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Question: Why did it take so much time to have a new Simple Plan record?

Chuck Comeau (Drummer): ’Cause we’re trying to make it the best we can. You know, we…we really wrote...we wrote, like, 70 songs and we’re gonna narrow it down to 12 that are the best ones, or 13 or whatever. So it took a lot of time to...to make sure we would have the ultimate record, ’cause I think our fans deserve to have the best album possible, so that’s why we take a little longer than usual or most bands, but we feel, in the end, it’s worth it if you have a good record, you know.

Sebastien Lefebvre (Guitar): I agree.

Comeau: Plus, we’re slow. We...we don’t…you know, we take forever.

Lefebvre: Yeah, we like…we like to make it exactly the way we want it to be, so, there you go.

Q: At the time of your first record, did you ever think you could achieve the huge success you’ve reached today?

Lefebvre: I think...I don’t think you ever expect it to…to get this far, you know. You always dream about it, like, wow one day we’ll go to the United States, one day we might go to Europe, but you never expect to be one day in Bologna注1 at a big festival playing with Blink注2. Like, those kind of things are more like you dream about it, but then, when it finally happens, you’re extremely


Comeau: Yeah, I think it’s the beauty of…of music and…and careers and all that―that you never really know what’s gonna happen. Even with this new album, we really have no idea―like, people could love it, people could hate it. Who knows, I think they’ll love it―I hope so; I knock on wood[敲木头,以祈求好运]―but you never know. Every time you make a new record you…you have all these hopes and dreams, and you have all the expectation, and you have all these kind of ideas you have and you want to accomplish[实现], and, you know, who knows if they’ll happen or not, but that’s what’s exciting about music and being in a band―is that

everything is...the future is not written.

Lefebvre: (to Comeau) Wow!

Q: Can you tell us what has been the highest and the lowest point in your musical career until now?

Comeau: Hmm, we’ve been pretty lucky. I don’t think we’ve had a lot of really low points, honestly, like, as a band, I don’t think we’ve…you know…

Lefebvre: I think our lowest points were BEFORE the band started, you know, like when we were trying to come up with songs and then trying to send our demos[样带] to all the labels[唱片公司], and then sometimes they say no, of course.

Comeau: Being rejected, and you know, like, not…not,

seeing it. Before we even signed our first record deal, you know, like, you get a little―I wouldn’t say desperate[绝望的], but you get a little bit bummed out[灰心沮丧的] or depressed[沮丧的]

because you feel like it’s never gonna happen and you want to give up. But I think that we were always smart enough to stay together, and know that one day it would happen, and just keep on believing, you know, and that’s what you have to do. I think that was a little hard.

I think that…I would say for me, the highest point was probably―it was multiple[多重的], but maybe when…when we got signed. That was amazing for us ’cause that was a chance for us to make an album and…and reach some people. And then, like, the first record, when it started to happen and we’d travel, and started to play shows on our own, and headlining[大力宣传], and doing our own thing, and…

Lefebvre: Japan for the first time, sold-out show―that was pretty awesome.

Comeau: That was pretty...’cause everything was new back then. And, like, the first time we came to...we came over here, Europe. And we played shows, and people

actually came out. And we were on TV shows. And people

were buying the album, and were coming to shows, were lining up around the block to see the concerts and were asking for autographs[签名]. I think all these―I can’t

pinpoint[确切指出] the, like, one…we never had one song that blew up, that was huge. It was more like constant progression and…

Lefebvre: Gradual.

Comeau: Kinda stoked[(俚)兴奋的] about that because it made us appreciate every step of the way, you know, so it was good.

Q: What can you tell us about your Simple Plan Foundation?

Comeau: Yeah, the foundation we started about four or five years ago now, and it’s our way of trying to give back, of trying to help out young kids in trouble. We have a lot of fans are going through tough times. They write us letters. They talk to us at concerts. And, you know, although our music helps them, I feel like―well, we all felt like it wasn’t enough. We had to do something more, something else. So we started a foundation to help out young kids with depression, with kids that were dropping out of school, that can’t really find a purpose in life, that are thinking about suicide and all that, or kids that are―against their will―stuck with an illness like cancer or stuff like that. So we…we try to give back money that we raise through events and concerts and all that. We try to give back some…some money to groups that are helping out these kids. So it’s our way of, I guess, doing our share and being involved in our community and all that[诸如此类], so yeah...

Lefebvre: Making a difference.



























