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Do you remember when a plane in distress after taking off from an airport in New York City landed safely in the Hudson River? Well, the captain who accomplished this amazing feat is Captain Chesley“Sully” Sullenberger, and on behalf of Fortune Character, I caught up with him to talk about how he accomplished this, and why he is working with the JeanRichard watch company.

“It’s the way I have lived my life for the 57 years before that incident that made the difference in the aggregate," he says, when I ask him how he was able to stay cool under pressure and bring the plane down safely in the waters of the Hudson. “My entire life was preparation for the ultimate challenge of that day. There wasn’t time to learn what I needed to know in those 200 seconds of flight. All my years went into those split seconds which we never trained for.

"I have been fortunate to achieve two pinnacles in aviation first as a fighter pilot and then as an airline captain for 30 years," he continued. "I lived my life’s dream. It was important to me to be the most complete, skillful, knowledgeable pilot I could be. The success, if you can call it that, was a product of constant learning and constant striving for excellence."

Sullenberger has been a “watch guy”since he began flying, and has always worn a watch as a pilot. “I use my watch as a backup for the instruments in the cockpit,” he explains. “I flew as a fighter pilot at the end of the Cold War, I flew the F4 Phantom 2 fighter, and it had a mechanical winding clock in the instrument panel. Under the G forces, the second hand on the mechanical clock would sometimes lose time. Much of what we were doing was navigation based on timing, and we were flying in formation at very low levels, as low as 100 feet, at speeds of 600 knots, so timing was very important, to be at a particular place at a particular time, so we had to ‘deconflict’ our flight paths. I would sometimes use my watch as a backup to the aircraft clock to make sure we stayed on our timeline.

“In any airplane, unless you are in a military airplane capable of in-flight refueling, you have a finite amount of time and fuel before you have to return to earth, so the whole concept of time is vitally important,” he continues.“I have always liked the beauty of mechanical instruments. There is something about having a welldesigned and finely-crafted timepiece. There is also a lot of elegance to the mechanical solutions to the problem of accuracy. I love craftsmanship in many things, including airplanes and watches. We only have so much time, so I am fascinated by watches and watchmaking.”

S i n c e h e w a s c o n t a c t e d b y JeanRichard, Sullenberger has become even more enamored of mechanical timepieces. ”Next month, I will have a chance to learn more when I visit the manufacture,” he says. “At some point, we will talk about doing a watch together. For the time being, I am wearing a JeanRichard Terrascope with a black dial.”

Even though Sullenberger has since retired from being an active captain, he stays busy with public speaking, consulting to business on safety, being an aviation safety expert on American TV News and writing he is working on book three right now.

“There’s never enough time in the day,” Sullenberger says. “I really feel an obligation to continue to be a good public face of these issues and to treat this story with respect. I’m really trying to continue to use this so it leaves everything I care about better than when I started.”

As a result of his extraordinary experience, and his subsequent fame, Sullenberger has been determined to do something positive for his beloved aviation industry, and safety in general. “I feel an obligation to do something meaningful,” he admitted.“One of the biggest surprises is that unlike other news stories, this story did not fade away. Because of where and when it happened, people were looking for good news and they were touched and inspired by this event. Once I figured that out, I felt an obligation to do good, not to do so which would have been a missed opportunity. I have to do what I can to improve aviation safety, the status of the airline piloting profession and I also have branched out and begun to apply all the things I’ve learned in other domains like medicine. I want to have more long term good come of this.”

你是否听说过有架飞机从纽约起飞后紧急迫降在赫德森河(Hudson River)上的故事?这一事件中的草根英雄――机长Chesley Sullenberger在情急之下并未给飞机任何灾难性俯冲的机会,而是以出色的技术将它平稳落在了河面上,机内155名乘客全部安全脱险。编者专门拜访了这位现已退役的机长,让他谈谈与JeanRichard(尚维沙)腕表的合作经历和自己的职业感想。




