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“你是否想过要远走高飞,忘掉烦恼,并卸下所有伪装?”Lene Marlin在歌中唱道。被歌迷们称作“小精灵”的Lene Marlin来自可以看到午夜太阳和北极光的美丽国度——挪威。1980年出生的她在18岁时就以单曲“Unforgivable Sinner”轰动了整个挪威乐坛。很多人喜欢听Lene Marlin的歌,是因为这个有点神经质、古灵精怪的挪威女孩在她创作的音乐里融入了许多自己对生活的观察、思考和感悟,这让许多听者觉得仿佛歌中唱的就是自己,听完很有共鸣。她的每张专辑都像是一本用音符写成的日记。那些青春年少的快乐与烦恼、或明朗或忧郁的善变情绪、爱着某人时隐秘的内心思绪等等,都被Lene Marlin写进了她的音乐日记里。

disguise”这首歌收录在Lene Marlin于2003年发行的专辑Another Day中,当时已23岁的Lene Marlin显然成熟了很多,对人生和人性有了更深入的看法和思考。不过,在这首歌中,Lene Marlin的音乐基调仍然是轻盈的,即使歌中谈论的是“人生如戏”这样略显沉重的话题,她依然选择用相对轻松的调子唱给听众听。


Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside

You will never measure up to those people

You must be strong

Can’t show them that you’re weak

Have you ever told someone something that’s far from the truth

Let them know that you’re okay

Just to make them stop

All the wondering questions they may have

I’m okay

I really am now

Just need some time to figure things out

Not telling lies, I’ll be honest with you

Still we don’t know what’s yet to come

Have you ever seen your face

In a mirror there’s a smile

But inside you’re just a mess

You feel far from good

Need to hide

’Cause they’d never understand

Have you ever had this wish of being somewhere else

To let go of your disguise

All your worries too

And from that moment

Then you see things clear

I’m okay

I really am now

Just need some time to figure things out

Not telling lies, I’ll be honest with you

Still we don’t know what’s yet to come

Are you waiting for the day

When your pain will disappear

When you know that it’s not true

What they say about you

You could not care less about the things surrounding you

Ignoring all the voices from the walls

I’m okay

I really am now

Just need some time to figure things out

Not telling lies, I’ll be honest with you

Still we don’t know what’s yet to come