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Research on the refinement and innovation of the localization elements of the co

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Abstract. In this paper, the brand is used as a corporate logo means, and on this basis the refinement and innovation of the localization elements are discussed. As far as the corporate logo, the brand is the holographic concentration of all sums of the intangible assets of enterprises or brand subjects (including the city, the individuals, etc.). And this "concentration" can be identified by specific "symbols". It is the product of the interaction between the subject and the object, the subject and the society, the enterprises and the consumers.

Key words: Corporate identity; brand; localization; innovation

In this paper, the brand is used as a corporate logo means, and on this basis the refinement and innovation of the localization elements are discussed. Brand is a kind of evaluation and cognition of the enterprise and its products, after-sale service and culture value, and is a kind of trust. Brand is a kind of embodiment and representative of the commodity quality. When people think of a brand, at the same time, they can associate the fashion, culture and value. While the enterprises continue to create the brand, they create the fashion and cultivate the culture. With the business becoming stronger, they upgrade constantly from the low added value to higher added value, and transform to the high level of product development advantages, product quality advantages, and cultural innovation advantage. When the brand culture is recognized and received by the market, the brand will have its market value.

As far as the corporate logo, the brand is the holographic concentration of all sums of the intangible assets of enterprises or brand subjects (including the city, the individuals, etc.). And this "concentration" can be identified by specific "symbols". It is the product of the interaction between the subject and the object, the subject and the society, the enterprises and the consumers. Therefore, it is very crucial and necessary to bring the brand localization innovation into the core competitiveness of the enterprises in Xiangxi.

1. The understanding of the brand localization

The brand localization from the international perspective can be defined as: when the enterprises develop the new regional market or the international market, under the pressure of the local environment, they will have to modify the brand to adapt to the local culture. For example, the first brand of the Chinese medicine Tongrentang has been registered in many countries, so if the Tongrentang pharmaceutical industry wants to expand overseas markets, it must have another new name. When the Coca Cola entered the Chinese market, in order to adapt to the Chinese culture, it also played a very Chinese name Coca Cola which is used with the original English trademarks at the same time. The industry thinks this Chinese translation of the Coca Cola is good at its sound and meaning, which made distinctive achievements in developing the Chinese market.

Specifically, the brand localization includes the following three aspects:

1-1. Product localization

Product localization is an important aspect of the brand localization. The product design, production and the procurement of raw materials are the product localization processes. For example, the Kentucky Company launched a "lotus and vegetable soup" of Chinese national characteristics, while the McDonald's has launched the "red bean pie" which meets the taste of the Chinese people.

1-2. Name localization

Contrary to the Chinese brands like the foreign name instead, the multi-national corporations prefer to name in Chinese the foreign brand. Name localization is a tool for the multi-national corporations to communicate the brand. The localization of the name can eliminate the consumer's psychological line of defense, to achieve the psychological sense of identity, and also is easy to memorize for the Chinese consumers. Some international brands can quickly become popular in the Chinese market, which is related to its Chinese name. Here are some very familiar brand names: Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Procter & Gamble, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Energizer, Viagra, Seven up, Tide, Carrefour and so on. They are all very Chinese names. If they are seen from the single literacy, it is difficult to distinguish whether they are international brands or domestic brands.

1-3. Brand transmission localization

Transmission localization mainly includes advertising localization, public relation localization, marketing localization etc. For example, the Coca Cola has the Olympic 110 meter hurdles champion Liu Xiang as its brand spokesperson in China. GE, Motorola, Ericsson and other companies set up a large number of scholarships in Chinese campus, or carry out political marketing, or donate money to the Hope Project, in order to win the goodwill of the public and government support. During the Spring Festival, McDonald's Restaurant layout everywhere reveals the taste of the festival, and uses the poetic couplet, window paper-cuttings and other decorations to reflect the strong Chinese traditional characteristics.

The advantages of the local brand strategy are: the new brand can integrate into the local culture, and is easy to be accepted by the local customers. Its disadvantage is to abandon the original brand’s appeal, which needs to create a new brand. Therefore, brand localization strategy as the unconventional measure should not be used, unless it faces greater cultural differences and other irresistible factors, and the best way is to "internationalize the brand and localize the communication".

2. The thinking on the abstraction of the localization elements based on the understanding

Based on the above understanding, the brand as a corporate logo should pay attention to its disadvantages in the localization transformation. At this time, there is a comparison between the cost and the income. Therefore, we need to think of the refinement of the localization elements.

It is not difficult to see that Multinational Corporation's brand localization strategy provides references and learning opportunities for the brand strategy of Chinese enterprises. The domestic enterprises must learn from the experiences in the Multinational Corporation, constantly improve their own management level, and improve the quality of products, to create the Chinese famous brands. In the competition with his well-known international brands of the Multinational Corporation, there are no all disadvantages of the domestic enterprises. As Fang Gang points out, when the local enterprises face strong international brands, they must consider their own advantages, such as the comparative advantages, the advantages of backwardness, and the most prominent native market advantages.

2-1. Pay attention to the brand quality, and increase consumer brand loyalty

The international brands of Multinational Corporation have visibility and reputation in the market, and thus have a certain loyalty among the consumers. But some Multinational Corporations are superstitious about the brand loyalty, and blindly thinks that once the brand loyalty is formed, it will be persevere. Therefore, in the management, they disregard the product quality, reputation, and customer service, thereby greatly declining the brand reputation, and the loss of the users. For example, the chain giant Carrefour because of illegal business, the sale of fake and shoddy goods, throwing their weight around and lawsuits, was evaluated as: Heaven is on the left, but Carrefour is on the right. Similar examples can be said to be too numerous to mention, but this lesson of the domestic enterprise is more painful, so the key of brand strategy is to improve the connotation of the brand, improve product quality, increase the technological content of products, to produce more satisfying brand products for the users.

2-2. Actively promote the brand, and cultivate the brand affinity

Brand affinity refers to the feeling of intimacy of the consumers to a certain brand, and a kind of emotional measurement willing to buy. To cultivate the brand affinity is an important means to attract new users, and to retain old customers. The multi-national corporations can be said to deeply understand this, and according to the cultural differences in different market they use different propaganda way to spread the brand, so that the consumers feel that they are their own people, and can get close. Compared with the international brands, the marketing management strategy of many domestic enterprises lack clear business ideas and strategy planning, especially in the brand construction, they cannot be sustained step by step towards a clear goal. Many brands have the ability to achieve a certain degree of visibility in the short term, but do not have the ability to generate long-term affinity among consumers.

2-3. Focus on the consumer psychology and the cultural traditions, and increase the brand identity

The domestic enterprises should know well China's domestic markets, and should be more aware of the legal systems, market environment, cultural history, the humanities backgrounds, and the consumption habits than the Multinational Corporations, and can be known to play their own advantages, and cultivate and develop the brand recognized by the domestic consumers. But the domestic enterprises widespread disregard for consumers and even some well-known companies are no exception. So how to have a real insight into the consumer demand has become a required course for the local brands.

2-4. Moderately expand the brand, and pay attention to the brand preference effect

Brand preference effect refers to a profound impression and influence in the minds of consumers, so consumers think that the brand is a kind of substitute or pronoun of the products, and the brand has become the representative of a unique product. In the minds of consumers, only the products which have the characteristics can meet the definition of the brand in their minds. The key to the implementation of brand expansion is whether the successful brand which has a market influence can be extended to the famous products or the completely different raw products. If the brand expansion is overstretched, and is too wide, it will weaken the brand connotation, and lose the precedence effect of the brand, the result of which would endanger their own brands.

2-5. Focus on the corporate image, and create brand association effect

The associative effect of the band refers to the brand effect brought by the enterprise brand. The consumers will associate the enterprises when they see the brand products and when they see the enterprises they will associate its brand products. This associative effect of the enterprises and the brands guarantees the enterprises are very easy for the market and consumer acceptance in the introduction of new products. Therefore the enterprises are very dear to protect their own brand reputation, so as to consolidate the consumer brand loyalty. The domestic enterprises have many well-known brands, but they are just the brand assets, which are treated as the premise of improving the product prices, but lack the corresponding quality and after-sale services. They do not pay attention to the establishment of the corporate images, the result of which is that the enterprises also fade after the brand products are out of the market.

3. The innovation mode under the guidance of thinking

According to the above description, the innovation mode construction of the localization of design logo of Xiangxi enterprises is as follows:

3-1. Pay attention to the importance of brand quality

The international brands of Multinational Corporation have visibility and reputation in the market, and thus have a certain loyalty among the consumers. But some Multinational Corporations are superstitious about the brand loyalty, and blindly thinks that once the brand loyalty is formed, it will be persevere. Therefore, in the management, they disregard the product quality, reputation, and customer service, thereby greatly declining the brand reputation, and the loss of the users. So the key of the brand strategy is to improve the connotation of the brand, improve product quality, and increase the technological content of the products, to produce the brand products the users are more satisfied with.

3-2. Actively promote the brand

Brand affinity refers to the feeling of intimacy of the consumers to a certain brand, and a kind of emotional measurement willing to buy. To cultivate the brand affinity is an important means to attract new users, and to retain old customers. The multi-national corporations can be said to deeply understand this, and according to the cultural differences in different market they use different propaganda way to spread the brand, so that the consumers feel that they are their own people, and can get close.

3-3. Focus on the consumer psychology and the culture and tradition

Xiangxi enterprises should know well China's domestic markets, and should be more aware of the legal systems, market environment, cultural history, the humanities backgrounds, and the consumption habits than the Multinational Corporations, and can be known to play their own advantages, and cultivate and develop the brand recognized by the domestic consumers. But the domestic enterprises widespread disregard for consumers and even some well-known companies are no exception. So how to have a real insight into the consumer demand has become a required course for the local brands.

3-4. Moderately expand the brand

Brand preference effect refers to a profound impression and influence in the minds of consumers, so consumers think that the brand is a kind of substitute or pronoun of the products, and the brand has become the representative of a unique product. In the minds of consumers, only the products which have the characteristics can meet the definition of the brand in their minds. The key to the implementation of brand expansion is whether the successful brand which has a market influence can be extended to the famous products or the completely different raw products. If the brand expansion is overstretched, and is too wide, it will weaken the brand connotation, and lose the precedence effect of the brand, the result of which would endanger their own brand.

3-5. Focus on the corporate image

The associative effect of the band refers to the brand effect brought by the enterprise brand. The consumers will associate the enterprises when they see the brand products and when they see the enterprises they will associate its brand products. This associative effect of the enterprises and the brands guarantees the enterprises are very easy for the market and consumer acceptance in the introduction of new products. Multinational Corporation pays great attention the unified brand image and corporate image, brand and business are closely linked, the brand embodies the spirit of enterprise and enterprise value. Such enterprises are very dear to protect their own brand reputation, so as to consolidate, consumer brand loyalty. Xiangxi enterprises have many well-known brands, but they are just the brand assets, which are treated as the premise of improving the product prices, but lack the corresponding quality and after-sale services. They do not pay attention to the establishment of the corporate images, the result of which is that the enterprises also fade after the brand products are out of the market.

4. Conclusion

This paper thinks that the brand is the holographic concentration of all sums of the intangible assets of enterprises or brand subjects (including the city, the individuals, etc.). And this "concentration" can be identified by specific "symbols". It is the product of the interaction between the subject and the object, the subject and the society, the enterprises and the consumers.

5. Acknowledgements

Project: research on the design and innovation of the characteristics identification of the local enterprises in Xiangxi.


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