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1. occasion n. (P.9) ①[C]时刻,时节;②[C]重要的庆祝活动;③[U]场合,时机。如:

Ive met with him on several occasions. 我已见过他好几次。

I bought a new dress just for the occasion. 就为这次活动,我买了一身新衣服。

The conference is an occasion for different countries to exchange views.这次大会是不同国家交流看法的一个好时机。

【拓展】 on occasion有时,间或;occasional adj. 偶尔的;occasionally adv. 偶尔地

【高考真题回放】 (1) An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered a long lost antique Greek vase.(2013湖北)

A. at random B. by chance

C. in turn D. on occasion

【答案】 B。at random任意地,随便地;by chance偶然地,意外地;in turn转而,反过来,依次;on occasion有时,间或;此处是指一个艺术家偶然发现了一个古希腊花瓶,所以选B。解题的关键在于正确理解和把握固定词组的多个含义。

(2) As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only .(2008湖北卷)

A. occasionally B. anxiously

C. practically D. urgently

【答案】 A。occasionally偶尔地;anxiously焦急地;practically实际上地,几乎;urgently紧急地。句意:由于他在偏远的地区工作,所以他只是偶尔去看望自己的父母。

2. equip vt. (L.26,P.14) 装配,配备。如:

The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.士兵们配备着最新式的武器。

So he gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in medicine.于是他拿出好几百万元帮助其他人进行医学研究。

【常用搭配】 be equipped with装配,安装;be equipped for准备好,对……有准备

【高考真题回放】 She the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.(2013江西卷)

A. connected B. fitted

C. equipped D. matched

【答案】 D。考查动词搭配。A connect... with“用……把……连接起来”;B 与fit经常搭配的介词是to“使……适合……,适应”;C equip... with... “用……装备、使具备”;D match... with “使……相配”。句意:她把彩色的漂亮窗帘与地毯搭配起来。

3. possible (L.11,P.2) adj. 可能的;副词:possibly;反义词:impossible

点拨】 possible 表示(做某件事是)可能的,不能用某人或某物做主语。掌握这样三个句型:①It is possible / probable / likely (for sb.) to do sth. ②sb. / sth. is likely to do sth.③ It is possible / probable / likely that...如:也许她能解决那个问题。

[×] She is possible to solve the problem.

[√] It is possible for her to solve the problem.

[√] She is likely to solve the problem.

[√] It is likely that she solves the problem.

高考真题回放】 Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. (2010陕西卷)

A. likely B. possible

C. probable D. sure

【答案】 A。


4. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is often said to be the most multicultural city in the world. (L19, P2) 多伦多,加拿大最大的城市,据说是世界上最多文化的城市。

【点拨】 该句=It is said that Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is the most multicultural city in the world. 如:

② 作同位语的名词或者代词可以用形容词、分词短语或者定语从句来修饰。如:

He is our monitor, able, open and sincere.他是我们班长,能干开朗而又诚恳。

You may leave it to us two. 你可以把这事交给我们两个人。

They are both in favor of the plan. 他们两人都赞成这个计划。

Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one worthy to be treasured.


My most famous relative of all, the one who really left his mark on America, was Bob, my great grandfather. 我所有的亲戚中那个真正在美国留下自己印记的人是鲍勃,我的曾祖父。


Helping others is a habit, you can learn even at an early age. (2010 山东卷)

A. it B. that

C. what D. one

【答案】 D。

8. Later, they used the Parthenon as a warehouse to store their supply of gunpowder. (L.47, P.18) ... 将帕台农神庙作为储存军火的仓库。

【点拨】 短语use...as...“把……用作……”。

as 表示“作为”的意思。如:He has worked as a diplomat in the US, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.


【拓展】 常见含as(意为“作为”)的短语有:act as作为……用;work as以……身份工作;serve as 用作……;look up to...as把……尊为……;regard...as / consider...as / think of... as认为……是……;treat sb. as把某人当作……

【高考真题回放】 Lets learn to use the problem we are facing a steppingstone to future success. (2008全国卷I)

A. to B. for

C. as D. by

【答案】 C。

9. Along the Scared Way, which leads to the tombs, you can... (L.11, P.30) 通向陵寝的神道有时被称为石像神道,保存良好。

【点拨】 lead to 课文中意为“通向”,(结果) 导致…… 如:

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

Hiding your anger can only lead to unhappiness. 把气憋在肚子里只能导致不幸。

【拓展】 ①导致某人做某事,用:lead to sb. / ones doing sth. 或者lead sb. to do sth. 如:

His anger with the teacher led him to shout loudly in class.

His anger with the teacher led to his shouting loudly in class. 他对老师的怨气导致他在教室里大叫大嚷。

②n.“引导,带头,领先”如:gain / have / take the lead in the race在赛跑中领先


(1) Look over there―theres a very long, winding path up to the house. (2011山东卷)

A. leading B. leads

C. led D. to lead

【答案】 A。

(2) The news shocked the public, to great concern about students safety at school. (2010重庆卷)

A. having led B. led

C. leading D. to lead

【答案】 C。

(3) With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a for the better.(2013江苏卷)

A. share B. chance

C. turn D. lead

【答案】 C。本题考查固定短语在语境中的应用。A. take a share分担……;为……出力B. take a chance冒险C. take a turn转弯,转;(情况、形势等)转变D. take a lead领先,带头。根据本句for the better的提示,可见是讲转变,变得更好。句意:有了源于其他食品文化的灵感,美国饮食文化可以变得更好。