victory conditions. The women's liberation movement of base followed Marxist "to participate in social production is women's liberation prerequisites", let the women to get the equality of men and women in the production. Production for equality is the subversion to the feudal tradition, let the women went out of the family to liberation. Production for equality was the negative to the theory of “women back home". It was undoubtedly the historical trend to let the women back to the feudal bound, who was not easily out of the family. The CCP cleaned up this misconception to Marxist view of women only through the controversy, to make China's development of the women's liberation movement win support among the people and move along the correct path. Naturally, the complete of the task was not exclusive of women's movement-women cadres efforts. Therefore, it was indispensable to cultivate a large number of women cadres for women's movement service. Women's raining of cadres was carried out since the beginning of the women's movement, but women cadres training systematically was completed in this period. This is also the great achievements of sinicization of Marx's view of women.

Democracy is the meaning of the Chinese women's liberation. In the Soviet, in the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, the proportions of women in China have enjoyed democracy joy. After all, it is a small democracy on the part of women within a certain region. To achieve a truly "great democracy" was put on the agenda in the context of national liberation. However, with the outbreak of the civil war, women fought for peace and democracy only through various forms of struggle in the Kuomintang areas. In the liberated areas, the women not only enjoyed democracy, and more importantly, they answered "a woman can do" with action. Liberated area women played a huge role in the land reform, proving once again that women existed as "humane". On this basis, they was struggling for the establishment of new China, continuing to answer the question of "what to do". In the construction of new China, the Chinese women took up their duties, and continued to highlight the great strength of women. The founding of New China laid the basis of equality institution, which is the achievements of Marxist view of women since democratic revolution, and it did a very good bedding for continuation of the sinicization of Marxist view of women.


[1]Laboratory of history of the women's movement of the China Women's Federation.1986. Historical data of Chinese women's movement,1921-1927.Beijing: People's Press.

[2]Laboratory of history of the women's movement of the China Women's Federation.1991. Historical data of Chinese women's movement,1927-1937.Beijing: Chinese Women's Press.

[3]Laboratory of history of the women's movement of the China Women's Federation.1991. Historical data of Chinese women's movement,1937-1945.Beijing: Chinese Women's Press.

[4]Laboratory of history of the women's movement of the China Women's Federation.1991. Historical data of Chinese women's movement,1945-1949.Beijing: Chinese Women's Press.
