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中图分类号: TP393文献标志码:A


Lowpower secure localization algorithm based on distributed reputation evaluation


WANG Yong*, YUAN Chaoyan, TANG Jing, HU Liangliang


College of Computer Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China英文摘要)


A new lowpower localization algorithm based on the evaluation of distributed reputation was proposed to improve the security and energy consumption of the node positioning for wireless sensor network. The concepts of Trustworthy Node Table (TNT) and the backup cluster head node were introduced to find the reliable beacon nodes quickly, and the backup cluster head node could assist and monitor the cluster head node, reducing the workload of the cluster head and participating in the integration process of the beacon nodes reputation values. The proposed algorithm enhanced the reliability and integrity of the beacon nodes, improved the efficiency and security of the node localization, reduced the systems energy consumption and improved the detection rate of malicious nodes. The simulation results show that in malicious node environment, the algorithm can effectively improve the detection rate of malicious nodes, reduce the positioning error, weaken the malicious nodes damage and influence on the positioning system to achieve the safe positioning of the nodes.

A new lowpower localization algorithm based on the evaluation of distributed reputation was proposed to improve the security and energy consumption of the node positioning for wireless sensor network. The concepts of Trustworthy Node Table (TNT) and the backup cluster head node were introduced to find the reliable beacon node quickly, and the backup cluster head node can assist and monitor the cluster head node, reducing the workload of the cluster head, participating in the integration process of the beacon nodes reputation value. The proposed algorithm enhanced the reliability and integrity of the beacon nodes, improved the efficiency and security of the node localization, reduced the systems energy consumption and improved the detection rate of malicious nodes. The simulation results show that in malicious node environment, the algorithm can effectively improve the detection rate of malicious nodes, reduce the positioning error, weaken the malicious nodes damage and influence for positioning system to achieve the safe positioning of the nodes.

英文关键词Key words: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN); secure localization; reputation evaluation; low power; localization algorithm

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